55 resultados para Løvland, Helge (1890-1984)


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Program from the dedication of Boyson Road to Iowa 101 on Interstate I-380.


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Traffic volumes represented on this map are average volumes between major traffic generators: highway junctions, cities, recreational areas or high volume secondary roads.


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The programs included in this Discussion Paper no. 17 are Distance, Unravel, Retrench and Alloc 6B that deal with location-allocation analyses first published in 1973 by the Department of Geography, The University of Iowa.


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Electronic distance measuring instruments (EDMI) are used by surveyors in routine length measurements. The constant and scale factors of the instrument tend to change due to usage, transportation, and aging of crystals. Calibration baselines are established to enable surveyors to check the instruments and determine any changes in the values of constant and scale factors. The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) has developed guidelines for establishing these baselines. In 1981 an EDMI baseline at ISU was established according to NGS guidelines. In October 1982, the NGS measured the distances between monuments. Computer programs for reducing observed distances were developed. Mathematical model and computer programs for determining constant and scale factors were developed. A method was developed to detect any movements of the monuments. Periodic measurements of the baseline were made. No significant movement of the monuments was detected.


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There are approximately 800 installations of destination lighting at secondary road intersections in Iowa. Approximately 90% of these have only a single luminaire. The other installations have two luminaires. No warrants currently exist for justifying the use of this type of lighting. Previous research has examined the safety benefits from full lighting of rural intersections that generally serve substantially higher traffic volumes than secondary road intersections in Iowa. However, the safety benefit of destination lighting at intersections carrying relatively low volumes has not been the subject of previous research. The research reported here, sponsored by the Iowa Department of Transportation, was undertaken to identify locations where destination lighting could be expected to improve highway safety. If destination lighting were shown to reduce accident frequency, warrants for its use on secondary roads could be developed. An inventory of secondary road lighting installations in Iowa was assembled. From this inventory, two samples were constituted that would permit two separate comparisons of the accident experience with and without destination lighting. Before and after comparisons were made for the same locations if accident records were available for at least one full year both preceding and following the installation of destination lighting. Accident records for this purpose were available from a statewide computerized record system covering the period from 1977 through 1982. The accident experience at locations having destination lighting installed before 1978 was compared with a sample of comparable locations not having destination lighting. The sample of secondary road intersections used for the before and after comparison included 91 locations. The sample of continuously lighted locations included 102 intersections. Accident experience at these locations was compared with the experience at 102 intersections that were not lighted. The intersections included in these samples averaged only 0.31 accidents per year. The accident rate at secondary road intersections that had destination lighting did not differ significantly from the accident rate at intersections that were not lighted. This conclusion was derived from both comparisons, the before and after experience and the comparison of experience at intersections that were continuously lighted with that at unlighted locations. Furthermore, no significant differences were noted between lighted and unlighted locations in the proportion of accidents that occurred at night. The distribution of accidents by type also did not differ between unlighted intersections and those having destination lighting. It was not possible to formulate warrants for destination lighting since analyses directed toward identifying specific characteristics of an intersection that could be correlated with highway safety did not yield any useful relationships. However, it was noted that the average damages for night accidents that occurred at lighted intersections were lower than for accidents at unlighted intersections. Even in the absence of a more definitive demonstration of beneficial effects, destination lighting is perceived by officials in most of the counties having such installations as yielding desirable effects and is recognized as helpful to motorists in performing the guidance function in driving. Given this benefit and a relatively low cost (an average of $74 per year for one luminaire), and given that the subjective criteria that have been used in the past to justify the installation of destination lighting have led to a high degree of public acceptance and satisfaction, it is recommended that the same subjective criteria continue to be used in lieu of definitive warrants.


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This study was conducted for the purpose of evaluating a new concept for a bank-protection structure: The Iowa Vane . The underlying idea involves countering the torque exerted on the primary flow by its curvature and vertical velocity gradient, thereby eliminating or significantly reducing the secondary flow and thus reducing the undermining of the outer banks and the high-velocity attack on it. The new structure consists of an array of short, vertical, submerged vanes installed with a certain orientation on the channel bed. A relatively small number of vanes can produce bend flows which are practically uniform across the channel. The height of the vanes is less than half the water depth, and their angle with the flow direction is of the order of l0 degrees. In this study, design relations have been established. The relations, and the vanes' overall performance, have been tested in a laboratory model under different flow and sediment conditions. The results are used for the design of an Iowa-Vane bank protection structure for a section of East Nishnabotna River along U.S. Highway 34 at Red Oak, Iowa.


