285 resultados para recording technology


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Audit report of Debt Service and Coverage for Iowa State University of Science and Technology as of June 30, 2014


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Technology News is a newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation to provide information to the transportation specialist in Iowa's cities and counties. Technology News is one of CTRE's primary avenues for exchanging transportation-related information with local agencies. The bimonthly newsletter gives an up-to-date look to the up-to-date information our 2,500+ readers have grown to expect.


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Technology News is a newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation to provide information to the transportation specialist in Iowa's cities and counties. Technology News is one of CTRE's primary avenues for exchanging transportation-related information with local agencies. The bimonthly newsletter gives an up-to-date look to the up-to-date information our 2,500+ readers have grown to expect.


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Trenchless technologies are methods used for the construction and rehabilitation of underground utility pipes. These methods are growing increasingly popular due to their versatility and their potential to lower project costs. However, the use of trenchless technologies in Iowa and their effects on surrounding soil and nearby structures has not been adequately documented. Surveys of and interviews with professionals working in trenchless-related industries in Iowa were conducted, and the results were analyzed and compared to survey results from the United States as a whole. The surveys focused on method familiarity, pavement distress observed, reliability of trenchless methods, and future improvements. Results indicate that the frequency of pavement distress or other trenchless-related issues are an ongoing problem in the industry. Inadequate soil information and quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) are partially to blame. Fieldwork involving the observation of trenchless construction projects was undertaken with the purpose of documenting current practices and applications of trenchless technology in the United States and Iowa. Field tests were performed in which push-in pressure cells were used to measure the soil stresses induced by trenchless construction methods. A program of laboratory soil testing was carried out in conjunction with the field testing. Soil testing showed that the installations were made in sandy clay or well-graded sand with silt and gravel. Pipes were installed primarily using horizontal directional drilling with pipe diameters from 3 to 12 inches. Pressure cell monitoring was conducted during the following construction phases: pilot bore, pre-reaming, and combined pipe pulling and reaming. The greatest increase in lateral earth pressure was 5.6 psi and was detected 2.1 feet from the centerline of the bore during a pilot hole operation in sandy lean clay. Measurements from 1.0 to 2.5 psi were common. Comparisons were made between field measurements and analytical and finite element calculation methods.


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Report on Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2014


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Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the Iowa State University of Science and Technology Kuali Financial System for the period April 30, 2014 through May 28, 2014


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Commercially available instruments for road-side data collection take highly limited measurements, require extensive manual input, or are too expensive for widespread use. However, inexpensive computer vision techniques for digital video analysis can be applied to automate the monitoring of driver, vehicle, and pedestrian behaviors. These techniques can measure safety-related variables that cannot be easily measured using existing sensors. The use of these techniques will lead to an improved understanding of the decisions made by drivers at intersections. These automated techniques allow the collection of large amounts of safety-related data in a relatively short amount of time. There is a need to develop an easily deployable system to utilize these new techniques. This project implemented and tested a digital video analysis system for use at intersections. A prototype video recording system was developed for field deployment. A computer interface was implemented and served to simplify and automate the data analysis and the data review process. Driver behavior was measured at urban and rural non-signalized intersections. Recorded digital video was analyzed and used to test the system.


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Technology News is a newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation to provide information to the transportation specialist in Iowa's cities and counties. Technology News is one of CTRE's primary avenues for exchanging transportation-related information with local agencies. The bimonthly newsletter gives an up-to-date look to the up-to-date information our 2,500+ readers have grown to expect.


