98 resultados para Community-based child welfare
This issue review examines the funding levels within the community-based corrections, or CBC, district departments compared to the offender populations, risk and supervision levels, and recidivism rates to consider whether current funding allocations are appropriate. The majority of offenders in corrections are supervised by the CBC-district departments.
The Child Welfare Advisory Committee (CWAC) was charged to study procedures in the Department of Human Services for receiving complaints from families involved in guardianship, placement, and custody proceeding and the specificity and clarity of court orders issued in foster care placements pursuant to the State of Iowa Primary Review.
The Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Elderly Waiver program provides assistance to qualified individuals who are 65 or older and prefer to stay in their own home or another community setting when needing long-term health care services. The Elderly Waiver program provides services and support to older Iowans who are medically qualified for the level of care provided at a nursing facility but do not wish to live in a nursing home. The program allows older Iowans to age in environments that are familiar and comfortable, while saving money from expensive nursing home costs.
This document contains two related, but separate reports. The Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund Outcomes Report is a summary of outcomes from services and activities funded through the Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund in FY2001. The Juvenile Justice Youth Development Program Summary describes Iowa communities’ current prevention and sanction programs supported with funding from the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) during FY2002. The material in Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund Outcomes Report is presented in response to a legislative mandate to report specific prevention outcomes for the community Grant Fund. It includes a brief description of a Youth Development Results Framework established by the Iowa Collaboration for Youth Development. Outcomes are reported using this results framework, which was developed by a number of state agencies as a common tool for various state programs involving youth development related planning and funding processes. Included in this report is a description of outcomes from the prevention activities funded, all or in part, by the Community Grant Fund, as reported by local communities. The program summaries presented in the Juvenile Justice Youth Development Program Summary provide an overview of local efforts to implement their 2002 Juvenile Justice Youth Development plans and include prevention and sanction programs funded through the combined resources of the State Community Grant Fund and the Federal Title V Prevention, Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Act Formula Grant and Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant programs. These combined funds are referred to in this document as the Juvenile Justice Youth Development (JJYD) funds. To administer the JJYD funds, including funds from the Community Grant Fund, CJJP partners with local officials to facilitate a community planning process that determines the communities’ priorities for the use of the funds. The local planning is coordinated by the Iowa’s Decategorization Boards (Decats). These local officials and/or their staff have been leaders in providing oversight or staff support to a variety of local planning initiatives (e.g. child welfare, Comprehensive Strategy Pilot Projects, Empowerment, other) and bring child welfare and community planning experience to the table for the creation of comprehensive community longterm planning efforts. The allocation of these combined funds and the technical assistance received by the Decats from CJJP is believed to have helped enhance both child welfare and juvenile justice efforts locally and has provided for the recognition and establishment of connections for joint child welfare/juvenile justice planning. The allocation and local planning approach has allowed funding from CJJP to be “blended” or “braided” with other local, state, and federal dollars that flow to communities as a result of their local planning responsibilities. The program descriptions provided in this document reflect services and activities supported with JJYD funds. In many cases, however, additional funding sources have been used to fully fund the programs. Most of the information in this document’s two reports was submitted to CJJP by the communities through an on- line planning and reporting process established jointly by the DHS and CJJP.
• Promotes access to regular preventive health care services for children through contracts with 22 agencies covering all of Iowa’s 99 counties • Fosters age appropriate growth and development by promoting early identification of children’s health concerns and referral for diagnosis and treatment • Assists families to establish medical and dental homes for their children • Targets low income families – children on Medicaid and those who are uninsured and under insured • Strives to meet family needs and remove barriers to accessing health care by linking families to community-based, culturally appropriate services
In June 2009, the Iowa Department of Human Service (IDHS) developed a Child and Family Service Plan (CFSP) that sets forth the Department’s vision and goals to be accomplished for FYs 2010 through 2014. The purpose of the CFSP is to strengthen the States’ overall child welfare system and to facilitate the state’s integration of the programs that serve children and families into a comprehensive and continuum array of child welfare services from prevention and protection through permanency. These programs include title IV-B, subparts 1 and 2 of the Act, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), the Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP), and the Education and Training Vouchers (ETV) programs for older and/or former foster care youth. IDHS administers the IV-B, CAPTA, CFCIP and the ETV programs described within Iowa’s CFSP. Iowa’s Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR) provides an annual update on the progress made toward accomplishing the goals and objectives identified in the state’s CFSP for the previous fiscal year (2009-2010) and the planned activities for next fiscal year (2010-2011) .
With the adoption of evidence-based practices as the standard by which offender interventions are evaluated for effectiveness in the Iowa Department of Corrections, the Victim Advisory Council deemed it critical to form an ad hoc committee to evaluate the Victim Impact Class (VIC)intervention used in institutions and community-based corrections across the state to determine its efficacy and adherence to that new standard.
Through an act of the Iowa Legislature, the Violator Program came into existence some 20 years ago, the purpose of which was to provide an alternative to long-term imprisonment for those offenders whose probation/parole had been suspended. This 4-6 month program is currently administered at three locations: Luster Heights, Newton Correctional Release Center,and the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women.
Each year approximately thirty to forty thousand children and youth come to the attention of Iowa’s child welfare and juvenile justice systems and, of those, four to five thousand enter foster care to address child safety or public safety. For most, foster care is a short-term placement designed to allow time to address the reason for removal and to receive the support and services necessary for children to return to their family and community. Unfortunately, too many children and youth remain in foster care too long. Too many youth exit care through emancipation rather than to a permanent family and enduring relationship. Too many young people never realize the security of connections to adults who will be there for a lifetime. When our system fails to find forever families for youth in foster care, long-term outcomes are bleak. A young person’s permanency status is inextricably intertwined with their overall well being.
This report is Iowa’s Three-Year Plan, which serves as the application for federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act formula grant funding (JJDP Act). The Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) wrote Iowa’s Three-Year Plan. CJJP is the state agency responsible for administering the JJDP Act in Iowa. Federal officials refer to state administering agencies as the state planning agency (SPA). The Plan was developed and approved by Iowa’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Council. That Council assists with administration of the JJDP Act, and also provides guidance and direction to the SPA, the Governor and the legislature regarding juvenile justice issues in Iowa. Federal officials refer to such state level groups as state advisory groups (SAG’s). The acronyms SPA and SAG are used through this report.
Newsletter from the Department of Corrections
Newsletter from the Department of Corrections
Newsletter from the Department of Corrections
Newsletter from the Department of Corrections
Iowa Department of Corrections Annual Performance Report FY 2004