26 resultados para Rain gage
With inflation, there is no longer a completely adequate budget for highway construction and maintenance. Restricted budgets have generated development and implementation of pavement management programs. A need for management guidelines generated National Cooperative Highway Research Program Synthesis of Highway Practice 84, "Evaluation Criteria and Priority Setting for State Highway Programs". Traffic volumes and present conditions are two major factors in determining the priority of a proposed highway improvement. The Iowa DOT, Highway Division, Office of Materials has been conducting pavement condition inventory surveys on a three-year frequency since 1969 as input for pavement management. Development of substantial wheel rutting on paved roadways results in a potential hazard to highway safety. During periods of rain, these water-filled ruts may cause hydroplaning and loss of vehicle control. It is, therefore, imparitive that Iowa roadways be continually monitored for rut depths and further that this data be used in a pavement management program to determine priorities for rehabilitation or resurfacing.
Early entry sawing applies sawing earlier and more shallowly than conventional sawing and is believed to increase sawing productivity and reduce the cost of the joint sawing operations. However, some early entry sawing joints (transverse joints) in Iowa were found to experience delayed cracking, sometimes up to 30 days. A concern is whether early entry sawing can lead to late-age random cracking. The present study investigated the effects of different sawing methods on random cracking in portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. The approach was to assess the cracking potential at sawing joints by measuring the strain development of the concrete at the joints using concrete embedment strain gages. Ten joints were made with the early entry sawing method to a depth of 1.5 in., and two strain gages were installed in each of the joints. Another ten joints were made with the conventional sawing method, five of which were sawed to a depth of one-third of the pavement thickness (3.3 in.), and the other five of which were sawed to a depth of one-quarter of the pavement thickness (2.5 in.). One strain gage was installed in each joint made using conventional sawing. In total, 30 strain gages were installed in 20 joints. The results from the present study indicate that all 30 joints cracked within 25 days after paving, though most joints made using early entry sawing cracked later than the joints made using conventional sawing. No random cracking was observed in the early entry sawing test sections two months after construction. Additionally, it was found that the strain gages used were capable of monitoring the deformations at the joints. The joint crack times (or crack initiation time) measured by the strain gages were generally consistent with the visual observations.
Initiated in 2001, the West Tarkio Creek Watershed Project has a proven track record of implementing an enormous amount of structural conservation practices. To date, over $925,000 has been spent to build 69 miles of terraces on 63 cooperators' land. The success of the Project was due in large part to the conservation ethic of the landowners to improve their farms, preserve the productivity of the land, and protect West Tarkio Creek. This has been made possible through funding from DSC Watershed Protection Funds (WSPF) which has provided $1,362,592 in cost share funds since 2001 but is has been severely limited in recent years due to shortages within the State’s budget. The original project goals called for the construction of 750,000 feet (142 miles) of terraces to effectively treat the watershed. In order to meet these goals and bring the project to a successful endpoint, another 153,000 feet (29 miles) remain to be constructed by the landowners with the help of the SWCD staff. Severe rain events in recent years have caused an enormous amount of damage throughout the region, these storms were helpful in identifying where watershed work remains to be completed. Scars on the landscape in the aftermath of the storms clearly etched out the specific location where additional practices are needed in addition to those proposed in the original project work plan. Project supporters are confident that the WIRB Program can unlock this potential and pave the way for what can become known as one of the most effective land treatment projects in Iowa.
Part of a phased approach, an intensive information and education program, construction of erosion control practices, and sediment control on construction sites is proposed. These proposed practices will manage sediment runoff and nutrient runoff on agricultural and urban areas. Sediment control “structures” such as waterways, wetlands, modified terraces, grade stabilization structures, sediment basins, and rain gardens is proposed and will be combined with nutrient and pesticide management and reduced tillage to reduce non-point source pollution. A reduction of 15% of the sediment and phosphorus delivered to a water body from priority areas will be looked at as a success in this short-term project focused primarily at education within the project area which is also, for the most part, the top 25% sediment load producing sub-watersheds. In addition, four urban areas have been identified as part of this project as needing immediate assistance. A combination of urban and agricultural conservation practices, shoreline revegetation, and education of landowners will be used to achieve these results on both the urban and the agricultural arena.
