26 resultados para Automated Marketing
The creation of three-dimensional (3D) drawings for proposed designs for construction, re-construction and rehabilitation activities are becoming increasingly common for highway designers, whether by department of transportation (DOT) employees or consulting engineers. However, technical challenges exist that prevent the use of these 3D drawings/models from being used as the basis of interactive simulation. Use of driving simulation to service the needs of the transportation industry in the US lags behind Europe due to several factors, including lack of technical infrastructure at DOTs, cost of maintaining and supporting simulation infrastructure—traditionally done by simulation domain experts—and cost and effort to translate DOT domain data into the simulation domain.
The creation of three-dimensional (3D) drawings for proposed designs for construction, re-construction and rehabilitation activities are becoming increasingly common for highway designers, whether by department of transportation (DOT) employees or consulting engineers. However, technical challenges exist that prevent the use of these 3D drawings/models from being used as the basis of interactive simulation. Use of driving simulation to service the needs of the transportation industry in the US lags behind Europe due to several factors, including lack of technical infrastructure at DOTs, cost of maintaining and supporting simulation infrastructure—traditionally done by simulation domain experts—and cost and effort to translate DOT domain data into the simulation domain.
Agreed upon procedures report on the Iowa Turkey Marketing Council for the period January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2012
The Office of Special Investigations at Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) collects FWD data on regular basis to evaluate pavement structural conditions. The primary objective of this study was to develop a fully-automated software system for rapid processing of the FWD data along with a user manual. The software system automatically reads the FWD raw data collected by the JILS-20 type FWD machine that Iowa DOT owns, processes and analyzes the collected data with the rapid prediction algorithms developed during the phase I study. This system smoothly integrates the FWD data analysis algorithms and the computer program being used to collect the pavement deflection data. This system can be used to assess pavement condition, estimate remaining pavement life, and eventually help assess pavement rehabilitation strategies by the Iowa DOT pavement management team. This report describes the developed software in detail and can also be used as a user-manual for conducting simulation studies and detailed analyses. *********************** Large File ***********************
The purpose of this project was to determine the feasibility of using pavement condition data collected for the Iowa Pavement Management Program (IPMP) as input to the Iowa Quadrennial Need Study. The need study, conducted by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) every four years, currently uses manually collected highway infrastructure condition data (roughness, rutting, cracking, etc.). Because of the Iowa DOT's 10-year data collection cycles, condition data for a given highway segment may be up to 10 years old. In some cases, the need study process has resulted in wide fluctuations in funding allocated to individual Iowa counties from one study to the next. This volatility in funding levels makes it difficult for county engineers to plan and program road maintenance and improvements. One possible remedy is to input more current and less subjective infrastructure condition data. The IPMP was initially developed to satisfy the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) requirement that federal-aid-eligible highways be managed through a pavement management system. Currently all metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in Iowa and 15 of Iowa's 18 RPAs participate in the IPMP. The core of this program is a statewide data base of pavement condition and construction history information. The pavement data are collected by machine in two-year cycles. Using pilot areas, researchers examined the implications of using the automated data collected for the IPMP as input to the need study computer program, HWYNEEDS. The results show that using the IPMP automated data in HWYNEEDS is feasible and beneficial, resulting in less volatility in the level of total need between successive quadrennial need studies. In other words, the more current the data, the smaller the shift in total need.
Kansas State University, with funding from the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT), has developed a computerized reduction system for profilograms produced by mechanical profilographs. The commercial version of the system (ProScan (trademark)) is marketed by Devore Systems, Inc. The system consists of an IBM Compatible PC 486SX33 computer or better, Epson LQ-570 printer, a Logitech Scanman 32 hand scanner system, a paper transport unit, and the ProScan software. The Scanner is not adaptable to IBM computers with the micro channel architecture. The Iowa DOT Transportation Centers could realize the following advantages by using ProScan: (1) Save about 5 to 8 staff hours of reduction and reporting time per Transportation Center per week for a Materials Technician 3 or 4 (the time savings would come during the busiest part of the season); (2) Reduce errors in reduction, transfer, and typing of profile values; (3) Increase the accuracy of the monitor results; and (4) Allow rapid evaluation of contractor traces when tolerance limits between monitor and certified results are exceeded.
