47 resultados para Pliny, the Elder.
Explanation of the rights of the tenants of Assisted Living Programs and Elder Group Homes.
Explanation of options and right to information about returning to the community after being in a facility.
Updated information regarding options & right to information about returning to the community after a stay in a facility.
Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Visitation & Powers of Attorney memo, February 25, 2013
Explanation of residents' & tenants' rights & Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
You have the right to learn if you can live in the community and get the services and support you need. Includes some information and guidance.
Explanation of Minimum Data Set (MDS), implementation of Section Q, overview of the program, local contacts and functions, Referral Agency information, role and assistance provided by Long-Term care Ombudsman
Making sense of MDS Section Q
National Assisted Living Week, Sept 13-19 and Residents' Right Month is in October. Making activities meaningful. Info on Care Matters events.
Governor signs Senate File 505 into law. The section directly impacting the OSLTCO remains in place resulting in $1,2762783 appropriation for the program. Other highlights are included. Info on the fact sheet of the month: Capacity vs. Competency
July is the month to celebrate freedom. Long-Term Care Ombudsman are advocates for the rights of Iowa's long-term care residents and assisted living program tenants. Sexuality and Aging: Debunking the Myths. Fact sheet of the month: Reading and Understanding a Nursing Facility's Survey/Statement of Deficiencies. Upcoming events & learning opportunities.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day information, new state law recognizes visitation right for adult wards. Upcoming events & learning opportunities.
Note from the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Sexuality and Aging: Debunking the Myths, HIPAA: do Long-Term Care Ombudsmen have access to residents' records & other health-related information, Upcoming events & learning opportunities
Note from the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman focusing on maintaining effective resident & family councils in long-term care facilities. Bills to watch. OSLTCO is monitoring closure of State Mental Health Institutes.
Note from State Long-Term Care Ombudsman on bills for the 2015 Legislative Session. respecting the rights of LGBT residents & tenants living in long-term care facilities. Nursing facility leaders asked to participate in rights and information survey. Updated MDS section Q fact sheet.
The monthly e-newsletter will replace the listserv messages from the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman. 2015 Priority Issues. Nursing facility leaders asked to participate in rights and information survey. FFY 2014 Annual Report filed.