328 resultados para Road construction contracts.
Expansion joints increase both the initial cost and the maintenance cost of bridges. Integral abutment bridges provide an attractive design alternative because expansion joints are eliminated from the bridge itself. However, the piles in these bridges are subjected to horizontal movement as the bridge expands and contracts during temperature changes. The objective of this research was to develop a method of designing piles for these conditions. Separate field tests simulating a pile and a bridge girder were conducted for three loading cases: (1) vertical load only, (2) horizontal displacement of pile head only, and (3) combined horizontal displacement of pile head with subsequent vertical load. Both tests (1) and (3) reached the same ultimate vertical load, that is, the horizontal displacement had no effect on the vertical load capacity. Several model tests were conducted in sand with a scale factor of about 1:10. Experimental results from both the field and model tests were used to develop the vertical and horizontal load-displacement properties of the soil. These properties were input into the finite element computer program Integral Abutment Bridge Two-Dimensional (IAB2D), which was developed under a previous research contract. Experimental and analytical results compared well for the test cases. Two alternative design methods, both based upon the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Specification, were developed. Alternative One is quite conservative relative to IAB2D results and does not permit plastic redistribution of forces. Alternative Two is also conservative when compared to IAB2D, but plastic redistribution is permitted. To use Alternative Two, the pile cross section must have sufficient inelastic rotation capacity before local buckling occurs. A design example for a friction pile and an end-bearing pile illustrates both alternatives.
The first phase of this research involved an effort to identify the issues relevant to gaining a better understanding of the County Engineering profession. A related objective was to develop strategies to attract responsible, motivated and committed professionals to pursue County Engineering positions. In an era where a large percentage of County Engineers are reaching retirement age, the shrinking employment pool may eventually jeopardize the quality of secondary road systems not only in Iowa, but nationwide. As we move toward the 21st century, in an era of declining resources, it is likely that professional staff members in charge of secondary roads will find themselves working with less flexible budgets for the construction and maintenance of roads and bridges. It was important to understand the challenges presented to them, and the degree to which those challenges will demand greater expertise in prioritizing resource allocations for the rehabilitation and maintenance of the 10 million miles of county roads nationwide. Only after understanding what a county engineer is and what this person does will it become feasible for the profession to begin "selling itself", i.e., attracting a new generation of County Engineers. Reaching this objective involved examining the responsibilities, goals, and, sometimes, the frustrations experienced by those persons in charge of secondary road systems in the nine states that agreed to participate in the study. The second phase of this research involved addressing ways to counter the problems associated with the exodus of County Engineers who are reaching retirement age. Many of the questions asked of participants asked them to compare the advantages and disadvantages of public sector work with the private sector. Based on interviews with nearly 50 County Engineers and feedback from 268 who returned surveys for the research, issues relevant to the profession were analyzed and recommendations were made to the profession as it prepares to attract a new generation. It was concluded that both State and Regional Associations for County Engineers, and the National Association of County Engineers are most well-situated to present opportunities for continued professional development. This factor is appealing for those who are interested in competitive advantages as professionals. While salaries in the public sector may not be able to effectively compete with those offered by the private sector, it was concluded that this is only one factor of concern to those who are in the business of "public service". It was concluded, however, that Boards of Supervisors and their equivalents in other states will need to more clearly understand the value of the contributions made by County Engineers. Then the selling points the profession can hope to capitalize on can focus on the strength of state organizations and a strong national organization that act as clearinghouses of information and advocates for the profession, as well as anchors that provide opportunities for staying current on issues and technologies.
The purpose of this project was to determine the feasibility of using pavement condition data collected for the Iowa Pavement Management Program (IPMP) as input to the Iowa Quadrennial Need Study. The need study, conducted by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) every four years, currently uses manually collected highway infrastructure condition data (roughness, rutting, cracking, etc.). Because of the Iowa DOT's 10-year data collection cycles, condition data for a given highway segment may be up to 10 years old. In some cases, the need study process has resulted in wide fluctuations in funding allocated to individual Iowa counties from one study to the next. This volatility in funding levels makes it difficult for county engineers to plan and program road maintenance and improvements. One possible remedy is to input more current and less subjective infrastructure condition data. The IPMP was initially developed to satisfy the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) requirement that federal-aid-eligible highways be managed through a pavement management system. Currently all metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in Iowa and 15 of Iowa's 18 RPAs participate in the IPMP. The core of this program is a statewide data base of pavement condition and construction history information. The pavement data are collected by machine in two-year cycles. Using pilot areas, researchers examined the implications of using the automated data collected for the IPMP as input to the need study computer program, HWYNEEDS. The results show that using the IPMP automated data in HWYNEEDS is feasible and beneficial, resulting in less volatility in the level of total need between successive quadrennial need studies. In other words, the more current the data, the smaller the shift in total need.