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This research consisted of five laboratory experiments designed to address the following two objectives in an integrated analysis: (1) To discriminate between the symbol Stop Ahead warning sign and a small set of other signs (which included the word-legend Stop Ahead sign); and (2) To analyze sign detection, recognizability, and processing characteristics by drivers. A set of 16 signs was used in each of three experiments. A tachistoscope was used to display each sign image to a respondent for a brief interval in a controlled viewing experiment. The first experiment was designed to test detection of a sign in the driver's visual field; the second experiment was designed to test the driver's ability to recognize a given sign in the visual field; and the third experiment was designed to test the speed and accuracy of a driver's response to each sign as a command to perform a driving action. A fourth experiment tested the meanings drivers associated with an eight-sign subset of the 16 signs used in the first three experiments. A fifth experiment required all persons to select which (if any) signs they considered to be appropriate for use on two scale model county road intersections. The conclusions are that word-legend Stop Ahead signs are more effective driver communication devices than symbol stop-ahead signs; that it is helpful to drivers to have a word plate supplementing the symbol sign if a symbol sign is used; and that the guidance in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices on the placement of advance warning signs should not supplant engineering judgment in providing proper sign communication at an intersection.


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Snow removal on the 90,000 mile Iowa secondary road system is a major concern of county engineers. Rural residents rely almost entirely on motor vehicles for travel. They have come to expect passable roads during all types of weather and as most county engineers know, the public is less tolerant of problems in snow removal than in any other highway department function. To avoid snow removal problems, maintenance personnel begin preparation before the winter maintenance season. The slide tape presentation, "Snow Removal on Iowa's Secondary Roads", was developed to assist in training and retraining maintenance personnel each year prior to winter. The program covers preparation for winter, snow and ice removal, and after storm care of equipment.


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This research was initiated to identify methods of reducing the occurrence of transverse cracking. Eight (four repetitive) research sections were established to study three variations in the asphalt concrete pavement. The first variation was the comparison of low- and high-temperature-susceptible asphalt cement (AC) from two different sources. The second variable was to saw and seal transverse joints at spacings varying from 40 to 100 ft. The third variable was to increase the AC content in the asphalt treated base by 1 percent. The research sections were constructed with relatively few problems. Crack and joint surveys have been conducted on all research sections at intervals of less than 1 year since construction. No cracking was identified after the first winter season. The sawed joints also remained sealed through the first winter. At an age of approximately 1 1/2 years there was substantial cracking of the high-temperature-susceptible AC sections and substantial failure of the sealant material in the sawed joints. After almost 4 years, the asphalt pavement constructed with the high-temperature-susceptible AC produced a crack interval of 35 ft, the low-temperature-susceptible AC yielded an interval of 170 ft, and the low-temperature-susceptible AC with an increased AC content yielded an interval of 528 ft. The Pen-Vis number is an effective measure of temperature susceptibility of asphalt cements. The frequency of transverse cracking is affected by the temperature susceptibility of the AC. An increased AC content also reduces the frequency of transverse cracking.


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Methods of improving highway safety are of major concern to everyone who is involved in the planning, development and construction of improvements of our vast highway network. Other major concerns are the conservation of our rapidly disappearing sources of energy and quality building materials. This research is devoted to further exploration of a process which will: 1. help preserve higher quality aggregates; and, 2. improve the frictional characteristics and surface texture of asphalt pavement surfaces. Sprinkle treatment of asphalt concrete pavement surfaces with a non-polishing aggregate, a procedure which was developed in Europe, is one method which has shown promise in accomplishing the above listed objectives. This research seeks to explore the feasibility and cost effectiveness of using standard asphalt mixtures of local, less expensive aggregates for surface courses followed by a surface sprinkle treatment of a hard, durable, non-polishing layer of precoated chips to produce a durable, non-skid pavement surface for safe highway travel. Three standard mixture types are being evaluated for aggregate retention characteristics and six sprinkle aggregates are being evaluated for durability, polishing and friction characteristics. In addition, measurements of the surface texture by the silicone putty method are being made. Another feature of this research is the evaluation of a rubberized asphalt material called Overflex MS as a crack filler. It has been reported that the material could be beneficial in reducing reflective cracking. The project was begun in July of 1978 and was completed in August. A review made in the spring of 1979 indicates very satisfactory performance. It was determined from slide photos taken after construction and again in the spring that aggregate retention was very good. However, many cracks had reflected indicating that the Overflex MS had not been effective. Follow up friction test results and texture analysis were also very good. The results of these tests are shown in Appendix A.


