26 resultados para Depository libraries
This report illustrates the critical role of Enrich Iowa funding in enhancing lifelong learning for Iowans through libraries; improving library resources aimed at assisting job seekers; maintaining library hours that meet library customers’ needs; improving library technology services; and providing safe, accessible library buildings.
Iowa is a state rich in libraries, with 543 public libraries; more than 80 college and university libraries; and about 1,000 school libraries. Libraries enrich Iowa and support lifelong learning. The State Library of Iowa actively champions libraries and improves library services for Iowans through its management of the Enrich Iowa program. In accordance with 2006 IOWA ACTS, Chapter 1180 (16)(6), the State Library of Iowa is pleased to submit this report on the impact of state funding on Iowans and Iowa libraries through the Enrich Iowa Program.
This guide is designed as a finding aid for researchers seeking materials on a particular topic and it indicates the nature and extent of resources for the study of United States history available at the Historical Society of Iowa, the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and the Iowa University Libraries.
The state appropriates funds to support library services to Iowans through the State Library, the Library Service Areas, and state aid to local libraries known as Enrich Iowa. As a result of legislation enacted in 2010, the Iowa Library Association, or ILA, convened a committee to make recommendations regarding reorganization of state-funded library operations and services. The committee's recommendations have been approved by the ILA and endorsed by the State Commission of Libraries. The recommendations described involve the reorganization of the State Library and Library Service Areas.
This report illustrates the critical role of Enrich Iowa funding in enhancing lifelong learning for Iowans through libraries; improving library resources aimed at assisting job seekers; maintaining library hours that meet library customers’ needs; improving library technology services; and providing safe, accessible library buildings.
State institutions, such as hospitals, penal and correctional institutions and training schools for children have had libraries starting in about 1905. In 1925 the supervisory librarian position became vacant and was not filled. This report states that Iowa is in danger of losing her reputation as a progressive library state.
This document contains statistics and reports about Iowa public libraries. It includes tables, graphs, maps and information about the use of public libraries, loans, holdings, data by region and population and much more. The information was compiled for a consultants meeting for the Iowa State Traveling Library.
These guidelines were created by a Task Force appointed by the State Library of Iowa and the Iowa Department of Education to provide assistance to local school districts in developing school library programs. These include a summary of the data collected annually by the State Library of Iowa in its Survey of School Libraries. This data will allow local schools to compare themselves in terms of collections, budgets and staffing to schools of similar size throughout the state.
This document contains statistics and reports about Iowa public libraries, particularly in the areas of reference and information services. It includes tables, graphs, maps and information about the use of public libraries, loans, holdings, data by region and population and much more. The information was compiled for a consultants meeting for the Iowa State Traveling Library.
This report illustrates the critical role of Enrich Iowa funding in enhancing lifelong learning for Iowans through libraries; improving library resources aimed at assisting job seekers; maintaining library hours that meet library customers’ needs; improving library technology services; and providing safe, accessible library buildings.
This report details the amount and use of Enrich Iowa funding Iowa libraries received for the Direct State Aid program. Annually, Iowa libraries are required to report on the use of this funding in set categories, but libraries are also given the opportunity to provide comments or stories on the impacts of these funds. The right column includes the comments submitted by Iowa libraries.