287 resultados para Motorcycle Crash Bars.


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Beginning on June 22, 2009, a road safety audit was initiated for the intersection of US 218 and County Road C-57 in Black Hawk County, Iowa. Due to the traffic volumes and the number of conflicting traffic movements on these two roadways, this intersection has developed a crash history that concerns the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), Iowa State Patrol, and local agencies. This intersection is ranked seventh in Iowa for the highest number of at-grade expressway intersection crashes. Considering this, Black Hawk County and the Iowa DOT requested that a road safety audit be conducted to address the safety concerns and recommend possible mitigation strategies.


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On August 3, 2009, a road safety audit was initiated for the intersection of IA 1 and County Road F-67 in Johnson County, Iowa. Due to the high volume of traffic accessing the cheese producing plant (Twin County Dairy, Inc.), a grocery store east of the intersection, and a large Amish community with horse-drawn wagons and carriages frequently sharing the roads with motorized vehicles, this intersection has developed a crash history that concerns the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), Iowa State Patrol, and local agencies. Considering this, Johnson County and the Iowa DOT requested that a road safety audit be conducted to address the safety concerns and recommend possible mitigation strategies.


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Interstate 380 (I-380) through Cedar Rapids and Hiawatha, Iowa, is a multilane divided urban freeway that was constructed in 1976 to the Cedar River and in 1981 from that point northerly. Traffic volumes vary from 47,000 to 83,500 vehicles per day, with about 8%–15% trucks and buses. Based on concern for the high number of crash incidents, particularly serious crashes, and increased traffic volumes on this roadway, the City of Cedar Rapids and the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) District 6 Office requested that a road safety audit be conducted for this roadway section. Representatives from the Iowa DOT, Federal Highway Administration, Center for Transportation Research and Education, local law enforcement, local government, and area businesses met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to this segment of I-380. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team for addressing the safety concerns on this I-380 corridor and explains several selected mitigation strategies.


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According to Iowa crash records, almost 10% of all crashes in Iowa occur at commercial driveways. Most of these crashes occur on arterials within municipalities. In recent years, nearly a quarter of these crashes have occurred in the Des Moines metropolitan area. This makes the Des Moines metropolitan area a prime candidate for improved access management. Case study research in Iowa has shown that access management is an extremely effective highway safety tool—well-managed routes are, on average, 40% safer than poorly managed routes. The Des Moines metropolitan area has many miles of four-lane, undivided arterials constructed when less was known about the importance of managing access to adjacent land development. This project involved a cooperative effort of the Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (Des Moines Area MPO) and the Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE) at Iowa State University to develop a comprehensive access management study and program for the Des Moines metropolitan area. The goal of the study is to use the knowledge developed to make improvements that will reduce access-related crashes. It is also anticipated that this project will help local officials make better decisions about access management so that future safety and operational problems can be avoided.


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This study examines the effectiveness of Iowa’s Driver Improvement Program (DIP), measured as the reduction in the number of driver convictions subsequent to the DIP. The analysis involved a random sample of 9,055 drivers who had been instructed to attend DIP and corresponding data on driver convictions, crashes, and driver education training history that were provided by the Iowa Motor Vehicle Division. The sample was divided into two groups based on DIP outcome: satisfactory or unsatisfactory completion. Two evaluation periods were considered: one year after the DIP date (probation period) and the period from the 13th to 18th month after the DIP date. The evaluation of Iowa’s DIP showed that there is evidence of effectiveness in terms of reducing driver convictions subsequent to attending the DIP. Among the 6,790 (75%) drivers who completed the course satisfactorily, 73% of drivers had no actions and 93% were not involved in a crash during the probation period. Statistical tests confirmed these numbers. However, the positive effect of satisfactory completion of DIP on survival time (that is, the time until the first conviction) was not statistically significant 13 months after the DIP date. Econometric model estimation results showed that, regardless of the DIP outcome, the likelihood of conviction occurrence and frequency of subsequent convictions depends on other factors, such as age, driver history, and DIP location, and interaction effects among these factors. Low-cost, early intervention measures are suggested to enhance the effectiveness of Iowa’s DIP. These measures can include advisory and warning letters (customized based on the driver’s age) sent within the first year after the DIP date and soon after the end of the probation period, as well as a closer examination of DIP instruction across the 17 community colleges that host the program. Given the large number of suspended drivers who continued to drive, consideration should also be given to measures to reduce driving while suspended offenses.


