289 resultados para Hearing Investigation


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Report on a special investigation of the football program at Lincoln High School within the Des Moines Independent Community School District for the period May 30, 2003 through October 31, 2012


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High-performance concrete (HPC) overlays have been used increasingly as an effective and economical method for bridge decks in Iowa and other states. However, due to its high cementitious material content, HPC often displays high shrinkage cracking potential. This study investigated the shrinkage behavior and cracking potential of the HPC overlay mixes commonly used in Iowa. In the study, 11 HPC overlay mixes were studied. These mixes consisted of three types of cements (Type I, I/II, and IP) and various supplementary cementitious materials (Class C fly ash, slag and metakaolin). Limestone with two different gradations was used as coarse aggregates in 10 mixes and quartzite was used in one mix. Chemical shrinkage of pastes, free drying shrinkage, autogenous shrinkage of mortar and concrete, and restrained ring shrinkage of concrete were monitored over time. Mechanical properties (such as elastic modulus and compressive and splitting tensile strength) of these concrete mixes were measured at different ages. Creep coefficients of these concrete mixes were estimated using the RILEM B3 and NCHRP Report 496 models. Cracking potential of the concrete mixes was assessed based on both ASTM C 1581 and simple stress-to-strength ratio methods. The results indicate that among the 11 mixes studied, three mixes (4, 5, and 6) cracked at the age of 15, 11, and 17 days, respectively. Autogenous shrinkage of the HPC mixes ranges from 150 to 250 microstrain and free dying shrinkage of the concrete ranges from 700 to 1,200 microstrain at 56 days. Different concrete materials (cementitious type and admixtures) and mix proportions (cementitious material content) affect concrete shrinkage in different ways. Not all mixes having a high shrinkage value cracked first. The stresses in the concrete are associated primarily with the concrete shrinkage, elastic modulus, tensile strength, and creep. However, a good relationship is found between cementitious material content and total (autogenous and free drying) shrinkage of concrete.


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Addendum to a report on a special investigation of the Iowa Department of Transportation for the period January 29, 1994 through June 30, 2013


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Report on a special investigation of Remsen-Union Family Connections for the period July 1, 2011 through October 31, 2012


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Phase II of this study further evaluated the performance of plant-produced warm-mix asphalt (WMA) mixes by conducting additional mixture performance tests at a broader range of temperatures, adding additional pavements to the study, comparing virgin and recovered binder properties, performing pavement condition surveys, and comparing survey data with the Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) forecast for pavement damage over 20 years of service life. Further objectives detailing curing behavior, quality assurance testing, and hybrid technologies were as follows: * Compare the predicted and observed field performance of existing WMA trials produced in the previous Phase I study to that of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) control sections to determine if Phase I conclusions are translating to the field; * Identify any curing effect (and timing of the effect) of WMA mixtures and binders in the field; * Determine how the field-compacted mixture properties and recovered binder properties of WMA compare to those of HMA over time for technologies common to Iowa; * Identify the protocols for WMA sample preparation for volumetric and performance testing that best simulate field conditions. The findings of this study indicate that WMA additives do show statistical differences in mixture properties in some of the mixes tested. These differences will not always be statistically different from mixture to mixture. Multiple factors, such as WMA additive type, amount of recycled asphalt material, construction conditions, and mixture variability all play a role in determining the extent of which WMA and HMA mixes differ. Other significant findings of this study include effects of curing, aging in recovered binders from HMA and WMA cores, and the influence of recycled asphalt shingles (RAS) used with WMA. These findings will be of interest to owner agencies and contractors utilizing WMA technologies.


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Report on a special investigation of the City of Sloan for the period May 19, 2009 through March 31, 2013


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Special investigation of the Garner Volunteer Ambulance Service for the period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012


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Report on a special investigation of the City of Riverside for the period July 1, 2006 through December 31, 2012


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A significant amount of waste limestone screenings is produced during aggregate production. This waste material cannot be used in highway construction because it does not meet current highway specifications. The purpose of this research was to determine if a waste limestone screenings/emulsion mix could be used to construct a base capable of supporting local traffic. A 1.27 mile (2.04 km) section of roadway in Linn County was selected for this research. The road was divided into seven sections. Six of the sections were used to test 4 in. (100 mm) and 6 in. (150 mm) compacted base thicknesses containing 2.5%, 3.5%, and 4.5% residual asphalt contents. The seventh section was a control section containing untreated waste limestone screenings. This research on emulsion stabilized limestone screenings supports the following conclusions: (1) A low maintenance roadway can be produced using a seal coat surface on 6 in. (150 mm) of stabilized limestone screenings with 4.5% asphalt cement; (2) A 6 in. (150 mm) emulsion stabilized base with less than 3.5% asphalt cement does not produce a satisfactory low cost maintenance roadway; (3) A 4 in. (100 mm) emulsion stabilized base does not produce a satisfactory low cost maintenance roadway; and (4) A 2 in. (50 mm) asphalt concrete surface would be necessary on many roads to provide a low maintenance roadway using emulsion stabilized limestone screenings.


