23 resultados para Bendix Corporation


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It is difficult to maintain reflectorized lane markings on high-traffic, multi-lane highways. This is particularly true of sections in urban areas where there are frequent lane changes, such as on the Des Moines Freeway, I-235. In spite of the fact that the lane markings are painted on an average of three times a year, they are frequently absent during a considerable portion of the winter period. In the summer of 1973, the office of Highway Maintenance suggested a research project using a new thermoplastic paint developed by the Prismo Universal Corporation. Because of difficulties in scheduling the work, a definite proposal was not submitted until 1974. Upon the recommendation of the Iowa Highway Research Board, the project was approved by the Iowa State Highway Commission on August 7, 1974.


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An asphalt concrete (ACC) overlay is most often the rehabilitative effort used to maintain the serviceability of either an ACC or PCC pavement. The major problem in durability of this ACC overlay comes from reflective cracking. These cracks usually open, allowing water to enter the unsealed crack and strip the ACC in the overlay. The stripping of the ACC allows accelerated deterioration at the crack. Two engineering fabrics were evaluated in this project in order to determine their effectiveness in reducing reflective cracking. These two materials are: PavePrep, Contech Construction Products, Inc., and Pro-Guard, Phillips Fiber Corporation. A 4.2 km (2.6 mi) roadway in Audubon County was selected for the research project. The roadway was divided into eight test sections. Four of the test sections are conventional resurfacing. The other four sections are split between the two engineering fabrics (two Pro-Guard and two PavePrep). A 75 mm (3 in.) thick overlay was placed over the entire project.


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In Iowa it is normal procedure to either use partial or full-depth patching to repair deteriorated areas of pavement prior to resurfacing. The Owens/Corning Corporation introduced a repair system to replace the patching process. Their Roadglas repair system was used in this research project on US 30 in Story County. It was installed in 1985 and has been observed annually since that time. There were some construction problems with slippage as the roller crossed the abundant Roadglas binder. It appears the Roadglas system has helped to control reflective cracking in the research areas. Since the time when this project was completed it has been reported that Owens/Corning has discontinued production of the Roadglas system.


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The objective of this research study is to evaluate the performance, maintenance requirements and cost effectiveness of constructing reinforced slope along a concrete bikeway overpass with a Geogrid system such as manufactured by Tensar Corporation or Reinforced Earth Company. This final report consists of two separate reports - construction and performance. An earlier design report and work plan was submitted to the Iowa DOT in 1989. From the Design Report, it was determined that the reinforced slope would be the most economical system for this particular bikeway project. Preliminary cost estimates for other design alternatives including concrete retaining walls, gabions and sheet pile walls ranged from $204/L.F. to $220/L.F. The actual final construction cost of the reinforced slope with GEDGRIDS was around $112/L.F. Although, since the reinforced slope system was not feasible next to the bridge overpass because of design constraints, a fair cost comparison should reflect costs of constructing a concrete retaining wall. Including the concrete retaining wall costs raises the per lineal foot cost to around $122/L.F. In addition to this initial construction cost effectiveness of the reinforced slope, there has been little or no maintenance needed for this reinforced slope. It was noted that some edge mowing or weed whacking could be done near the concrete bikeway slab to improve the visual quality of the slope, but no work has been assigned to city crews. It was added that this kind of weed whacking over such steep slope is more difficult and there could possibly be more potential for work related injury. The geogrid reinforced slope has performed really well once the vegetation took control and prevented soil washing across the bikeway slab. To that end, interim erosion control measures might need to be considered in future projects. Some construction observations were noted. First, there i s no specialized experience or equipment required for a contractor to successfully build a low-to-medium geogrid reinforced slope structure. Second, the adaptability of the reinforced earth structure enables the designer to best fit the shape of the structure to the environment and could enhance aesthetic quality. Finally, a reinforced slope can be built with relatively soft soils provided differential settlements between facing are limited to one or two percent.


