38 resultados para High-through put screening


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The mission of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission is to end discrimination within the state of Iowa. To achieve this goal, the ICRC must effectively enforce the Iowa Civil Rights Act. The ICRA will be as effective as the Commission is in processing complaints of discrimination. The ICRC undertook significant steps forward in improving the timeliness and competency by which complaints of discrimination are processed. The screening unit was increased with special emphasis on improving the quality and quantity of the analysis of the initial screening decisions. The investigative process for nonhousing cases was completely overhauled. The improved process builds on the screening decision and focuses on the issues raised in that decision. The new process will help the ICRC reduce a significant backlog for non-housing cases. Additionally, we revamped the mediation program by moving to an allvolunteer mediation program. Over 20 Iowa lawyers volunteered to help the ICRC resolve complaints through alternative dispute resolution.


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The US Highway 6 Bridge over Keg Creek outside of Council Bluffs, Iowa is a demonstration bridge site chosen to put into practice newly-developed Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) concepts. One of these new concepts is the use of prefabricated high performance concrete (HPC) bridge elements that are connected, in place, utilizing advanced material closure-pours and quick-to-install connection details. The Keg Creek Bridge is the first bridge in the US to utilize moment-resisting ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) joints in negative moment regions over piers. Through laboratory and live load field testing, performance of these transverse joints as well as global bridge behavior is quantified and examined. The effectiveness of the structural performance of the bridge is evaluated to provide guidance for future designs of similar bridges throughout the US.


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Culverts are common means to convey flow through the roadway system for small streams. In general, larger flows and road embankment heights entail the use of multibarrel culverts (a.k.a. multi-box) culverts. Box culverts are generally designed to handle events with a 50-year return period, and therefore convey considerably lower flows much of the time. While there are no issues with conveying high flows, many multi-box culverts in Iowa pose a significant problem related to sedimentation. The highly erosive Iowa soils can easily lead to the situation that some of the barrels can silt-in early after their construction, becoming partially filled with sediment in few years. Silting can reduce considerably the capacity of the culvert to handle larger flow events. Phase I of this Iowa Highway Research Board project (TR-545) led to an innovative solution for preventing sedimentation. The solution was comprehensively investigated through laboratory experiments and numerical modeling aimed at screening design alternatives and testing their hydraulic and sediment conveyance performance. Following this study phase, the Technical Advisory Committee suggested to implement the recommended sediment mitigation design to a field site. The site selected for implementation was a 3-box culvert crossing Willow Creek on IA Hwy 1W in Iowa City. The culvert was constructed in 1981 and the first cleanup was needed in 2000. Phase II of the TR 545 entailed the monitoring of the site with and without the selfcleaning sedimentation structure in place (similarly with the study conducted in laboratory). The first monitoring stage (Sept 2010 to December 2012) was aimed at providing a baseline for the operation of the as-designed culvert. In order to support Phase II research, a cleanup of the IA Hwy 1W culvert was conducted in September 2011. Subsequently, a monitoring program was initiated to document the sedimentation produced by individual and multiple storms propagating through the culvert. The first two years of monitoring showed inception of the sedimentation in the first spring following the cleanup. Sedimentation continued to increase throughout the monitoring program following the depositional patterns observed in the laboratory tests and those documented in the pre-cleaning surveys. The second part of Phase II of the study was aimed at monitoring the constructed self-cleaning structure. Since its construction in December 2012, the culvert site was continuously monitored through systematic observations. The evidence garnered in this phase of the study demonstrates the good performance of the self-cleaning structure in mitigating the sediment deposition at culverts. Besides their beneficial role in sediment mitigation, the designed self-cleaning structures maintain a clean and clear area upstream the culvert, keep a healthy flow through the central barrel offering hydraulic and aquatic habitat similar with that in the undisturbed stream reaches upstream and downstream the culvert. It can be concluded that the proposed self-cleaning structural solution “streamlines” the area upstream the culvert in a way that secures the safety of the culvert structure at high flows while producing much less disturbance in the stream behavior compared with the current constructive approaches.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation used a high molecular weight methacrylate (HMWM) resin to seal a 3,340 ft. x 64 ft. bridge deck in October 1986. The sealing was necessary to prevent deicing salt brine from entering a substantial number of transverse cracks that coincided with the epoxy coated top steel and unprotected bottom steel. HMWM resin is a three component product composed of a monomer, a cumene hydroperoxide initiator and a cobalt naphthenate promoter. The HMWM was applied with a dual spray bar system and flat-fan nozzles. Initiated monomer delivered through one spray bar was mixed in the air with promoted monomer from the other spray bar. The application rate averaged 0.956 gallons per 100 square feet for the tined textured driving lanes. Dry sand was broadcast on the surface at an average coverage of 0.58 lbs. per square yard to maintain friction. Coring showed that the HMWM resin penetrated the cracks more than two inches deep. Testing of the treated deck yielded Friction Numbers averaging 33 with a treaded tire compared to 36 prior to treatment. An inspection soon after treatment found five leaky cracks in one of the 15 spans. One inspection during a steady rain showed no leakage, but leakage from numerous cracks occurred during a subsequent rain. A second HMWM application was made on two spans. Leakage through the double application occurred during a rain. Neither the single or double application were successful in preventing leakage through the cracks.