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Recent reports have indicated that 23.5% of the nation's highway bridges are structurally deficient and 17.7% are functionally obsolete. A significant number of these bridges are on the Iowa secondary road system where over 86% of the rural bridge management responsibilities are assigned to the counties. Some of the bridges can be strengthened or otherwise rehabilitated, but many more are in need of immediate replacement. In a recent investigation (HR-365 "Evaluation of Bridge Replacement Alternatives for the County Bridge System") several types of replacement bridges that are currently being used on low volume roads were identified. It was also determined that a large number of counties (69%) have the ability and are interested in utilizing their own forces to design and construct short span bridges. In reviewing the results from HR-365, the research team developed one "new" bridge replacement concept and a modification of a replacement system currently being used. Both of these bridge replacement alternatives were investigated in this study, the results of which are presented in two volumes. This volume (Volume 1) presents the results of Concept 1 - Steel Beam Precast Units. Concept 2 - Modification of the Beam-in-Slab Bridge is presented in Volume 2. Concept 1, involves the fabrication of precast units (two steel beams connected by a concrete slab) by county work forces. Deck thickness is limited so that the units can be fabricated at one site and then transported to the bridge site where they are connected and the remaining portion of the deck placed. Since Concept 1 bridge is primarily intended for use on low-volume roads, the precast units can be constructed with new or used beams. In the experimental part of the investigation, there were three types of static load tests: small scale connector tests, "handling strength" tests, and service and overload tests of a model bridge. Three finite element models for analyzing the bridge in various states of construction were also developed. Small scale connector tests were completed to determine the best method of connecting the precast double-T (PCDT) units. "Handling strength" tests on an individual PCDT unit were performed to determine the strength and behavior of the precast unit in this configuration. The majority of the testing was completed on the model bridge [L=9,750 mm (32 ft), W=6,400 mm (21 ft)] which was fabricated using the precast units developed. Some of the variables investigated in the model bridge tests were number of connectors required to connect adjacent precast units, contribution of diaphragms to load distribution, influence of position of diaphragms on bridge strength and load distribution, and effect of cast-in-place portion of deck on load distribution. In addition to the service load tests, the bridge was also subjected to overload conditions. Using the finite element models developed, one can predict the behavior and strength of bridges similar to the laboratory model as well as design them. Concept 1 has successfully passed all laboratory testing; the next step is to field test it.


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This project continues the research which addresses the numerous bridge problems on the Iowa secondary road system. It is a continuation (Phase 2) of Project HR-382, in which two replacement alternatives (Concept 1: Steel Beam Precast Units and Concept 2: Modification of the Benton County Beam-in-Slab Bridge) were investigated. In previous research for concept 1, a precast unit bridge was developed through laboratory testing. The steel-beam precast unit bridge requires the fabrication of precast double-tee (PCDT) units, each consisting of two steel beams connected by a reinforced concrete deck. The weight of each PCDT unit is minimized by limiting the deck thickness to 4 in., which permits the units to be constructed off-site and then transported to the bridge site. The number of units required is a function of the width of bridge desired. Once the PCDT units are connected, a cast-in-place reinforced concrete deck is cast over the PCDT units and the bridge railing attached. Since the steel beam PCDT unit bridge design is intended primarily for use on low-volume roads, used steel beams can be utilized for a significant cost savings. In previous research for concept 2, an alternate shear connector (ASC) was developed and subjected to static loading. In this investigation, the ASC was subjected to cyclic loading in both pushout specimens and composite beam tests. Based on these tests, the fatigue strength of the ASC was determined to be significantly greater than that required in typical low volume road single span bridges. Based upon the construction and service load testing, the steel-beam precast unit bridge was successfully shown to be a viable low volume road bridge alternative. The construction process utilized standard methods resulting in a simple system that can be completed with a limited staff. Results from the service load tests indicated adequate strength for all legal loads. An inspection of the bridge one year after its construction revealed no change in the bridge's performance. Each of the systems previously described are relatively easy to construct. Use of the ASC rather than the welded studs significantly simplified the work, equipment, and materials required to develop composite action between the steel beams and the concrete deck.


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Iowa Counties have been experiencing significant tort claim liability due to the signing of local roads. One such problem is relative to the real or alleged need for signing at uncontrolled intersections of local roads. It has been assumed that the standard CROSS ROAD sign, which calls for a yellow diamond with a black cross, was sufficient to provide the necessary warning that a driver may be approaching an intersection which requires special precautionary driving attention. However, it is possible that this sign on a through highway might conflict with the legal status of the local county road. In light of this situation, it seemed worthwhile to know the extent to which uncontrolled local road intersections were perceived as a potential liability problem; the degree to which the standard CROSS ROAD sign communicated to the driver the message a county engineer wanted at these local road intersections; and whether there were any better signing alternatives available to communicate this hazard to the driver in this situation.


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Report on a special investigation of Grange Township for the period January 1, 2006 through November 15, 2013


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Report on a special investigation of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Health Care Information Systems Department, for the period January 1, 2005 through July 5, 2013


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Report on a special investigation of the City of Kinross for the period January 15, 2008 through October 31, 2013