The Iowa counties have been successful in maintaining a good roadway environment on our 90,000 mile secondary road system. However, county highway personnel must remain vigilant in detecting, discovering and correcting potential problems if our roads are to remain so. This presentation was developed for those county personnel who work and travel on secondary roads. The presentation discusses things county personnel can look for during their daily operations which could possibly create a potential problem. If these situations are uncovered and corrected in a timely manner, our secondary road system will be maintained in an appropriate manner.
The use of a thin bonded concrete overlay atop an older surface has been widely incorporated for pavement rehabilitation in Iowa since the early 70's. Two test sections were constructed in 1985 on county road T61 on the Monroe-Wapello County line without the use of grout as a bonding agent to determine if adequate bond could be achieved and structural capacity uncompromised. Both test sections have performed well with one section having higher bond strengths, lower roughness values, higher structural capacity, and less debonding at the joints than the other section. Overall, both ungrouted sections have performed well under substantial truck traffic with minimal surface distress. More attention should be given, however, to rectifying apparent debonding at the joints when no grout is used as a bonding agent.
In recent years there has been renewed interest in using preventive maintenance techniques to extend pavement life and to ensure low life cycle costs for our road infrastructure network. Thin maintenance surfaces can be an important part of a preventive maintenance program for asphalt cement concrete roads. The Iowa Highway Research Board has sponsored Phase Two of this research project to demonstrate the use of thin maintenance surfaces in Iowa and to develop guidelines for thin maintenance surface uses that are specific to Iowa. This report documents the results of test section construction and monitoring started in Phase One and continued in Phase Two. The report provides a recommended seal coat design process based on the McLeod method and guidance on seal coat aggregates and binders. An update on the use of local aggregates for micro-surfacing in Iowa is included. Winter maintenance guidelines for thin maintenance surfaces are reported herein. Finally, Phase One's interim, qualitative thin maintenance surface guidelines are supplemented with Phase two's revised, quantitative guidelines. When thin maintenance surfaces are properly selected and applied, they can improve the pavement surface condition index and the skid resistance of pavements. For success to occur, several requirements must be met, including proper material selection, design, application rate, workmanship, and material compatibility, as well as favorable weather during application and curing. Specific guidance and recommendations for many types of thin maintenance surfaces and conditions are included in the report.
Senate File 2314, 84th General Assembly, states the Iowa Department of Transportation shall submit quarterly reports regarding the implementation of efficiency measures identified in the "Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report," January 2012. This report shall provide details of activities undertaken in the previous quarter relating to one-time and long-term program efficiencies and partnership efficiencies. Issues covered include savings realized from the implementation of particular efficiency measures; updates concerning measures that have not been implemented; efforts involving cities, counties, other jurisdiction, or stakeholder interest groups; any new efficiency measures identified or undertaken; and identification of any legislative action that may be required to achieve efficiencies.
Provides instructions for using the computer program which was developed under the research project, "The Economics of Reducing the County Road System: Three Case Studies In Iowa". This program operates on an IBP personal computer with 300K storage. A fixed disk is required with at least 3 megabytes of storage. The computer must be equipped with DOS version 3.0; the programs are written in Fortran. The user's manual describes all data requirements including network preparation, trip information, cost for maintenance, reconstruction, etc. Program operation instructions are presented, as well as sample solution output and a listing of the computer programs.
In recent years, ultra-thin whitetopping (UTW) has evolved as a viable rehabilitation technique for deteriorated asphalt cement concrete (ACC) pavement. Numerous UTW projects have been constructed and tested, enabling researchers to identify key elements contributing to their successful performance. These elements include foundation support, the interface bonding condition, portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, joint spacing, and joint sealing. The interface bonding condition is the most important of these elements. It enables the pavement to act as a composite structure, thus reducing tensile stresses and allowing an ultra-thin PCC overlay to perform as intended. Although the main factors affecting UTW performance have been identified in previous research, neither the impact that external variables have on the elements nor the element interaction have been thoroughly investigated. The objective of this research was to investigate the interface bonding condition between an ultra-thin PCC overlay and an ACC base over time, considering the previously mentioned variables. Laboratory testing and full scale field testing were planned to accomplish the research objective. Laboratory testing involved monitoring interface strains in fabricated PCC/ACC composite test beams subjected to either static or dynamic flexural loading. Variables investigated included ACC surface preparation, PCC thickness, and synthetic fiber reinforcement usage. Field testing involved monitoring PCC/ACC interface stains and temperatures, falling weight deflectometer (FWD) deflection responses, direct shear strengths, and distresses on a 7.2 mile Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) UTW project (HR-559). The project was located on Iowa Highway 21 between Iowa Highway 212 and U.S. Highway 6 in Iowa County, near Belle Plaine, Iowa. Variables investigated included ACC surface preparation, PCC thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, joint spacing, and joint sealing. This report documents the planning, equipment selection, and construction of the project built in 1994.
