24 resultados para Everyone for Health project


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The purpose of the fact sheet is to summarize the Iowa Barriers to Prenatal Care Project’s survey results for women with Medicaid reimbursed births during 2010. This information will be used to guide decision makers in implementing programs that improve the health outcomes of the women and infants who rely on Medicaid coverage.


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In 2013, released offenders with a mental illness were made eligible to obtain a free 60-day supply of behavioral health medications in addition to the 30-day supply already provided by the Department of Corrections. The Iowa Medication Voucher Program provided the funding, which allowed the DOC Central Pharmacy to dispense the approved medications to participating pharmacies in 95 counties.


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The findings in this summary are based on the Iowa Barriers to Prenatal Care project. Ongoing since 1991, the purpose of this project is to obtain brief, accurate information about women delivering babies in Iowa hospitals. Specifically, the project seeks to learn about women’s experiences getting prenatal or delivery care during their current pregnancy. Other information is included which may be pertinent to health planners or those concerned with the systematic development of health care services. This project is a cooperative venture of all of Iowa’s maternity hospitals, the University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research, and the Iowa Department of Public Health. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded the first three years of this project. The current funding is provided by the Iowa Department of Public Health. The Director is Dr. Mary Losch, University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research. The Coordinator for the project is Rodney Muilenburg. The questionnaire is distributed to nearly ninety maternity hospitals across the state of Iowa. Nursing staff or those responsible for obtaining birth certificate information in the obstetrics unit are responsible for approaching all birth mothers prior to dismissal and requesting their participation in the study. The questionnaire takes approximately ten minutes to complete. Completed questionnaires are returned to the University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research for data entry and analysis. Returns are made monthly, weekly, or biweekly depending on the number of births per week in a given hospital. Except in the case of a mother who is too ill to complete the questionnaire, all mothers are eligible to be recruited for participation. The present yearly report includes an analysis of large Iowa cities, African American mothers, and a trend analysis of the last ten years. Also presented in this report is a frequency analysis of all variables included in the 2012 questionnaire. Unless otherwise noted, all entries reflect percentages. Please note that because percentages were rounded, total values may not equal 100%. Data presented are based upon 2012 questionnaires received to date (n = 23,674). All analyses reflect unweighted percentages of those responding.


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Iowa has been a HRSA State Planning Grant participant since October 2000. Iowa’s purpose in participating in the program has remained constant: to identify, through research, policies that will help expand access to affordable health insurance coverage for all Iowans. The Iowa State Planning Grant project (Iowa-SPG) has been able to serve as a significant state data resource on the uninsured in Iowa throughout its tenure. Through the use of State Planning Grant resources, policymakers, the media, and interested citizens have been able to access, from one convenient and trusted source, a variety of information on Iowa’s uninsured population. Section 1 of this report presents an update of state-level data on the uninsured with a focus on the data that has been of greatest interest to various Iowa constituencies during the State Planning Grant years, 2001-2005.


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The Mitchell County Soil and Water Conservation District is applying on behalf of the incorporated community of Carpenter to construct a wastewater collection and treatment system to assist in the environmental cleanup and protection of Deer Creek. IDNR water monitoring of the community tile line has shown consistently elevated levels of fecal coliform bacteria indicating the presence of untreated sewage water. These are obvious health threats to the downstream users and wildlife in Deer Creek and the Cedar River. A new sewer system for the community of Carpenter will eliminate illegal discharges into the creed and be the first step in the overall protection of the stream.


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The findings in this summary are based on the Iowa Barriers to Prenatal Care project. Ongoing since 1991, the purpose of this project is to obtain brief, accurate information about women delivering babies in Iowa hospitals. Specifically, the project seeks to learn about women’s experiences getting prenatal or delivery care during their current pregnancy. Other information is included which may be pertinent to health planners or those concerned with the systematic development of health care services. This project is a cooperative venture of all of Iowa’s maternity hospitals, the University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research, and the Iowa Department of Public Health. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded the first three years of this project. The current funding is provided by the Iowa Department of Public Health. The Director is Dr. Mary Losch, University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research. The Coordinator for the project is Rodney Muilenburg. The questionnaire is distributed to nearly ninety maternity hospitals across the state of Iowa. Nursing staff or those responsible for obtaining birth certificate information in the obstetrics unit are responsible for approaching all birth mothers prior to dismissal to request their participation in the study. The questionnaire takes approximately ten minutes to complete. Completed questionnaires are returned to the University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research for data entry and analysis. Returns are made monthly, weekly, or biweekly depending on the number of births per week in a given hospital. Except in the case of a mother who is too ill to complete the questionnaire, all mothers are eligible to be recruited for participation. The present yearly report includes an analysis of large Iowa cities, frequencies by income, and a trend analysis of the last ten years. Also presented in this report is a frequency analysis of all variables included in the 2014 questionnaire. Unless otherwise noted, all entries reflect percentages. Please note that, because percentages were rounded, total values may not equal 100%. Data presented are based upon 2014 questionnaires received to date (n = 24,696). All analyses reflect unweighted percentages of those responding.


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The mission of the Iowa OHSSP is to promote and protect the health and safety of Iowans in the workplace. The fundamental or core program provides administrative coordination and continuity across all IDPH OHSSP projects, explores options to improve the surveillance and data translation capacity of the entire program, and provides outreach, dissemination, and evaluation functions to support each project. The core program is also responsible for the Occupational Health Indicators project and Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance (ABLES), as well as working with external partner projects and reports.


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The MCH Administrative Manual provides the basis for the development of business practices and programming for maternal and child health services made available through an Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) competitive bid process every five years. For each five year project period, policies in the manual provide the basis for the competitive Request for Proposal (RFP). During intervening years, policies provide the basis for the RFP and the Request for Application (RFA) covering the applicable contract year.


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The findings in this summary are based on the Iowa Barriers to Prenatal Care project. Ongoing since 1991, the purpose of this project is to obtain brief, accurate information about women delivering babies in Iowa hospitals. Specifically, the project seeks to learn about women’s experiences getting prenatal or delivery care during their current pregnancy. Other information is included which may be pertinent to health planners or those concerned with the systematic development of health care services. This project is a cooperative venture of all of Iowa’s maternity hospitals, the University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research, and the Iowa Department of Public Health. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded the first three years of this project. The current funding is provided by the Iowa Department of Public Health. The Director is Dr. Mary Losch, University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research. The Coordinator for the project is Rodney Muilenburg. The questionnaire is distributed to nearly ninety maternity hospitals across the state of Iowa. Nursing staff or those responsible for obtaining birth certificate information in the obstetrics unit are responsible for approaching all birth mothers prior to dismissal and requesting their participation in the study. The questionnaire takes approximately ten minutes to complete. Completed questionnaires are returned to the University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research for data entry and analysis. Returns are made monthly, weekly, or biweekly depending on the number of births per week in a given hospital. Except in the case of a mother who is too ill to complete the questionnaire, all mothers are eligible to be recruited for participation. The present yearly report includes an analysis of large Iowa cities, African American mothers, and a trend analysis of the last ten years. Also presented in this report is a frequency analysis of all variables included in the 2012 questionnaire. Unless otherwise noted, all entries reflect percentages. Please note that because percentages were rounded, total values may not equal 100%. Data presented are based upon 2012 questionnaires received to date (n = 23,674). All analyses reflect unweighted percentages of those responding.