35 resultados para 303.4838614 C758


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The Yellow River Headwaters Watershed (YRHW) drains 26,730 acres of rural land within Winneshiek and Allamakee Counties. While portions of the river have been designated as a High Quality Resource by the State of Iowa, other portions appear on the State's 303(d) List of Impaired Waters due to excessive nutrients, sediment and other water quality issues. The Winneshiek SWCD was fortunate enough to secure WSPF/WPF funds for FY2009 to begin addressing many of the sources of the identified problems, especially along the all-to-critical stream corridor. Initial landowner I producer interest has exceeded expectations and several key BMPs have been installed within the identified critical areas. Yet due to the current budget constraints in the WSPF/WPF programs, we currently have greater landowner I producer interest than we do funds, which is why the District is applying for WIRB funding, to provide supplemental incentives to continue the installation of needed Grade Stabilization Structures, Terraces and Manure Management Systems in identified critical areas. Other funding, currently available to the District, will cover the remaining portions of the project's budget, including staff and our outreach efforts.


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This project would construct a sediment basin on the main inlet stream to Swan Lake, an impaired waterbody currently on the 303(d) list. This project is one of the highest priorities in our Watershed Management Plan. According to STEPL modeling, it would sequester over 1/3 of the total phosphorus (the pollutant of main concern) coming into the lake.


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Big Bear Creek is the upper portion of Bear Creek which drains 26,734 acres and ends at the Highway 136 crossing of Bear Creek. Bear Creek flows into the section of the Maquoketa River, which is on the EPA’s 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. Monitoring by the Iowa DNR indicates that Bear Creek is contributing significant amounts of sediment and nutrients to the Maquoketa River. The primary use of land in the Big Bear Creek Watershed is row crop production. A roadside survey completed by Anamosa Field Office Staff indicated that 123,747 tons/yr. of sediment was being lost due to sheet and rill erosion only. The sediment delivered to Big Bear Creek is 24,447 tons/yr. Based on this data, 34,226 lbs. of Phosphorus is reaching the stream per year. With the added amount of sediment and phosphorus delivery through gully and streambank erosion, one can clearly see that the water quality in Bear Creek is severely impaired. The Big Bear Watershed Project will work to reduce the sediment and phosphorus delivered to the stream by 30% through the installation of practices that trap sediment and reduce erosion.


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Lake Hendricks is a 54 acre man-made lake that is encompassed by a 1,209 acre watershed. Lake Hendricks is currently on the 303(d) Impaired Waters List for algae and pH impairments due to an abundance of algae growth caused by nutrients being delivered to the lake via 11 separate tile lines draining adjoining cropland areas. In 2009, a Watershed Management Plan was developed in partnership with IDALS and the IDNR 319 programs and $256,500 was awarded to address the nutrient and sediment loading of the lake. Over the past three years a total of $251,000 were spent to implement one grade stabilization structure, two sediment basins, two bioreactors, 700 feet of streambank stabilization, 30.7 acres oftimber stand improvement, and 39.4 acres of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). A proposed wetland structure and three sediment basins are scheduled to be constructed in the fall of 2011. Current water monitoring data is showing an average of 54% Nitrate (N) loading reductions as a result of the installed BMPs. The District feels further reductions are possible by addressing nutrient management issues in the cropland areas, stabilizing additional streambanks, and improving the surrounding woodland areas. The goal is to reduce N loading by an additional 20% and sediment loading by 50 tlac/yr. The resulting collaborative effort may lead to the future de-listing of Lake Hendricks from the 303(d) Impaired Waters List.


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Bear Creek is an impaired warm water fishery designated as class B(LR) by the Iowa DNR and is on 303 impaired waters list for fish kills and ammonia. Bear Creek is located in eastern Delaware County. This project is designed to improve the water quality of Bear Creek by educating the landowners, operators and watershed community about the importance of this water resource. The goal of the Bear Creek Watershed Project is to improve the water quality of Bear Creek by reducing the amounts of ammoniated manure discharge, fecal coliform bacteria, sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorous. The Bear Creek Watershed Project has been a watershed project since July 2004, first as a Demo project FY 2004-2005 and then full time WSPF/319 project FY06-09. Fish kills have not occurred in 2008-2009. Sediment delivery has decreased in the Bear Creek Watershed by 5,328 tons per year. The objectives of this watershed project will be to improve Livestock Waste Storage, to improve Livestock Waste Usage, to decrease Sediment Losses, and to improve Education & Area Outreach. This project will install 2 manure storage structures (EQIP/project funded), 19 ac of CRP waterways, 12 ac of project waterways, 17 ac of CRP filter strips along stream, 12 water and sediment control basins, 18,000 ft of terraces, 350 ac of new notill planting, and 3,700 ft of streambank protection.