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In 1980, a Vanguard High Pressure Water Blaster capable of providing 10 gallons of water per minute at 2000 psi was purchased to evaluate water blasting as a crack cleaning method prior to crack filling on asphalt concrete pavements. Afer some iniital trials demonstrated its effectiveness of removing dirt, debris and vegetation, it was included in joint and crack maintenance research on Iowa 7 in Webster County. The objective of the research was to evaluate six crack preparation methods and seven "sealant" materials. The cleaning and sealing was performed in the spring of 1983. Visual evaluations of the performance were made in the fall of 1983 and spring of 1985. Compressed air and/or high pressure water did not adequately prepare cracks less than 3/8 inch wide. Routing or sawing was necessary to provide a sealant reservoir. The water blaster was more effective than compressed air in removing dirt, debris and vegetation but this did not yield significant improvement in sealant adhesion or longevity. Periodic crack filling is necessary on ACC surfaces throughout the remaining life of the pavement.


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Highway agencies spend millions of dollars to ensure safe and efficient winter travel. However, the effectiveness of winter-weather maintenance practices on safety and mobility are somewhat difficult to quantify. Safety and Mobility Impacts of Winter Weather - Phase 1 investigated opportunities for improving traffic safety on state-maintained roads in Iowa during winter-weather conditions. In Phase 2, three Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) high-priority sites were evaluated and realistic maintenance and operations mitigation strategies were also identified. In this project, site prioritization techniques for identifying roadway segments with the potential for safety improvements related to winter-weather crashes, were developed through traditional naïve statistical methods by using raw crash data for seven winter seasons and previously developed metrics. Additionally, crash frequency models were developed using integrated crash data for four winter seasons, with the objective of identifying factors that affect crash frequency during winter seasons and screening roadway segments using the empirical Bayes technique. Based on these prioritization techniques, 11 sites were identified and analyzed in conjunction with input from Iowa DOT district maintenance managers and snowplow operators and the Iowa DOT Road Weather Information System (RWIS) coordinator.


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Statistical summaries of streamflow data collected at 156 streamflow-gaging stations in Iowa are presented in this report. All gaging stations included for analysis have at least 10 years of continuous record collected before or through September 1996. The statistical summaries include (1) statistics of monthly and annual mean discharges; (2) monthly and annual flow durations; (3) magnitudes and frequencies of instantaneous peak discharges (flood frequencies); and (4) magnitudes and frequencies of high and low discharges. Also presented for each gaging station is a graph of the annual mean flows and, for most stations, selected values from the most-recent stage-discharge rating table.


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Plastic air content is typically tested by the pressure method, ASTM C138. Loss of air content through the paver has been shown to exceed 2 percent at times. Research has shown that early deterioration of pavements in Iowa may be directly or indirectly related to low or inadequate air content. Hardened air content is typically checked using the linear traverse method, ASTM C457. The linear traverse method is very time consuming and could not be used on a production scale. A quick and effective method of testing in place air content is needed. Research has shown a high degree of correlation with the high-pressure method of determining air content of hardened concrete versus plastic air content in laboratory conditions. This research indicated that air contents are more variable when comparing core results to plastic air content, although the overall average for the air content was comparable. Perhaps, the location of the plastic air content test, obtained from construction records, versus location of the cores was not as accurate as needed.


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The current study was initiated to quantify the stresses induced in critical details on the reinforcing jacket and the tower itself through the use of field instrumentation, load testing, and long-term monitoring. Strain gages were installed on the both the tower and the reinforcing jacket. Additional strain gages were installed on two anchor rods. Tests were conducted with and without the reinforcing jacket installed. Data were collected from all strain gages during static load testing and were used to study the stress distribution of the tower caused by known loads, both with and without the reinforcing jacket. The tower was tested dynamically by first applying a static load, and then quickly releasing the load causing the tower to vibrate freely. Furthermore, the tower was monitored over a period of over 1 year to obtain stress range histograms at the critical details to be used for a fatigue evaluation. Also during the long-term monitoring, triggered time-history data were recorded to study the wind loading phenomena that excite the tower.


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Since the 1980s, education or training beyond high school has become the new minimum threshold for Americans to earn a living wage and attain middle class status. In 1973, only 28 percent of U.S. jobs required education beyond a high school diploma; by 2025, almost two out of three jobs in the nation will require at least some post secondary education or training. Iowa’s economy reflects this national trend and demonstrates a steady increase in the demand for post secondary education and training in the industries that form the mainstay of the national economy.


