22 resultados para Rural Health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
In August of 2012 the Iowa State Office of Rural Health (SORH) conducted a survey to determine the value of the Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) in Iowa. This survey was distributed to the 84 participating hospitals however, because some hospitals network their SHIP funds we only asked the contract administrators of the contracts to complete the survey. 58 of the 78 SHIP contract administrators completed the survey (74%). Background: SHIP brings in roughly $750,000.00 annually to Iowa to assist small Iowa hospitals. Average distribution of approximately $7,500 per hospital. Seventy three of ninety nine Iowa counties are represented.
Audit report on the County Rural Offices of Social Services Mental Health Region (CROSS) for the year ended June 30, 2015
The Iowa Department of Elder Affairs, in collaboration with the Iowa Department of Elder Affairs (IDEA) and the University of Iowa College of Nursing (UI CON), has been engaged in developing and evaluating community based services for persons with dementia in the state of Iowa over the past 7 years under two grants form the Administration on Aging. In the current grant period, the involved agencies have completed a collaborative effort aimed to increase the capacity of Adult Day Health and Respite (ADR) providers in serving persons with dementia. Adult day services and respite care were identified by participants in the initial grant through various processes and service providers as important components of caring for persons with dementia and that there was a gap of these services in the state. Therefore, adult day and respite services were chosen as a target for the second AoA grant. The focus, in particular, was to enhance capacity to care for persons with later stages of the disease and those in rural settings as well as to begin to develop services that are more responsive to emerging minority populations. The process of the grant provided the state with a rich amount of information about the status of Iowa’s Adult Day Service providers in general and in regard to provision of dementia specific services, as well as valuable insights into the capability of rural communities to serve persons with dementia and their caregivers at home. Final Performance Report