With the Saylor Creek Watershed Improvement Project, Iowa Heartland RC&D and other area stakeholders have an opportunity to display how "best management practices" (BMPs) can reduce storm water runoff and improve the quality of that runoff in an urban setting. Conservation design is a uew approach to storm water management that addresses the negative impacts of storm water runoff and turns them into a positive. The master plan for the Prairie Trail development surrounding the watershed project will incorporate bioretention cells, bioswales, buffer strips, rain gardens, as well as native plant landscaping to slow storm water runoff and naturally clean sediment out of the water before it reaches Saylor Creek. In addition to conservation design elements, the project will utilize storm water detention ponds and creek bed restoration to develop a complete storm water "treatment train" system within Prairie Trail. The extensive use of conservation storm water management for Prairie Trail is unique for urban development in Iowa.
A water quality resource concern has come to the forefront in the Upper Miller Creek watershed in Black Hawk County after five to seven inches of rain fell on the area on May 22nd and 23rd of 2004 and unprecedented amounts of soil and organic debris were washed from cultivated areas, clogging most culverts and roadside ditches. The quantity of soil deposited in ditches gave a good indication of the amounts that were transported into the stream. The estimated total cost to Black Hawk County for cleanup and repair within the road right-of-way was $345,000. There were undetermined environmental costs incurred when the incredibly high volumes of soil washed from the fields into Miller Creek which flows directly into the Cedar River that is identified by the Department of Natural Resources as an impaired water body. The Upper Miller Creek Watershed Project is an innovative, collaborative project intended to meet a specific need identified by a local steering committee made up of concerned community agencies and local landowners. Led by the Soil and Water Conservation District and the Black Hawk County Board of Supervisors, the Miller Creek Watershed Project seeks to reduce soil erosion, improve water quality, and reduce county road infrastructure cost by implementing conservation practices, reducing nutrient and pesticide use and improving wildlife habitat.
The Dickinson SWCD is applying for $486,800 over three years from the Watershed Improvement Fund to enhance water quality in Dickinson County through an impairment-based, locally directed watershed improvement project dealing specifically with storm water runoff. The LID Project will provide a cost share incentive and technical expertise to individual and business owners in specially targeted districts who are willing to implement low impact development techniques such as rain gardens, bioswales, pervious paving to reduce storm water runoff from their properties. Goals for the project include: 1) Defining and prioritizing urban watersheds in the Iowa Great Lakes region for implementation of Low Impact Development Practices; 2) Providing technical expertise in the form of a graduate assistant/project manager to design and oversee construction; 3) Continuing public education of such practices and their local existence through project kiosk, brochures, County Naturalist programs, local cable television shows, tours and other interactions of the Clean Water Alliance with its 50 partners in the area concerned about water quality; and 4) Completing 125 separate projects over a three year period.
This project will include the construction of four separate drainage and retention facilities to handle urban runoff that currently flows directly into Lake Storm Lake. These facilities will filter storm water from approximately 503 acres of urban land including two large industrial users Tyson Fresh Meats and Sara Lee Turkey Processing as well as other commercial and residential sections that currently go directly to the lake without filtration. Specifically the project involves the construction of a two cell dry bottomed detention pond system, construction of two rain gardens/bio retention areas, construction of rain gardens along storm water intakes on Highway 7, and construction of a porous rock detention area. The completed project will provide for cleaner water outleting to the fake in an area that has the largest potential for pollutants to enter the lake. This project is being done in conjunction with other watershed improvements including two additional rain gardens already in place and a multi-year dredging effort of Lake Storm Lake that will be starting its fifth year in 2006. Improvements in the rural water shed are also taking place with the help of a watershed coordinator. Some of these projects include buffer strips and filter slips along the waterways in the watershed.