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In recent years, there has been an increased interest in conservation of our resources, preservation of our environment and maintaining our ecology. Recycling of materials is a procedure that will immediately contribute to all of these desirable end results. Our economy is built on private enterprise and profit incentive and in the past, with abundant inexpensive resources, there was little incentive to recycle. Shortages of materials and energy (once considered abundant) along with regulations to protect the environment have emphasized the need for recycling. These environmental conditions coupled with the loss of purchase power by inflation has generated more interest in recycling in the transportation field. The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) is interested in recycling portland cement concrete (pcc) pavement to: 1. Provide aggregate where high quality aggregate is no longer economically available. 2. Eliminate the need for locations to waste the large amount of pavement rubble. 3. Conserve the present aggregate sources. 4. Reduce the need for disrupting land for quarrying purposes. 5. Save fuel and energy by reducing aggregate transportation.


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This report is a brief summary of research on the effect of longitudinal drains on subgrade support. The Iowa DOT began installing longitudinal subdrains at a depth of 24" in 1978. The trend in Iowa has been to deeper longitudinal drains with the present standard being 48" deep. A very limited amount of data would indicate that the deeper longitudinal drains are providing a greater benefit to the subgrade support value. The 24# deep drains of the Poweshiek Interstate 80 project yielded a spring subgrade support value of 165. The 30" deep drains on Pottawattamie Interstate 80 yielded a K value of 170 while the 48"deep drains on Cass County Interstate 80 yielded a K value of 210. This limited amount of data would indicate that the deeper drains provide greater benefit to improvement of the subgrade support values.


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Class A, B, and C concrete paving mixes were tested for compressive strength at 40°F and 73°F, both with and without fly ash substitution for 15% of the portland cement. Two Class C ashes and one Class F ash from Iowa approved sources were examined in each mix. The purpose of the study was to provide data on cool weather strength development of concrete paving mixes utilizing Iowa materials. In all cases except one, the fly ash concretes exhibited lower 7 and 28- day compressive strengths at 40°F than control mixes. The continuation of the October 15 cut-off date for the use of fly ash concrete is recommended.


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The corrosion of reinforcing steel within concrete has always been a problem in construction of bridge decks. With low slump concrete and epoxy rebar, progress has been made in controlling the corrosion. There is concern, however, that the chloride also attacks the substructures, specifically the pier columns. They are subject to chloride attack by chemical deicers in the drainage from the bridge deck. Piers supporting grade separation bridges are also subject to chlorides contained in the direct splash from the lower level traffic. In this project, a field evaluation was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of commercially available products in preventing chloride intrusion.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation Materials Laboratory personnel developed a process to produce a road deicer consisting of sand grains coated with calcium magnesium acetate (CMA). Research project HR-253 was established to explore commercial production of the CMA/sand deicer by an independent contractor. About 60 tons of the deicer was produced at a ready-mix concrete facility and evaluated in the field during the 1983-1984 winter season. The initial contracted production of CMA/sand deicer under research project HR-253 identified two major problems: (1) excessive unreacted lime in the final product, and (2) formation of spherical lumps within the product requiring subsequent size reduction. It was recommended in the HR-253 report that additional deicer be produced as a continuation of the project in order to address these problems and further develop the production process. A contract was negotiated with W. G. Block Co. to produce and deliver 50 tons of additional deicer. This addendum report covers this production effort including descriptions and results of all modifications of equipment and process procedures used.