48 resultados para Legal Profession Act 2004 (NSW)
To provide safe and modern transportation systems and services to individuals who travel in Iowa, the Iowa Department of Transportation has identified three broad-based and far-reaching strategic goals: accessibility, responsiveness and accountability. These goals are outlined in this plan, which is aligned with the Accountable Government Act. In addition, the plan specifically addresses strategic needs to serve our customers, and to respond to trends of a growing population and the ever changing need to enhance and expand Iowa's transportation systems. This plan is a living document, and therefore, will be updated periodically.
To provide safe and modern transportation systems and services to individuals who travel in Iowa, the Iowa Department of Transportation has identified three broad-based and far-reaching strategic goals: accessibility, responsiveness and accountability. These goals are outlined in this plan, which is aligned with the Accountable Government Act. In addition, the plan specifically addresses strategic needs to serve our customers, and to respond to trends of a growing population and the ever changing need to enhance and expand Iowa's transportation systems. This plan is a living document, and therefore, will be updated periodically.
The TMDL and Water Quality Assessment Section of the Iowa DNR Environmental Services Division have released the report entitled, “Biological Assessment of Iowa’s Wadeable Streams.” The report describes a framework for conducting stream bioassessments and how it is used to evaluate the biological condition of Iowa’s wadeable rivers and streams. The document also serves as a foundation for developing biological water quality standards for the protection of designated aquatic life uses and measuring progress toward the achievement of Federal Clean Water Act goals.
The FY04 Performance Report for the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) highlights the services the IUB provided to Iowans, along with results achieved to ensure utility service reliability and to improve and expand utility service infrastructure in Iowa. This information is provided in accordance with the State of Iowa Accountable Government Act, Iowa Code chapter 8E. The two basic business functions of the IUB are utility regulation and compliance, and resource management. This report covers performance information for both of these areas.
This Council was mandated by the 1992 Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act. Report includes mission, Council duties, accomplishments throughout the year, and member biographies.
The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the Compensatory Wetland Mitigation Program at the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) in terms of regulatory compliance. Specific objectives included: 1) Determining if study sites meet the definition of a jurisdictional wetland. 2) Determining the degree of compliance with requirements specified in Clean Water Act Section 404 permits. A total of 24 study sites, in four age classes were randomly selected from over 80 sites currently managed by the Iowa DOT. Wetland boundaries were delineated in the field and mitigation compliance was determined by comparing the delineated wetland acreage at each study site to the total wetland acreage requirements specified in individual CWA Section 404 permits. Of the 24 sites evaluated in this study, 58 percent meet or exceed Section 404 permit requirements. Net gain ranged from 0.19 acre to 27.2 acres. Net loss ranged from 0.2 acre to 14.6 acres. The Denver Bypass 1 site was the worst performer, with zero acres of wetland present on the site and the Akron Wetland Mitigation Site was the best performer with slightly more than 27 acres over the permit requirement. Five of the 10 under-performing sites are more than five years post construction, two are five years post construction, one is three years post construction and the remaining two are one year post construction. Of the sites that meet or exceed permit requirements, approximately 93 percent are five years or less post construction and approximately 43 percent are only one year old. Only one of the 14 successful sites is more than five years old. Using Section 404 permit acreage requirements as the criteria for measuring success, 58 percent of the wetland mitigation sites investigated as part of this study are successful. Using net gain/loss as the measure of success, the Compensatory Wetland Mitigation Program has been successful in creating/restoring nearly 44 acres of wetland over what was required by permits.
