280 resultados para Elder-Vass, Dave
This bimonthly electronic newsletter will provide information and resources on nutrition and health promotion and disease prevention. The Healthy Aging Update is produced for informal and educational purposes only. The newsletter will be distributed electronically and posted on the Department’s website at www.state.ia.us/elderaffairs.
This bimonthly electronic newsletter will provide information and resources on nutrition and health promotion and disease prevention. The Healthy Aging Update is produced for informal and educational purposes only. The newsletter will be distributed electronically and posted on the Department’s website at www.state.ia.us/elderaffairs.
The Iowa State Profile Tool is a comprehensive, high-level assessment of Iowa’s progress toward a balanced long-term care system – a system that relies less on institutional services and provides greater opportunities for the in-home and community-based services that most people prefer. This report includes long-term support for people of all ages and disability types and is based on a variety of state and federal data sources and interviews with public and private leaders in Iowa’s long-term care system.
Through advocacy, self-empowerment, and education by the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, each resident or tenant in a long-term care facility will be treated with dignity and respect and will have his or her rights honored.
This report reflects the efforts of the Long-Term Care Ombudsmen by sharing program highlights, discussing issues encountered and making recommendations by the Office in carrying out its federal mandate to act as an advocate for the residents/tenants of long-term care facilities.
This report reflects the efforts of the Long-Term Care Ombudsmen by sharing program highlights, discussing issues encountered and making recommendations by the Office in carrying out its federal mandate to act as an advocate for the residents and tenants of long-term care facilities.
This report was prepared pursuant to Senate File 505, which tasks the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman with convening a multiagency workgroup to gather information and provide recommendations for the establishment of a Health Consumer Ombudsman Alliance.
This communication tool comes from the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman to long-term care facilities administrators and directors. The Office's objective is to share information regarding various topics of long term care.
Section 30 of Senate File 2239 mandates “the Department on Aging, Department of Human Services, Department of Inspections and Appeals, Department of Public Health, and the Office of the Attorney General shall collaborate and provide written recommendations on strengthening Iowa’s elder abuse prevention, detection, and intervention efforts.
This communication tool comes from the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman to long-term care facilities administrators and directors. The Office's objective is to share information regarding various topics of long term care.
Financial exploitation is the unauthorized and illegal use of an individual’s funds, property or resources and includes identity theft. Financial exploitation can be committed by a family member, friend, neighbor or a complete stranger.
Resident rights are guaranteed by the federal Nursing Home Reform Law of 1987, which requires nursing facilities to promote and protect the rights of each resident and places a strong emphasis on individual dignity and self-determination. Residents’ rights include, but are not limited to: • Being treated with respect and dignity • Being free from abuse and chemical and physical restraints • Participating in one’s own care and treatment • Being ensured information is being kept confidential • Managing one’s own finances • Being free to voice grievances, without fear of retaliation • Being able to associate and communicate privately with any person • Being able to send and receive personal mail • Making independent choices • Being able to apply for state and federal assistance without discrimination • Being informed of rights, services available and all charges prior to admission • Being given advance notice of a transfer or discharge
A financial power of attorney (FPOA) is a document authorizing someone else (an agent) to manage your finances on your behalf if you (the principal) become incapacitated and are unable to make financial management decisions for yourself. If you become unable to decide for yourself and you have not prepared a financial power of attorney, a court proceeding will likely be required before a loved one will be able to assume authority over at least some of your financial affairs. Your FPOA can be drafted to go into effect as soon as you sign it or it can become effective at a later date or only in the case that a physician certifies that you have become incapacitated.
A health care power of attorney (HC-POA) is a document authorizing an attorney-in-fact (your designated agent) to make health care decisions on your behalf if you (the principal) are unable, in the judgment of your attending physician, to make health care decisions. Health care is defined as any care, treatment, service or procedure required to maintain, diagnose or treat a physical or mental condition. Through your HC-POA, you may authorize someone else to consent, refuse or withdraw consent to health care on your behalf. The attorney-in-fact is permitted to make only health care-related decisions on your behalf. In exercising this authority, the attorney-in-fact must act consistently with your desires (as stated in the HC-POA document).
This communication tool comes from the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman to long-term care facilities administrators and directors. The Office's objective is to share information regarding various topics of long term care.