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A new machine, the ROTO-MILL Profiler, became available in early 1976. This machine, manufactured by CMI Corporation of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma provides pavement surface Scarification at a much higher production rate than was previously possible. Iowa had the opportunity to observe and evaluate this machine on two separate sections of primary portland cement concrete pavement in October, 1976. The marked improvement in the profile index and the skid resistance indicates this machine may be considered a viable method for improving rideability and skid resistance of a roadway that is otherwise reasonably sound.


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An ACC overlay is most often the rehabilitative effort used to maintain the serviceability of either an ACC or PCC pavement. The major problem in durability of this ACC overlay comes from reflective cracking. These cracks usually open, allowing water to enter the unsealed crack and strip the ACC in the overlay. The stripping of the ACC allows accelerated deterioration at the crack. Two engineering fabrics were evaluated in this project in order to determine their effectiveness in reducing reflective cracking. These two materials are: • PavePrep, Contech Construction Products Inc. • ProGuard, Phillips Fiber Corporation The data indicated a statistically significant decrease in reflective crack formation in the ProGuard fabric sections compared to control. There was little evidence of a similar effect from the PavePrep fabric sections compared to control. However, the rate of cracking (the rate of formation of new cracks) for both fabrics and control tended to be similar after three years. The benefits of using these fabrics (possible delay of some crack formation by two years) on this project did not outweigh the costs of up to $4200.00 per mile.


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Bridge deck and substructure deterioration due to the corrosive effects of deicing chemicals on reinforcing steel is a problem facing many transportation agencies. The main concern is protection of older bridges with uncoated reinforcing steel. Many different methods have been tried over the past years to repair bridge decks. The Iowa system of bridge deck rehabilitation has proven to be very effective. It consists of scarifying the deck surface, removing any deteriorated concrete, and overlaying with low slump dense concrete. Another rehabilitation method that has emerged is cathodic protection. It has been used for many years in the protection of underground pipelines and in 1973 was first installed on a bridge deck. Cathodic protection works by applying an external source of direct current to the embedded reinforcing steel, thereby changing the electrochemical process of corrosion. The corroding steel, which is anodic, is protected by changing it to a cathodic state. The technology involved in cathodic protection as applied to bridge decks has improved over the last 12 years. One company marketing new technology in cathodic protection systems is Raychem Corporation of Menlo Park, California. Their system utilizes a Ferex anode mesh that distributes the impressed direct current over the deck surface. Ferex mesh was selected because it seemed readily adaptable to the Iowa system of bridge deck rehabilitation. The bridge deck would be scarified, deteriorated concrete removed, Ferex anode mesh installed, and overlaid with low slump dense concrete. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) promotes cathodic protection under Demonstration Project No. 34, "Cathodic Protection for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks."


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This manual provides a set of procedural rules and regulations for use in functionally classifying all roads and streets in Iowa according to the character of service they are intended to provide. Functional classification is a requirement of the 1973 Code of Iowa (Chapter 306) as amended by Senate File 1062 enacted by the 2nd session of the 65th General Assembly of Iowa. Functional classification is defined as the grouping of roads and streets into systems according to the character of service they will be expected to provide, and the assignment of jurisdiction over each class to the governmental unit having primary interest in each type of service. Stated objectives of the legislation are: "Functional classification will serve the legislator by providing an equitable basis for determination of proper source of tax support and providing for the assignment of financial resources to the governmental unit having responsibility for each class of service. Functional classification promotes the ability of the administrator to effectively prepare and carry out long range programs which reflect the transportation needs of the public." All roads and streets in legal existence will be classified. Instructions are also included in this manual for a continuous reporting to the Highway Commission of changes in classification and/or jurisdiction resulting from new construction, corporation line changes, relocations, and deletions. This continuous updating of records is absolutely essential for modern day transportation planning as it is the only possible way to monitor the status of existing road systems, and consequently determine adequacy and needs with accuracy.