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Iowa features an extensive surface transportation system, with more than 110,000 miles of roadway, most of which is under the jurisdiction of local agencies. Given that Iowa is a lower-population state, most of this mileage is located in rural areas that exhibit low traffic volumes of less than 400 vehicles per day. However, these low-volume rural roads also account for about half of all recorded traffic crashes in Iowa, including a high percentage of fatal and major injury crashes. This study was undertaken to examine these crashes, identify major contributing causes, and develop low-cost strategies for reducing the incidence of these crashes. Iowa’s extensive crash and roadway system databases were utilized to obtain needed data. Using descriptive statistics, a test of proportions, and crash modeling, various classes of rural secondary roads were compared to similar state of Iowa controlled roads in crash frequency, severity, density, and rate for numerous selected factors that could contribute to crashes. The results of this study allowed the drawing of conclusions as to common contributing factors for crashes on low-volume rural roads, both paved and unpaved. Due to identified higher crash statistics, particular interest was drawn to unpaved rural roads with traffic volumes greater than 100 vehicles per day. Recommendations for addressing these crashes with low-cost mitigation are also included. Because of the isolated nature of traffic crashes on low-volume roads, a systemic or mass action approach to safety mitigation was recommended for an identified subset of the entire system. In addition, future development of a reliable crash prediction model is described.


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Jefferson County Road H-46 from Redwood Avenue to the southeast corporate limits (SCL) of Fairfield, Iowa, is a paved roadway approximately 6.5 miles long made of asphaltic concrete pavement with curvilinear alignment. The roadway consists of a 22 ft wide pavement, last overlaid in 2002, with 3 to 4 ft wide earth shoulders. Traffic estimates indicated volumes ranging from 500 to 1,590 vehicles per day, with numbers increasing as the route nears Fairfield. This roadway was found to be among the highest 5 percent of similar Iowa roadways in terms of severity of run-off-road crashes. In response, Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) requested a road safety audit to examine the roadway and suggest possible mitigation. Representatives from the Iowa DOT, Federal Highway Administration, Institute for Transportation, local law enforcement, and local government met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to this segment H-46. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team for addressing the safety concerns on this roadway.


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On October 20–21, 2009, two road safety audits were conducted in Lee County, Iowa: one for a 6 mile section of County Road X-23 from IA 2 to the south corporate limits of West Point and one for a 9.7 mile section of County Road W-62 from US 218 to IA 27. Both roads have high severe crash histories for the years of 2001 through 2008. Using these crash data, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) has identified County Road X-23 as being in the top 5 percent of similar roads for run-off-road crashes. The Iowa DOT lists County Road W-62 as a high-risk rural road that has above-average crash numbers and is eligible for funding under the Federal High-Risk Rural Road Program. Considering these issues, the Lee County Engineer and Iowa DOT requested that road safety audits be conducted to address the safety concerns and to suggest possible mitigation strategies.


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US 151 was originally constructed as IA 149 in 1931-1934 and has been rehabilitated several times. The most recent major improvements, which were completed in 2005-2006, consisted of hot mix asphalt resurfacing and partial shoulder paving. Major widening and resurfacing improvements were also completed in 2007 between Fairfax and US 30 in Cedar Rapids. According to a preliminary 2009 estimate, traffic volumes range from about 5,900 vehicles per day (vpd) north of Amana to about 14,400 vpd at the US 30 interchange in Cedar Rapids. In response to high crash densities and medium to medium-high crash rates along the route, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) requested a road safety audit to examine the roadway and suggest possible mitigation. Representatives from the Iowa DOT, Federal Highway Administration, Institute for Transportation, local law enforcement, and state government met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to this segment of US 151. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team for addressing the safety concerns on this roadway.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) continuously assesses the likely causes of crashes at high-crash locations throughout the Iowa roadway network and designs solutions to reduce the incidences of crashes. This research analyzed approximately 100 safety projects constructed in the past 10 years to see what affect they had on highway safety. The projects are grouped into seven categories as defined by their scope of work: (1) install new traffic signal, (2) add turn lane(s), (3) install new signal and turn lane(s), (4) add left-turn phasing, (5) add left-turn phasing and turn lane(s), (6) replace pedestal mount signals with mast arm signals, and (7) other geometric improvements. The project makes use of an extensive statewide crash database. The results of the project will evaluate the assumed reduction factors and benefit/cost (B/C) analysis, determine the actual cost effectiveness of the Iowa DOT's safety programs, and allow the Iowa DOT to better prioritize future improvements.


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The objective of this project was to evaluate low-cost measures to reduce speeds on high-crash horizontal curves. The researchers evaluated two low-cost treatments in Iowa to determine their effectiveness in reducing speeds on rural two-lane roadways. This report summarizes how the research team selected sites and collected data, and the results. The team selected six sites. Retroreflective post treatments were added to existing chevrons at four sites and on-pavement curve markings were added at two sites. The researchers collected speed data before and after installation of the two treatments. The study compared several speed metrics to assess the effectiveness of the treatments. Overall, both were moderately effective in reducing speeds. The most significant impact of the treatments was in reducing the percentage of vehicles traveling over the posted or advisory speed by 5, 10, 15, or 20 or more mph. This result suggests that the treatments are most effective in reducing high-end speeds.