Demographic and employment information are used by economic developers, market researchers, counselors and curriculum developers for educational institutions, academic researchers, government planners, and private businesses. Occupational information on employment and wages also provides guidance for students making their first career choices and older workers considering a change of profession. In the last decade, Iowans have grown older and more diverse. The median age (2000) stood at 36.6 years, with 38 counties recording a median age of 40 or above. In the last decade, Hispanics accounted for a third of Iowa’s population growth. The most highly educated Iowans were Asians, with 43 percent earning a minimum of a bachelor’s degree. The Iowa labor force has been growing erratically since 1980, but still reached a record 1,663,000 in 2002 before inching downward. In the next 25 years, the labor force will see dramatic changes with the impending retirement of the baby boom generation and the influx of new immigrants and younger college-educated workers. While Iowa nonfarm employment declined by 7,000 workers during 2003, it did show improvement in the second half of the year. In a prosperous year, the Iowa economy generates an average of 2,500 jobs per month. This number was negative during the recession and has been below average this year. National economic events will continue to have a strong impact on Iowa job growth. Occupations requiring higher education are among the higher-paying Iowa jobs. Computer software engineers, computer support specialists, and customer service representatives are expected to be among the faster-growing occupations. Also, the aging population will bring opportunities for workers in healthcare. Occupations requiring higher education are among the higher-paying Iowa
This publication was designed with the belief that the ADA addresses both employers and employees to achieve a viable workforce and productive society. The law was intended to reflect the balance between the employer and the employee with a disability. This booklet contains information on Title I of the ADA but should not be considered legal advice. Title I is directly related to the employment provisions of the law. Both employers and employees have responsibilities and rights under the ADA and this booklet addresses the balance of rights and responsibilities under the law. This law was designed to remove the barriers that prevent qualified persons from enjoying equal employment opportunities solely because of a disability. It demonstrates America recognizing the vitality and abilities of all people to contribute in our society, particularly in the area of employment. This is civil rights law. It prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities and encourages the recognition of citizens with disabilities as full participants in American life. It recognizes that these members of the American work force are an excellent resource for employers.
Provide an outstanding educational program that enables our graduates to become leaders in their professions by imparting fundamental principles, skills, and tools to innovate and excel. Pursue the discovery of fundamental knowledge and its applications to position the department among the leaders in research. Respond to the needs of the State of Iowa and the nation by building a strong outreach program that serves industry and the engineering profession.
This publication was designed with the belief that the ADA addresses both employers and employees to achieve a viable workforce and productive society. The law was intended to reflect the balance between the employer and the employee with a disability. This booklet contains information on Title I of the ADA but should not be considered legal advice. Title I is directly related to the employment provisions of the law. Both employers and employees have responsibilities and rights under the ADA and this booklet addresses the balance of rights and responsibilities under the law.
INAPIS (National Aging Program Information System) Activity Report collects and reports service/performance data and related program management information to the federal and state government. This report shows the number of older Iowans who receive services and the number of units by service category from Title III funding of the Older Americans Act, the Administration on Aging (AoA) and limited state general fund dollars. Additionally, it shows the number of persons served by individual services and total "unduplicated" client count across all services. In other words, if you add the total number of clients from all services it is higher than the actual number of persons served across all services, because some people need and receive more than one service.
This report contains information about Iowa's public drinking water program for the calendar year 2003. Included in the report are descriptions of Iowa's systems, monitoring and reporting requirements of the systems, and violations incurred during the year. This report meets the federal Safe Drinking Water Act's requirement of an annual report on violations of national primary drinking water regulations by public water supply systems in Iowa.
This report contains information about Iowa's public drinking water program for the calendar year 2004. Included in the report are descriptions of Iowa's systems, monitoring and reporting requirements of the systems, and violations incurred during the year. This report meets the federal Safe Drinking Water Act's requirement of an annual report on violations of national primary drinking water regulations by public water supply systems in Iowa.
Statistics about public edcuation in the state of Iowa including graduation rates, No Child Left Behind Act.
This report shows the number of older Iowans and units of service by service category from Title III funding of the Older Americans Act, through the Administration on Aging (AoA), the Iowa Senior Living Trust Fund and limited state general fund dollars. DEA hopes that this document and the information contained within can be a useful tool for making informed planning decisions. The information provided in this report is the result of hard work and dedication from the Iowa Aging Network who work as a team with the Iowa Department of Elder Affairs toward it’s mission: "To provide advocacy, educational, and prevention services to older Iowans so they can find Iowa a healthy, safe, productive, and enjoyable place to live and work.