859 resultados para Executive Agencies.
This order when adopting regulations to protect the healthy, safety and welfare of the people of the State of Iowa, state agencies should seek to achieve statutory goals as effectively and efficiently as possible without imposing unnecessary burdens.
This issue review examines the change in the number of executive branch employees, supervisors and payroll between January 2011 and August 2012. In recent years, a variety of factors have encouraged a reduction in the number of state employees, salary adjustment that pays for contract-related salary and benefits increases has not been funded, limited departments' ability to pay increasing personnel costs. Early retirement packages have been offered, encouraging higher-paid employees to retire. Beginning in January 2011, the Governor set a goal of reducing the cost of state government by 15 percent, which could impact the number of employees.
The plan is prepared in compliance with Executive Order Number Nine, issued September 14, 1999. Section IV of that order defines a “regulatory action” as a potential rule that is currently under active consideration or development with the agency that the agency reasonably expects to issue in proposed or final form.
Report for the Iowa Utilities Board
Report for Iowa Utilities Board
State Agency Audit Report
An evaluation has been conducted on the Polk County Drug Court, comparing clients entering the program from its inception through September 30, 1998 with a group of revoked probationers from FY96 (the “pilot group”) and other offenders referred to drug court who did not enter the program (the “referred group”).
Regulatory Plan for Fiscal Year 2005
Regulatory Plan for Fiscal Year 2003
State University Audit Report
State University Audit Report
Executive order signed by Governor Thomas Vilsck
Excecutive order signed by Governor Thomas Vilsck
Executive order signed by Governor Thomas Vilsck
Executive order signed by Governor Thomas Vilsck