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This Phase I report describes a preliminary evaluation of a new compaction monitoring system developed by Caterpillar, Inc. (CAT), for use as a quality control and quality assurance (QC/QA) tool during earthwork construction operations. The CAT compaction monitoring system consists of an instrumented roller with sensors to monitor machine power output in response to changes in soil machine interaction and is fitted with a global positioning system (GPS) to monitor roller location in real time. Three pilot tests were conducted using CAT’s compaction monitoring technology. Two of the sites were located in Peoria, Illinois, at the Caterpillar facilities. The third project was an actual earthwork grading project in West Des Moines, Iowa. Typical construction operations for all tests included the following steps: (1) aerate/till existing soil; (2) moisture condition soil with water truck (if too dry); (3) remix; (4) blade to level surface; and (5) compact soil using the CAT CP-533E roller instrumented with the compaction monitoring sensors and display screen. Test strips varied in loose lift thickness, water content, and length. The results of the study show that it is possible to evaluate soil compaction with relatively good accuracy using machine energy as an indicator, with the advantage of 100% coverage with results in real time. Additional field trials are necessary, however, to expand the range of correlations to other soil types, different roller configurations, roller speeds, lift thicknesses, and water contents. Further, with increased use of this technology, new QC/QA guidelines will need to be developed with a framework in statistical analysis. Results from Phase I revealed that the CAT compaction monitoring method has a high level of promise for use as a QC/QA tool but that additional testing is necessary in order to prove its validity under a wide range of field conditions. The Phase II work plan involves establishing a Technical Advisor Committee, developing a better understanding of the algorithms used, performing further testing in a controlled environment, testing on project sites in the Midwest, and developing QC/QA procedures.


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Technology News is a newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation to provide information to the transportation specialist in Iowa's cities and counties. Technology News is one of CTRE's primary avenues for exchanging transportation-related information with local agencies. The bimonthly newsletter gives an up-to-date look to the up-to-date information our 2,500+ readers have grown to expect.


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Technology News is a newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation to provide information to the transportation specialist in Iowa's cities and counties. Technology News is one of CTRE's primary avenues for exchanging transportation-related information with local agencies. The bimonthly newsletter gives an up-to-date look to the up-to-date information our 2,500+ readers have grown to expect.


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Audit report of Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa, (Iowa State University) as of and for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014


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Audit report of Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa, (Iowa State University) and its discretely presented component unit as of and for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014


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This document summarizes the discussion and findings of the 4th workshop held on October 27–28, 2015 in Frankfort, Kentucky as part of the Technology Transfer Intelligent Compaction Consortium (TTICC) Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF-5(233)) study. The TTICC project is led by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) and partnered by the following state DOTs: California, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin. The workshop was hosted by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and was organized by the Center for Earthworks Engineering Research (CEER) at Iowa State University of Science and Technology. The objective of the workshop was to generate a focused discussion to identify the research, education, and implementation goals necessary for advancing intelligent compaction for earthworks and asphalt. The workshop consisted of a review of the TTICC goals, state DOT briefings on intelligent compaction implementation activities in their state, voting and brainstorming sessions on intelligent compaction road map research and implementation needs, and identification of action items for TTICC, industry, and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on each of the road map elements to help accelerate implementation of the technology. Twenty-three attendees representing the state DOTs participating in this pooled fund study, the FHWA, Iowa State University, University of Kentucky, and industry participated in this workshop.


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This report provides recommendations for the state of Iowa over the next five years in regards to automated vehicle policy development. These administrative, planning, legal, and community strategy recommendations for government agencies include: • Encouraging automation by preparing government agencies, infrastructure, leveraging procurement, and advocating for safety mandates • Adjusting long range planning processes by identifying and incorporating a wide range of new automation scenarios • Beginning to analyze and, as necessary, clarify existing law as it apples to automated driving • Auditing existing law • Enforcing existing laws • Ensuring vehicle owners and operators bear the true cost of driving • Embracing flexibility by giving agencies the statutory authority to achieve regulatory goals through different means, allowing them to make small-scale exemptions to statutory regimes and clarifying their enforcement discretion • Thinking locally and preparing publicly • Sharing the steps being taken to promote (as well as to anticipate and regulate) automated driving • Instituting public education about automated vehicle technologies.