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Interstate 380 (I-380) through Cedar Rapids and Hiawatha, Iowa, is a multilane divided urban freeway that was constructed in 1976 to the Cedar River and in 1981 from that point northerly. Traffic volumes vary from 47,000 to 83,500 vehicles per day, with about 8%–15% trucks and buses. Based on concern for the high number of crash incidents, particularly serious crashes, and increased traffic volumes on this roadway, the City of Cedar Rapids and the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) District 6 Office requested that a road safety audit be conducted for this roadway section. Representatives from the Iowa DOT, Federal Highway Administration, Center for Transportation Research and Education, local law enforcement, local government, and area businesses met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to this segment of I-380. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team for addressing the safety concerns on this I-380 corridor and explains several selected mitigation strategies.


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Of the approximately 25,000 bridges in Iowa, 28% are classified as structurally deficient, functionally obsolete, or both. The state of Iowa thus follows the national trend of an aging infrastructure in dire need of repair or replacement with a relatively limited funding base. Therefore, there is a need to develop new materials with properties that may lead to longer life spans and reduced life-cycle costs. In addition, new methods for determining the condition of structures are needed to monitor the structures effectively and identify when the useful life of the structure has expired or other maintenance is needed. High-performance steel (HPS) has emerged as a material with enhanced weldability, weathering capabilities, and fracture toughness compared to conventional structural steels. In 2004, the Iowa Department of Transportation opened Iowa's first HPS girder bridge, the East 12th Street Bridge over I-235 in Des Moines, Iowa. The objective of this project was to evaluate HPS as a viable option for use in Iowa bridges with a continuous structural health monitoring (SHM) system. The scope of the project included documenting the construction of the East 12th Street Bridge and concurrently developing a remote, continuous SHM system using fiber-optic sensing technology to evaluate the structural performance of the bridge. The SHM system included bridge evaluation parameters, similar to design parameters used by bridge engineers, for evaluating the structure. Through the successful completion of this project, a baseline of bridge performance was established that can be used for continued long-term monitoring of the structure. In general, the structural performance of the HPS bridge exceeded the design parameters and is performing well. Although some problems were encountered with the SHM system, the system functions well and recommendations for improving the system have been made.


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Part 6 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) describes several types of channelizing devices that can be used to warn road users and guide them through work zones; these devices include cones, tubular markers, vertical panels, drums, barricades, and temporary raised islands. On higher speed/volume roadways, drums and/or vertical panels have been popular choices in many states, due to their formidable appearance and the enhanced visibility they provide when compared to standard cones. However, due to their larger size, drums also require more effort and storage space to transport, deploy and retrieve. Recent editions of the MUTCD have introduced new devices for channelizing; specifically of interest for this study is a taller (>36 inches) but thinner cone. While this new device does not offer a comparable target value to that of drums, the new devices are significantly larger than standard cones and they offer improved stability as well. In addition, these devices are more easily deployed and stored than drums and they cost less. Further, for applications previously using both drums and tall cones, the use of tall cones only provides the ability for delivery and setup by a single vehicle. An investigation of the effectiveness of the new channelizing devices provides a reference for states to use in selecting appropriate traffic control for high speed, high volume applications, especially for short term or limited duration exposures. This study includes a synthesis of common practices by state DOTs, as well as daytime and nighttime field observations of driver reactions using video detection equipment. The results of this study are promising for the day and night performance of the new tall cones, comparing favorably to the performance of drums when used for channelizing in tapers. The evaluation showed no statistical difference in merge distance and location, shy distance, or operating speed in either daytime or nighttime conditions. The study should provide a valuable resource for state DOTs to utilize in selecting the most effective channelizing device for use on high speed/high volume roadways where timely merging by drivers is critical to safety and mobility.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation used a high molecular weight methacrylate (HMWM) resin to seal a 3,340 ft. x 64 ft. bridge deck in October 1986. The sealing was necessary to prevent deicing salt brine from entering a substantial number of transverse cracks that coincided with the epoxy coated top steel and unprotected bottom steel. HMWM resin is a three component product composed of a monomer, a curnene hydroperoxide initiator and a cobalt naphthenate promoter. The HMWM was applied with a dual spray bar system and flat-fan nozzles. Initiated monomer delivered through one spray bar was mixed in the air with promoted monomer from the other spray bar. The application rate averaged 0.956 gallons per 100 square feet for the tined textured driving lanes. Dry sand was broadcast on the surface at an average coverage of 0.58 lbs. per square yard to maintain friction. Coring showed that the H.MWM resin penetrated the cracks more than two inches deep. Testing of the treated deck yielded Friction Numbers averaging 33 with a treaded tire compared to 36 prior to treatment. An inspection soon after treatment found five leaky cracks in one of the 15 spans. One inspection during a steady rain showed no leakage, but leakage from numerous cracks occurred during a subsequent rain. A second HMWM application was made on two spans to determine if a double application would prevent leakage. This evaluation has not been completed.


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School dental screening of all high schools in Iowa that have participated. A state summary.