28 resultados para Mount Auburn Cemetery


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This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.


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This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.


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Iowa’s spring flooding is expected to be severe, especially along the western part of the state involving the Missouri River. River levels are expected to reach flood stage and preparations are already underway to prevent or minimize damage as a result of the impending flooding. This advisory will primarily affect Woodbury, Monona, Harrison, Pottawattamie, Mills and Fremont Counties.


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Audit report on the City of Mount Ayr, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2013


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Audit report on the City of Mount Union, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2013


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Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Mount Ayr, Iowa for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014


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Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Mount Ayr, Iowa for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015


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Iowa’s four Mental Health Institutes (MHIs), located in Cherokee, Clarinda, Independence and Mount Pleasant, provide critical access to quality acute psychiatric care for Iowa’s adults and children needing mental health treatment, and provide specialized mental health related services. The specialized services include substance abuse treatment, dual diagnosis treatment for persons with mental illness and substance addiction, psychiatric medical institution for children (PMIC), and long-term psychiatric care for the elderly (geropsychiatric).


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Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements have given excellent service history for Iowa. The first concrete pavement was placed in Le Mars in 1904 and was in service until 1968. The Eddyville Cemetery Road placed in 1909 is still in service today. Many other pavements placed during the 1920s and 1930s are still in service today. The objective of this report is to document various changes in specifications, pavement design and equipment for PCC paving from the early 1900s to present. This includes changes that were made to the specification book and supplemental specifications. Where possible, information is given as a basis for the change in specifications.


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The Department’s recommendation for closure and consolidation is based on an analysis of the existing programs, persons served, physical plant costs, expenses and renovation/infrastructure costs for relocation, and review of the draft report from the MHI Task Force. Further detail surrounding the analysis used to drive the recommendation is found under the Recommendations section, beginning on page 12 of this report. In response to the legislative requirement to recommend closure and consolidation of an MHI, the Department recommends the closure of the Mount Pleasant Mental Health Institute with consolidation of its programs and operational beds at the Independence Mental Health Institute. With this recommendation, Independence MHI will add beds to accommodate the 15 adult psychiatric beds, 14 dual diagnosis beds, and 50 substance abuse treatment beds now located at the Mount Pleasant MHI. This relocation will take an estimated six months from the time statutory authority and corresponding appropriations are received.


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An offender reentry grant program funded through the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy supports one reentry coordinator at each of the following institutions: Mount Pleasant Correctional Facility (MPCF), Fort Dodge Correctional Facility and the Clarinda Correctional Facility. The reentry coordinators there engage in a myriad of activities, working with institution educators, counselors and medical personnel, probation/parole officers and counselors, and most importantly the offenders themselves. The program has not been in operation for very long, and only MPCF has operated long enough to be looking at outcomes. The early returns for MPCF show good promise.


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US Geological Survey (USGS) based elevation data are the most commonly used data source for highway hydraulic analysis; however, due to the vertical accuracy of USGS-based elevation data, USGS data may be too “coarse” to adequately describe surface profiles of watershed areas or drainage patterns. Additionally hydraulic design requires delineation of much smaller drainage areas (watersheds) than other hydrologic applications, such as environmental, ecological, and water resource management. This research study investigated whether higher resolution LIDAR based surface models would provide better delineation of watersheds and drainage patterns as compared to surface models created from standard USGS-based elevation data. Differences in runoff values were the metric used to compare the data sets. The two data sets were compared for a pilot study area along the Iowa 1 corridor between Iowa City and Mount Vernon. Given the limited breadth of the analysis corridor, areas of particular emphasis were the location of drainage area boundaries and flow patterns parallel to and intersecting the road cross section. Traditional highway hydrology does not appear to be significantly impacted, or benefited, by the increased terrain detail that LIDAR provided for the study area. In fact, hydrologic outputs, such as streams and watersheds, may be too sensitive to the increased horizontal resolution and/or errors in the data set. However, a true comparison of LIDAR and USGS-based data sets of equal size and encompassing entire drainage areas could not be performed in this study. Differences may also result in areas with much steeper slopes or significant changes in terrain. LIDAR may provide possibly valuable detail in areas of modified terrain, such as roads. Better representations of channel and terrain detail in the vicinity of the roadway may be useful in modeling problem drainage areas and evaluating structural surety during and after significant storm events. Furthermore, LIDAR may be used to verify the intended/expected drainage patterns at newly constructed highways. LIDAR will likely provide the greatest benefit for highway projects in flood plains and areas with relatively flat terrain where slight changes in terrain may have a significant impact on drainage patterns.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) continuously assesses the likely causes of crashes at high-crash locations throughout the Iowa roadway network and designs solutions to reduce the incidences of crashes. This research analyzed approximately 100 safety projects constructed in the past 10 years to see what affect they had on highway safety. The projects are grouped into seven categories as defined by their scope of work: (1) install new traffic signal, (2) add turn lane(s), (3) install new signal and turn lane(s), (4) add left-turn phasing, (5) add left-turn phasing and turn lane(s), (6) replace pedestal mount signals with mast arm signals, and (7) other geometric improvements. The project makes use of an extensive statewide crash database. The results of the project will evaluate the assumed reduction factors and benefit/cost (B/C) analysis, determine the actual cost effectiveness of the Iowa DOT's safety programs, and allow the Iowa DOT to better prioritize future improvements.