This project examines similarities and differences between the automated condition data collected on and off county paved roads and the manual condition data collected by Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) staff in 2000 and 2001. Also, the researchers will provide staff support to the advisory committee in exploring other options to the highway need process. The results show that the automated condition data can be used in a converted highway needs process with no major differences between the two methods. Even though the foundation rating difference was significant, the foundation rating weighting factor in HWYNEEDS is minimal and should not have a major impact. In terms of RUTF formula based distribution, the results clearly show the superiority of the condition-based analysis compared to the non-condition based. That correlation can be further enhanced by adding more distress variables to the analysis.
This report documents work undertaken in the demonstration of a low-cost Automatic Weight and Classification System (AWACS). An AWACS procurement specification and details of the results of the project are also included. The intent of the project is to support and encourage transferring research knowledge to state and local agencies and manufacturers through field demonstrations. Presently available, Weigh-in-Motion and Classification Systems are typically too expensive to permit the wide deployment necessary to obtain representative vehicle data. Piezo electric technology has been used in the United Kingdom and Europe and is believed to be the basic element in a low-cost AWACS. Low-cost systems have been installed at two sites, one in Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement in Iowa and the other in Asphaltic Cement Concrete (ACC) pavement in Minnesota to provide experience with both types of pavement. The systems provide axle weights, gross vehicle weight, axle spacing, vehicle classification, vehicle speed, vehicle count, and time of arrival. In addition, system self-calibration and a method to predict contact tire pressure is included in the system design. The study has shown that in the PCC pavement, the AWACS is capable of meeting the needs of state and federal highway agencies, producing accuracies comparable to many current commercial WIM devices. This is being achieved at a procurement cost of substantially less than currently available equipment. In the ACC pavement the accuracies were less than those observed in the PCC pavement which is concluded to result from a low pavement rigidity at this site. Further work is needed to assess the AWACS performance at a range of sites in ACC pavements.
Agreed–upon procedures report on the Iowa Turkey Marketing Council for the period January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2014
The Federal Highway Administration estimates that red light running causes more than 100,000 crashes and 1,000 fatalities annually and results in an estimated economic loss of over $14 billion per year in the United States. In Iowa alone, a statewide analysis of red light running crashes, using crash data from 2001 to 2006, indicates that an average of 1,682 red light running crashes occur at signalized intersections every year. As a result, red light running poses a significant safety issue for communities. Communities rarely have the resources to place additional law enforcement in the field to combat the problem and they are increasingly using automated red light running camera-enforcement systems at signalized intersections. In Iowa, three communities currently use camera enforcement since 2004. These communities include Davenport, Council Bluffs, and Clive. As communities across the United States attempt to address red light running, a number of communities have implemented red light running camera enforcement programs. This report examines the red light running programs in Iowa and summarizes results of analyses to evaluate the effectiveness of such cameras.
This report provides recommendations for the state of Iowa over the next five years in regards to automated vehicle policy development. These administrative, planning, legal, and community strategy recommendations for government agencies include: • Encouraging automation by preparing government agencies, infrastructure, leveraging procurement, and advocating for safety mandates • Adjusting long range planning processes by identifying and incorporating a wide range of new automation scenarios • Beginning to analyze and, as necessary, clarify existing law as it apples to automated driving • Auditing existing law • Enforcing existing laws • Ensuring vehicle owners and operators bear the true cost of driving • Embracing flexibility by giving agencies the statutory authority to achieve regulatory goals through different means, allowing them to make small-scale exemptions to statutory regimes and clarifying their enforcement discretion • Thinking locally and preparing publicly • Sharing the steps being taken to promote (as well as to anticipate and regulate) automated driving • Instituting public education about automated vehicle technologies.