40 resultados para Petroleum conservation.
IDALS stands for Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. IDALS’s mission is to provide leadership for all aspects of agriculture in Iowa, ensure consumer protection and promote the responsible use of our natural resources. DSC stands for the Division of Soil Conservation and is the division within IDALS responsible for state leadership in the protection and management of soil, water and mineral resources. Learn more about IDALS at www.iowaagriculture.gov
Audit report on the Iowa Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Board (UST Board) for the year ended June 30, 2008
What is in this review produced by The Iowa Department of Agricultural and Land Stewardship: Special Points of Interest: • CREP wetlands remove 40-90% of the nitrate and 90+% of the herbicide in tile drainage water from upper- lying croplands. • The watershed approach is comprehensive, efficient and effective resource management. • The Mines & Minerals Bureau, through the AML Program, worked with various watershed groups to secure an additional $1 million dollars in funding for the construction on AML projects in Marion and Mahaska counties. • Iowa Learning Farm is Building a Culture of Conservation: Farmer to Farmer—Iowan to Iowan.
Over 94% of Iowa ’ s land is held in private ownership, and the programs of the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship Division of Soil Conservation (IDALS-DSC) have been established to work with these landowners. Over 90% of the landscape is used for agricultural production so much of our focus is in rural communities, but we haven’t overlooked the importance of land management in urban areas. It is crucial to understanding of both conservation and hydrology issues, that what happens on the landscape has immense consequences to the environmental health of our state and the quality of life we enjoy. IDALS-DSC is striving to integrate our programs with other agencies and local concerns to improve water and local concerns to improve water and soil quality throughout the state and nation.
Audit report on the Iowa Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Board (UST Board) for the year ended June 30, 2009
Special Points of Interest: • The Division of Soil Conservation celebrated its 70th anniversary July 1, 2009. The Iowa Soil Conservation: Laws were enacted in 1939 creating the state soil conservation agency and governing committee and providing for the creation of Iowa’s 100 soil and water conservation districts. • The Mines & Minerals Bureau, through the federal Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Program, worked with various watershed groups to again secure an additional $1 million dollars in funding for the construction on projects in Marion, Mahaska and Monroe Counties. • Iowa hosted the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force tour and meeting in September 2009.
Audit report on the Iowa Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Board (UST Board) for the year ended June 30, 2010
Special Points of Interest: • The Division of Soil Conservation celebrated its 70th anniversary July 1, 2009. The Iowa Soil Conservation Laws were enacted in 1939 creating the state soil conservation agency and governing committee and providing for the creation of Iowa’s 100 soil and water conservation districts. • The Mines & Minerals Bureau, through the federal Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Program, worked with various watershed groups to again secure an additional $1 million dollars in funding for the construction on projects in Marion, Mahaska and Monroe Counties. • Iowa hosted the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force tour and meeting in September 2009.
Report on a special investigation of the Benton County Conservation Department for the period June 1, 2010 through November 7, 2011
Audit report on the Iowa Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Board for the year ended June 30, 2011
Iowa Wetland Management District: Environmental Assessment and Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan
This Environmental Assessment documents the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for developing a Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) for the Iowa Wetland Management District (WMD, district). In general, scoping reveals issues that drive alternative ways of managing the district. Implementation of each of those alternative management styles (including the No Action Alternative) may have different effects on the physical, biological, and socio-economic environment. Analysis of these effects reveals the “preferred” alternative, which constitutes the CCP. The CCP includes goals, objectives, and strategies for the district to guide overall management for the next 15 years. The Iowa WMD consists of scattered tracts of habitat (both wetland and upland grassland) known as Waterfowl Production Areas (WPAs). As of 2011, there are 75 WPAs in 18 counties in north-central Iowa totaling 24,712 acres in fee title primarily managed by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Even though district acquisition has only occurred in 18 counties to date, a larger 35-county boundary is approved. This boundary follows the historic range of the poorly drained Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) in Iowa, an area known for its waterfowl production. The district also includes 575 WPA acres and approximately 434 Farm Service Agency acres in conservation easements on private land. This plan was prepared with the intent that the strong partnership with the Iowa DNR will continue over the next 15 years.
Audit report on the Iowa Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Board for the year ended June 30, 2012
This report contains findings on 52 lake restoration projects. It summarizes the interpretation of the detailed project reports, maps, and cost estimates.
Audit report on the Iowa Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Board for the year ended June 30, 2013
Report on a special investigation of the Mahaska County Soil and Water Conservation District for the period March 24, 2006 through August 31, 2013