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Whit Oak Lake was listed on the 2008 Section 303(d) List if impaired waters in four categories. The first phase of the project has already helped to affect approximately 60% of the watershed. There has been an estimated sediment reduction of 609 tons per year with phase one. The structure being planned for the South end of the lake, (phase two) will affect nearly all of the remaining 40%. If we can accomplish similar results, we can expect a sediment reduction of approximately 273 tons additional per year. We have been working with the Mahaska County NRCS office, Snyder & Associates (engineers) and private landowners in the watershed to make this project a reality.


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Brushy Creek is a tributary of the Raccoon River, which is a regular source of drinking water for over 400,000 Iowans. Regular monitoring by Des Moines Water Works (DMWW) and Agriculture’s Clean Water Alliance (ACWA) over the last eight years has shown the stream to be highly impaired for coliform bacteria and nitrate. Both Brushy Creek and the Raccoon River are on the 303(d) impaired waterbody list. A December 2005 fish kill in Brushy Creek resulted in administrative actions against seven livestock producers. Several open feed lots exist in the watershed. The community of Roselle (in the Brushy Creek watershed) has been identified by IDNR as unsewered, and many dwellings throughout the watershed discharge untreated human waste. No Watershed Improvement Association (WIA) exists in this sparsely-populated area. This outcome-based project will: • Enhance nutrient and manure management to reduce agricultural inputs to the stream. • Assess the amount of human waste reaching the stream from Roselle. • Engage and inform local residents so a WIA can be formed. • Monitor performance through a rigorous water and soil testing program. This project embraces a concept of participation from all levels of government, commodity organizations, and the private sector. The largest drinking water utility in the state will lead and administer this effort. The participating parties will work to establish a functioning WIA so that progress achieved through this project will be robust and long-lasting. The participants believe this will be the most effective approach to correct the situation, and will serve as a model for other problem watersheds throughout the state.


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The Muchakinock Creek Watershed Project began in February of 2005 to treat upland soil erosion in the creek that has lead to a 303(d) impairment. The Mahaska SWCD is currently administering this cost-share program to promote terraces, basins and grade stabilization structures. The District is now seeking funding from WIRB to treat specific abandoned mine lands in the Muchakinock Creek Watershed. These areas contribute sediment to the creek at levels second only to agricultural lands as well as acid mine drainage from open pits mines that have been left to decay across the county. The WIRB funding would be used to compliment Federal Abandoned Mine Land (AML) funding in the reclamation of these areas.


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Leisure Lake is approximately a 67 acre water body located in northwest Jackson County with a 2,681 acre drainage area. The watershed including the lake is a tributary to Lytle Creek which drains into the North Fork of the Maquoketa River. Portions of the Lytle Creek and North Fork Maquoketa River are on the 303(d) impaired waterbodies list. The project area includes a community of 370 residential properties and one business that currently has no central wastewater collection and treatment system. The purpose of this project is to construct a wastewater collection and treatment facility to improve water quality in the creek and river. The project will eliminate the non-permitted septic systems and construct a new wastewater system to properly treat wastewater prior to its discharge into the waterways.


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Lime Creek is a sub-watershed of the Cedar River above; approximately 25 miles from Cedar Rapids. The lower half of the stream is on the Iowa 2004 Section 303(d) impaired waters list. Monitoring by the Cedar River Watershed Monitoring Coalition documents that Lime Creek delivers above average amounts of nitrate+ nitrite-N, ammonia-Nand total phosphorus (above the 901 percentile) compared to other Cedar River sub-watersheds. The Cedar Rapids water utility is concerned about increasing delivery of nitrate+nitrate to the Cedar River, which provides drinking water for about 125,000 people in the area. A group of local citizens has formed the Lime Creek watershed council with the goal of reducing pollutant delivery to the creek and promoting sustainable, watershed-wide action by producers, urban and rural residents for improved environmental management. The council has established a performance-based program that rewards cooperators for improvement in research-based test and index scores which directly measure environmental impact of BMPs. The Iowa Com Growers Association is funding the performance rewards. The Watershed Coalition is contributing in-kind monitoring. Council and performance cooperators participate primarily with commitment of their own resources. WIRB funds will be used to increase program cooperators and for staff support. In addition to improvement of water quality in Lime Creek, the project will establish baseline values for arket-based a pro ch to valuing pollutant reduction by intensive livestock operations in eastern Iowa.


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Lower Coldwater and Palmer Creeks in Butler and Floyd counties are subwatersheds of the Cedar River, which provides drinking water to Cedar Rapids, IA. The increasing concentration of nitrate+nitrate in the river is of concern to the Cedar Rapids water utility, and IDNR snapshot monitoring shows Coldwater and Palmer to be significant potential sources (above the 90th percentile for subwatersheds monitored). Both creeks are also on the Iowa Section 303(d) list of impaired waters (aquatic life). Citizens of these predominantly agricultural watersheds organized the Coldwater-Palmer Watershed Improvement Association to deal proactively with nonpoint source pollutants from crop and livestock operations through a performance-based environmental management program. The locally-adapted program implemented by the Coldwater-Palmer watershed council rewards participants for environmental accomplishments - soil quality improvement and nutrient source reduction as measured by accepted, scientifically-based tests and models. Most of the locally­appropriate BMPs used to improve performance are undertaken voluntarily at participants' initiative. WIRB funds will be combined with funding from the Iowa Com Growers Association and significant in-kind support from the Cedar River Watershed Monitoring Coalition, Iowa State University Extension and other partners. The project will result in sustainable reduction in nutrient loading achieved with voluntary participation of a majority of watershed farm operators.


