27 resultados para Grant, Harry Young
The Iowa Conservation and Preservation Consortium, Iowa Museum Association, the State Historical Society of Iowa and the State Library requested the IMLS CTC grant funds so we could develop a statewide plan to help the stewards of cultural property plan for protection and disaster recovery of collections. We are very pleased with the results of our grant activities. Thanks to the IMLS CTC grant over 200 Iowa collection care takers have received basic training in disaster preparedness and response, 24 care takers have signed up to become cultural collection first responders, a dozen disaster planning/response trainers are available upon request, and over 40 institutions have ReAct Paks. We have created a variety of training tools ranging from basic awareness to in-depth training, established a website of disaster resources, and geo-referenced hundreds of cultural collection sites around Iowa. In addition, the IMLS grant was just the motivator we needed to participate in other national/international efforts which in turn strengthened our IMLS grant project.
This document is the DMC Section of Iowa’s 2009 federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDP Act) formula grant three year plan update. The Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) wrote this update. CJJP is the state agency responsible for administering the JJDP Act in Iowa. Federal officials refer to state administering agencies as the state planning agency (SPA). The Plan was developed and approved by Iowa’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Council. That Council assists with administration of the JJDP Act, and also provides guidance and direction to the SPA, the Governor and the legislature regarding juvenile justice issues in Iowa. Federal officials refer to such state level groups as state advisory groups (SAG’s). The acronyms SPA and SAG are used through this report.
Coming Into Focus presents a needs assessment related to Iowans with brain injury, and a state action plan to improve Iowa’s ability to meet those needs. Support for this project came from a grant from the Office of Maternal and Child Health to the Iowa Department of Public Health, Iowa’s lead agency for brain injury. The report is a description of the needs of people with brain injuries in Iowa, the status of services to meet those needs and a plan for improving Iowa’s system of supports. Brain injury can result from a skull fracture or penetration of the brain, a disease process such as tumor or infection, or a closed head injury, such as shaken baby syndrome. Traumatic brain injury is a leading cause of death and disability in children and young adults (Fick, 1997). In the United States there are as many as 2 million brain injuries per year, with 300,000 severe enough to require hospitalization. Some 50,000 lives are lost every year to TBI. Eighty to 90 thousand people have moderate to acute brain injuries that result in disabling conditions which can last a lifetime. These conditions can include physical impairments, memory defects, limited concentration, communication deficits, emotional problems and deficits in social abilities. In addition to the personal pain and challenges to survivors and their families, the financial cost of brain injuries is enormous. With traumatic brain injuries, it is estimated that in 1995 Iowa hospitals charged some $38 million for acute care for injured persons. National estimates offer a lifetime cost of $4 million for one person with brain injury (Schootman and Harlan, 1997). With this estimate, new injuries in 1995 could eventually cost over $7 billion dollars. Dramatic improvements in medicine, and the development of emergency response systems, means that more people sustaining brain injuries are being saved. How can we insure that supports are available to this emerging population? We have called the report Coming into Focus, because, despite the prevalence and the personal and financial costs to society, brain injury is poorly understood. The Iowa Department of Public Health, the Iowa Advisory Council on Head Injuries State Plan Task Force, the Brain Injury Association of Iowa and the Iowa University Affiliated Program have worked together to begin answering this question. A great deal of good information already existed. This project brought this information together, gathered new information where it was needed, and carried out a process for identifying what needs to be done in Iowa, and what the priorities will be.
Key factors that provide context for the state's Maternal and Child Health (MCH) annual report and state plan are highlighted in this overview. This section briefly outlines Iowa's demographics, population changes, economic indicators and significant public initiatives. Major strategic planning efforts affecting development of program activities are also identified.
This document is the DMC Section of Iowa’s 2009 federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDP Act) formula grant three year plan update. The Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) wrote this update. CJJP is the state agency responsible for administering the JJDP Act in Iowa. Federal officials refer to state administering agencies as the state planning agency (SPA). The Plan was developed and approved by Iowa’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Council. That Council assists with administration of the JJDP Act, and also provides guidance and direction to the SPA, the Governor and the legislature regarding juvenile justice issues in Iowa. Federal officials refer to such state level groups as state advisory groups (SAG’s). The acronyms SPA and SAG are used through this report.
The Iowa Department of Corrections (DOC) and the Department of Human Rights, Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) entered into a contract for services from January 2, 2007 to June 30, 2008 for the purposes of assisting in the evaluation component for the two-year Prison Re-Entry Initiative (PRI) grand awarded to the DOC by the U.S. Office of Justice Programs. The PRI grant period ran from July 2006 through June 2008 and included two primary components. First, all PRI participants returning to Polk County would participate in a Lifeskills curriculum offered through the Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) at four Iowa prison institutions located at Mitchellville, Newton, Fort Dodge and Rockwell City. Second, all PRI participants returning to Polk County would be referred to The Directors Council (TDC) for cmmunity-based wrap-around services.
Naturalistic driving studies are the latest resource for gathering data associated with driver behavior. The University of Iowa has been studying teen driving using naturalistic methods since 2006. By instrumenting teen drivers’ vehicles with event-triggered video recorders (ETVR), we are able to record a 12-second video clip every time a vehicle exceeds a pre-set g-force threshold. Each of these video clips contains valuable data regarding the frequency and types of distractions present in vehicles driven by today’s young drivers. The 16-year old drivers who participated in the study had a distraction present in nearly half of the events that were captured. While a lot of attention has been given to the distractions associated with technology in the vehicle (cell phones, navigation devices, entertainment systems, etc.), the most frequent type of distraction coded was the presence of teen passengers engaging in conversation (45%). Cognitive distractions, such as singing along with the radio, were the second most common distraction. Cell phone use was the third most common distraction, detected in only 10% of the events containing distraction.
This is an overview of the program that the General Assembly of Iowa appropriated $1 million for to the Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs with the intent to improve delivery services by the various County Commissions of Veterans Affairs to veterans in their respective counties.
This document covers the physical, emotional, social and developmental changes that can occur in preteens and young teenagers.
Key factors that provide context for the state's Maternal and Child Health (MCH) annual report and state plan are highlighted in this overview. This section briefly outlines Iowa's demographics, population changes, economic indicators and significant public initiatives. Major strategic planning efforts affecting development of program activities are also identified.
Title V of the Social Security Act is the longest-standing public health legislation in American history. Enacted in 1935, Title V is a federal-state partnership that promotes and improves maternal and child health (MCH). According to each state’s unique needs, Title V supports a spectrum of services, from infrastructure building services like quality assurance and policy development, to gap-filling direct health care services. Title V resources are directed towards MCH priority populations: pregnant women, mothers, infants, women of reproductive years, children and adolescents and children and youth with special health care needs.
Individual assistance grant program is by the Department of Human Services and based on the activities from the previous fiscal year.