The enclosed project request for funding will address needed conservation work within the Storm Lake Watershed. The proposed conservation practices and activities have been planned for several years but due to funding limitations have not been completed. These innovative practices will address some of the remaining and hard to address problem areas of sediment and nutrient loading within the watershed. The four goals of this project are: installation of four in-stream Boulder Weirs, planting of native grasses around ten surface intakes, completion of three urban rain gardens and hiring of a part-time Iowater monitoring coordinator. Through the new Awaysis destination park project Storm Lake is truly placing a high value on our watershed and lake as a major asset to the area. Awaysis is a $30 million project that's success will hinge on maintaining the highest standards in regard to the water quality of the lake and its watershed.
The City of Marquette lies in the 65,000 acre Mississippi River watershed, and is surrounded by steep bluffs. Though scenic, controlling water runoff during storm events presents significant challenges. Flash-flooding from the local watershed has plagued the city for decades. The people of Marquette have committed to preserve the water quality of key natural resources in the area including the Bloody Run Creek and associated wetlands by undertaking projects to control the spread of debris and sediment caused by excess runoff during area storm events. Following a July 2007 storm (over 8” of rain in 24 hours) which caused unprecedented flood damage, the City retained an engineering firm to study the area and provide recommendations to eliminate or greatly reduce uncontrolled runoff into the Bloody Run Creek wetland, infrastructure damage and personal property loss. Marquette has received Iowa Great Places designation, and has demonstrated its commitment to wetland preservation with the construction of Phase I of this water quality project. The Bench Area Storm Water Management Plan prepared by the City in 2008 made a number of recommendations to mitigate flash flooding by improving storm water conveyance paths, detention, and infrastructure within the Bench area. Due to steep slopes and rocky geography, infiltration based systems, though desirable, would not be an option over surface based systems. Runoff from the 240 acre watershed comes primarily from large, steep drainage areas to the south and west, flowing to the Bench area down three hillside routes; designated as South East, South Central and South West. Completion of Phase I, which included an increased storage capacity of the upper pond, addressed the South East and South Central areas. The increased upper pond capacity will now allow Phase II to proceed. Phase II will address runoff from the South West drainage area; which engineers have estimated to produce as much water volume as the South Central and South East areas combined. Total costs for Phase I are $1.45 million, of which Marquette has invested $775,000, and IJOBS funding contributed $677,000. Phase II costs are estimated at $617,000. WIRB funding support of $200,000 would expedite project completion, lessen the long term debt impact to the community and aid in the preservation of the Bloody Run Creek and adjoining wetlands more quickly than Marquette could accomplish on its own.
The Iowa Department of Transportation used a high molecular weight methacrylate (HMWM) resin to seal a 3,340 ft. x 64 ft. bridge deck in October 1986. The sealing was necessary to prevent deicing salt brine from entering a substantial number of transverse cracks that coincided with the epoxy coated top steel and unprotected bottom steel. HMWM resin is a three component product composed of a monomer, a curnene hydroperoxide initiator and a cobalt naphthenate promoter. The HMWM was applied with a dual spray bar system and flat-fan nozzles. Initiated monomer delivered through one spray bar was mixed in the air with promoted monomer from the other spray bar. The application rate averaged 0.956 gallons per 100 square feet for the tined textured driving lanes. Dry sand was broadcast on the surface at an average coverage of 0.58 lbs. per square yard to maintain friction. Coring showed that the H.MWM resin penetrated the cracks more than two inches deep. Testing of the treated deck yielded Friction Numbers averaging 33 with a treaded tire compared to 36 prior to treatment. An inspection soon after treatment found five leaky cracks in one of the 15 spans. One inspection during a steady rain showed no leakage, but leakage from numerous cracks occurred during a subsequent rain. A second HMWM application was made on two spans to determine if a double application would prevent leakage. This evaluation has not been completed.