309 resultados para OF-STATE THEORIES
State of Iowa’s Single Audit Report for the year ended June 30, 2011
Report on a review of selected application controls over the Iowa State University of Science and Technology Facilities Planning and Management - Facilities Administrative Management Information System for the period of April 18, 2011 through May 16, 2011
Agreed upon procedures report on the six Library Service Areas in the State of Iowa for the period July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011
Report on the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2011
Report on Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2011
Program of the memorial in honor of William Boyd Allison, senior Senator of the State of Iowa, who died at his home in Dubuque, Iowa, August 4, 1908. It includes full text of remarks presented at the memorial by dignitaries in attendance.
Audit report of the Iowa State Prison Industries – Farms for the year ended June 30, 2011
Audit report of the Iowa State Prison Industries for the year ended June 30, 2011
Report on the Iowa Judicial Branch – County Clerks of District Courts, a part of the State of Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2011
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the Iowa State University of Science and Technology Room and Board System for the period of April 9, 2012 through May 1, 2012
Audit report of Iowa State University of Science and Technology as of and for the year ended June 30, 2012
Audit report of the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, and its discretely presented component unit as of and for the years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011
Audit report on internal control over financial reporting and on compliance and other matters of the State of Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2012
Single Audit Report for the State of Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2012
The discovery of early manuscript reports of Territorial and State Librarians, buried in the mass of old official papers transferred from the several departments of State to the new Department of Archives in the Historical Building, has suggested the propriety of completing as far as possible, the historical record of Iowa's State Library, "from the earliest period to the present time." After a thorough research through the papers on file in the Archives Department, the published Journals and departmental reports in the State Library and documents and private papers loaned me by Mr. Newton R. Parvin, librarian of the Iowa Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids. I am now able to present the following historical sketch, Supplemented by the hitherto unpublished papers referred to this filling a gap in the history of a State institution which from very small beginnings has grown to large proportions and has made for itself a firm place in the respect and esteem of every citizen of Iowa.