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Clear Lake, Iowa's third largest natural lake, is a premier natural resource and popular recreational destination in north central Iowa. Despite the lake's already strong recreational use, water quality concerns have not allowed the lake to reach its full potential. Clear Lake is listed on Iowa's 2004 303(d) Impaired Waters List due to excessive levels of phosphorus, bacteria, and turbidity. Urban storm water runoff from the 8,600 acre watershed is a significant contributor to Clear Lake's impairment. Local communities have been working towards the goal of making improvements at all 30 storm water outlets that have a drainage area of five acres or more and have a cost effective solution. Many improvements have already been made, and now there are only seven storm water outlet sites remaining that still need protection in order to meet the goal. The storm water improvements have been very effective in reducing contaminants in urban runoff, achieving reduction levels in the 50-80% range. The proposed Clear Lake Storm Water Improvement Project will address the remaining seven outlet sites and take place over three years. The first year will consist of performing engineering and design of storm water best management practices (BMPs) at the seven outlet sites to determine if a cost effective solution exists for each. Years two and three will consist of installing two storm water improvements each year to implement the most cost effective BMPs at a minimum of four of the seven sites. The grant request addresses one of the main priorities of the Iowa Watershed Improvement Grant: storm water runoff.


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Farmers Creek is a moderately flowing stream that winds through seventeen miles of central Jackson County, encompassing a watershed area of 30,590 acres. Due to nutrient loading and sedimentation, the stream was placed on Iowa’s 303(d) List of Impaired Waters in 2002. A three year grant project was initiated in January 2005 to reduce both sediment delivery and phosphorus levels by 40% in critical areas along the stream corridor. Over thirty-five BMP’s were started in the first nine months of this project. Funding through WIRB is being requested specifically for streambank stabilization and protection projects not covered by other cost-share programs. Innovative project designs and techniques will be installed and act as demonstration sites. Projects may include jetties, weirs, cedar revetments, cattle crossings, and fencing. To assist in excluding cattle from the stream, watering systems such as slingpumps, pasture pumps, or water rams will be installed, in conjunction with filter strips and riparian buffers.


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Farmers Creek is a moderately flowing stream that winds through seventeen miles of central Jackson County, encompassing a watershed area of 30,590 acres. Due to nutrient loading and sedimentation, the stream was placed on Iowa’s 303(d) List of Impaired Waters in 2002. A three year grant project was initiated in January 2005 to reduce both sediment delivery and phosphorus levels by 40% in critical areas along the stream corridor. Over thirty-five BMP’s were started in the first nine months of this project. Funding through WIRB is being requested specifically for streambank stabilization and protection projects not covered by other cost-share programs. Innovative project designs and techniques will be installed and act as demonstration sites. Projects may include jetties, weirs, cedar revetments, cattle crossings, and fencing. To assist in excluding cattle from the stream, watering systems such as slingpumps, pasture pumps, or water rams will be installed, in conjunction with filter strips and riparian buffers.


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Lake Macbride is considered to be one of the top four lakes for fishing in the state of Iowa. It is widely used by the public and contributes significant economic benefits to the county. Lake Macbride is situated in the North Corridor which is one of the fastest growing areas in the state. The lake has a surface area of 940 acres and drains 16,205 acres. Lake Macbride is on the Iowa 303(d) list for excessive sediments and nutrients. In 2001, Lake Macbride State Park received over 2.5 million dollars from the Marine Fuel Tax and Fish and Wildlife Trust to install 2 silt basins and stabilize over 12 miles of shoreline in the lake. Also in 2001, the Johnson County SWCD received a WSPF allocation from DSC to address agriculture and urban runoff issues in the watershed. Section 319 funding was received in 2002 to continue watershed efforts to the present. A watershed assessment was completed in 2003 to guide watershed activities. In 2005, a TMDL was completed for the lake. Since 2001, over $645,000 dollars has been spent by landowners and funding partners to install conservation practices in the watershed. Watershed efforts have resulted in the reduction of over 4200 tons of soils from being delivered into Lake Macbride. Nutrient reductions have also occurred from the development of nutrient management plans on 2000 acres. The District is in the process of wrapping up watershed efforts on private land. A series of 13 structures is planned to be installed in the State Park over the next several years. One of the last remaining items that still needs addressed is 1,400 feet of eroding shoreline adjacent to Lake Macbride along Cottage Reserve Road. The road is under the jurisdiction of the Johnson County Board of Supervisors. Both the Board of Supervisors and the IDNR are willing to contribute substantial dollars to address the 250 tons of soil that are being directly delivered to Lake Macbride each year.