"Metric Training For The Highway Industry", HR-376 was designed to produce training materials for the various divisions of the Iowa DOT, local government and the highway construction industry. The project materials were to be used to introduce the highway industry in Iowa to metric measurements in their daily activities. Five modules were developed and used in training over 1,000 DOT, county, city, consultant and contractor staff in the use of metric measurements. The training modules developed deal with the planning through operation areas of highway transportation. The materials and selection of modules were developed with the aid of an advisory personnel from the highway industry. Each module is design as a four hour block of instruction and a stand along module for specific types of personnel. Each module is subdivided into four chapters with chapter one and four covering general topics common to all subjects. Chapters two and three are aimed at hands on experience for a specific group and subject. This module includes: Module 2 - Construction and Maintenance Operations and Reporting. This module provides hands on examples of applications of metric measurements in the construction and maintenance field operations.
This project was initiated in 1988 to study the effectiveness of four different construction techniques for establishing a stable base on a granular surfaced roadway. After base stabilization, the roadway was then seal coated, eliminating dust problems associated with granular surfaced roads. When monies become available, the roadway can be surfaced with a more permanent structure. A 2.8 mi (4.5 km) section of the Horseshoe Road in Dubuque County was divided into four divisions for this study. This report discusses the procedures used during construction of these different divisions. Problems and possible solutions have been analyzed to better understand the capabilities of the materials and construction techniques used on the project. The project had the following results: High structural ratings and soil K factors for the BIO CAT and Consolid bases did not translate to good roadway performance; the macadam base had the best overall performance; the tensar fabric had no noticeable effect on the macadam base; and the HFE-300 performed acceptably.
Discarded tires have become a major disposal problem in the U.S. Different techniques of recycling these discarded tires have been tried. The state of Iowa is currently evaluating the use of discarded tires ground into crumb rubber and blending it with asphalt to make asphalt rubber cement (ARC}. This was the sixth project this process has been used in. This project is located on US 169 from the east junction of IA 175 west and north to US 20. Only the binder course was placed this year with the surface course to be let at a later date. There are four test sections, two sections with conventional mixtures and two with ARC mixtures.
Discarded tires present major disposal and environmental problems. One method of recycling tires is to use finely ground rubber from tires in asphalt cement concrete (ACC). This process has been researched in Iowa since 1991. There are currently eight projects being researched. This project involved using crumb rubber modifier (CRM) in ACC using a dry process. This project is located on US 63 in Howard County. It involved 17 test sections. There were five test sections using 20 lb of CRM per ton, four test sections using 10 lb of CRM per ton and eight test sections using a conventional mix. Not only were different mixes used, but the overlay was also placed in various thicknesses ranging from 2 in. to 8 in. (5 cm to 20 cm). The project was completed in August 1994. The project construction went well with only minor problems. This report contains information about procedures and tests that were completed and those that will be completed. Evaluation on the project will continue for five years.
A review of the Iowa Department of Transportation's field data collection and reporting system has been performed. Included were several systems used by the Office of Construction and Local Jurisdictions. The entire field data collection and reporting systems for asphalt cement concrete (ACC) paving, portland cement concrete (PCC) paving, and PCC structures were streamlined and computerized. The field procedures for materials acceptance were also reviewed. Best practices were identified and a method was developed to prioritize materials so transportation agencies could focus their efforts on high priority materials. Iowa State University researchers facilitated a discussion about Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Action (AA) procedures between the Office of Construction field staff and the Office of Contracts. A set of alternative procedures was developed. Later the Office of Contracts considered these alternatives as they developed new procedures that are currently being implemented. The job close-out package was reviewed and two unnecessary procedures were eliminated. Numerous other procedures were reviewed and flowcharted. Several changes have been recommended that will increase efficiency and allow staff time to be devoted to higher priority activities. It is estimated the improvements in ACC paving, PCC paving and structural concrete will by similar to three full time equivalent (FTE) positions to field construction, field materials and Office of Materials. Elimination of EEO interviews will be equivalent to one FTE position. It is estimated that other miscellaneous changes will be equivalent to at least one other FTE person. This is a total five FTEs. These are conservative estimates based on savings that are easily quantified. It is likely that total positive effect is greater when items that are difficult to quantify are considered.
Corroded, deteriorated, misaligned, and distorted drainage pipes can cause a serious threat to a roadway. Normal practice is to remove and replace the damaged drainage structure. An alternative method of rehabilitating these structures is to slip line them with a polyethylene liner. Twelve drainage structures were slip lined with polyethylene liners during 1994 in Iowa. Two types of liners installed were "Culvert Renew" and "Snap-Tite". It was found that the liners could be easily installed by most highway, county, and city maintenance departments. The liners restore the flow and increase the service life of the original drainage structure. The liners were found to be cost competitive with the removal and replacement of the existing drainage structure. Slip lining has the largest economic benefit when the roadway is paved, the culvert is under a deep fill, or traffic volumes are high. The annular space between the original pipe and the liner was filled with flowable mortar. Care should be taken to properly brace and grout the annular space between the liner and the culvert.