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The function of dowel bars is the transfer of a load across the transverse joint from one pavement slab to the adjoining slab. In the past, these transfer mechanisms have been made of steel. However, pavement damage such as loss of bonding, deterioration, hollowing, cracking and spalling start to occur when the dowels begin to corrode. A significant amount of research has been done to evaluate alternative types of materials for use in the reinforcement of concrete pavements. Initial findings have indicated that stainless steel and fiber composite materials possess properties, such as flexural strength and corrosion resistance, that are equivalent to the Department of Transportation specifications for standard steel, 1 1/2 inch diameter dowel bars. Several factors affect the load transfer of dowels; these include diameter, alignment, grouting, bonding, spacing, corrosion resistance, joint spacing, slab thickness and dowel embedment length. This research is directed at the analysis of load transfer based on material type and dowel spacing. Specifically, this research is directed at analyzing the load transfer characteristics of: (a) 8-inch verses 12-inch spacing, and (b) alternative dowel material compared to epoxy coated steel dowels, will also be analyzed. This report documents the installation of the test sections, placed in 1997. Dowel material type and location are identified. Construction observations and limitations with each dowel material are shown.


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Pavement and shoulder edge drop-offs commonly occur in work zones as the result of overlays, pavement replacement, or shoulder construction. The depth of these elevation differentials can vary from approximately one inch when a flexible pavement overlay is applied to several feet where major reconstruction is undertaken. The potential hazards associated with pavement edge differentials depend on several factors including depth of the drop-off, shape of the pavement edge, distance from traveled way, vehicle speed, traffic mix, volume, and other factors. This research was undertaken to review current practices in other states for temporary traffic control strategies addressing lane edge differentials and to analyze crash data and resultant litigation related to edge drop-offs. An objective was to identify cost-effective practices that would minimize the potential for and impacts of edge drop crashes in work zones. Considerable variation in addressing temporary traffic control in work zones with edge drop-off exposure was found among the states surveyed. Crashes related to pavement edge drop-offs in work zones do not commonly occur in the state of Iowa, but some have resulted in significant tort claims and settlements. The use of benefit/cost analysis may provide guidance in selection of an appropriate mitigation and protection of edge drop-off conditions. Development and adoption of guidelines for design of appropriate traffic control for work zones that include edge drop-off exposure, particularly identifying effective use of temporary barrier rail, may be beneficial in Iowa.


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This analysis examined data from a variety of sources to estimate the benefit of enhancing Iowa’s current law to require all passengers to use seat belts. In addition to assessing Iowans’ opinions about changing the law, a literature review, a legislative policy review, and analysis of Iowa crash data were completed. Currently 28 states enforce seat belt laws for all passengers. Belted passengers riding with an unbelted passenger are 2 to 5 times more likely to suffer fatal injuries in a crash relative to when all occupants are using seat belts. Iowans are highly compliant (90%-94%) with the current seat belt law for front seat occupants. Of more than 1000 Iowans surveyed, 85% said they always use a seat belt when riding in the front seat, but only 36% always do so when they ride in the back seat. The most common reasons given for not using seat belts in the back seat are forgetting to buckle up and because it is not the law. Iowans widely support strengthening Iowa’s seat belt law — 62% said Iowa law should require all rear seat passengers to use seat belts. Four out of five respondents said they would use seat belts more often when sitting in the rear seat if it was the law. It is estimated rear seat fatalities would decrease about 48%, from 13 to 7 fatalities annually, if an all-passenger law was implemented in Iowa.


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Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) evaluated potential nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methodologies that may be effective in 1) identifying internal defects within slip formed concrete barriers and 2) assessing the corrosion condition of barrier dowel bars. The evaluation was requested by the Bridge Maintenance and Inspection Unit of the Iowa Department of Transportation (IaDOT) and the Bureau of Bridges and Structures of the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). The need arose due to instances in each Department’s existing inventory of bridge barriers where internal voids and other defects associated with slip forming construction methods were attributed to poor barrier performance after completion of construction and where, in other barrier walls, unintentional exposure of the dowel bars revealed extensive corrosion-related section loss at previously uninspectable locations, reducing the capacity of the barriers to resist traffic impact loads. WJE trial tested potential NDE techniques on laboratory mock-up samples built with known defects, trial sections of cast-in-place barriers at in-service bridges in Iowa, and slip formed and cast-in-place barrier walls at in-service bridges in Illinois. The work included review of available studies performed by others, field trial testing to assess candidate test methods, verification of the test methods in identifying internal anomalies and dowel bar corrosion, and preparation of this report and nondestructive evaluation guidelines.