264 resultados para Rubberized roads


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The 82nd General Assembly of the Iowa legislature, in Section 26 of Senate File 2420, required the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) to conduct an analysis of TIME-21 funding. Specifically the legislation requires the following: “The department of transportation shall conduct an analysis of the additional revenues necessary to provide at least two hundred million dollars annually to the TIME-21 fund by FY 2011-2012. The analysis shall include but is not limited to the amount of excise tax levied on motor fuel and adjustments that might be made to various fees collected by the department in order to create an appropriate balance of taxes and fees paid by Iowa drivers and out-of-state drivers. The department shall submit a report to the governor and the general assembly on or before December 31, 2008, regarding its analysis.” As a starting point to this analysis, a reassessment of long-range needs and revenues (including the estimated $200 million most critical annual unmet needs) was made. This was done by assessing changing trends in roadway conditions, revenue and construction costs since the original Study of Iowa’s Current Road Use Tax Funds (RUTF) and Future Road Maintenance and Construction Needs was completed December 2006.


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Quarterly publication of the Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau, Iowa Department of Public Safety containing traffic safety and related information and news articles


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In studying and forming an understanding of Iowa’s transportation history, we must surely develop a reverence for the lifestyles which preceded ours. Achieving a greater understanding of our past, we are better prepared to plan our future as we say farewell to the 20th century and move forward into the 21st. In the words of Oliver Wendell Holmes: “I believe the greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving... and the further backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.” To help Iowans gain a better understanding of our state’s rich transportation past, the Iowa Department of Transportation has produced a collection of materials including this booklet, the 1999-2000 Iowa Transportation Map, a video entitled A History of Iowa’s Rivers, Roads, Rails and Runways, and a traveling photo exhibit. In addition, Iowa is fortunate to have many local organizations, and the state-owned museum and historic sites, working to preserve the history of our state. Listed in the back section of this booklet are the addresses and descriptions of many sites that offer visitors an opportunity to see a wide range of transportation- related artifacts. The information and photographs are organized in time sequence. However, you will note that many of the transportation eras overlap. The booklet begins with Iowa’s pre-settlement era and concludes with the historic highway and transit program that was signed into law by President Clinton in 1998. As you can imagine, condensing this much Iowa history into a booklet-sized resource was a monumental challenge. Making selections and abbreviating the information resulted in some difficult editorial choices. However, we hope this publication will inspire readers to learn more about our rich, rewarding past and to visit and experience some of Iowa’s historic sites.


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For most people, highway engineering, design and right of way acquisition are not of immediate concern. However, when you own or rent property that will be affected by highway construction, you begin to consider road building from a different and personal viewpoint Right of way is the land on which highways are built. The amount of land needed depends on the engineering standards that must be met for the type of highway that will be built or improved. This booklet will acquaint property owners, tenants and the public with the procedures the Iowa Department of Transportation follows in acquiring right of way for a highway. It is not a source of technical definitions or legal advice. Further, it is not intended to establish a legal standard.


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The Iowa Transportation Commission (Commission) and Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) develop Iowa’s Five-Year Transportation Improvement Program (Five-Year Program) to inform Iowans of planned investments in our state’s multi-modal transportation system. The Five-Year Program is typically updated and approved each year in June. The Five-Year Program encompasses investments in aviation, transit, railroads, trails, and highways. This brochure describes the programming process used by the Commission and Iowa DOT to develop the highway section of the Five-Year Program.


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While we can’t keep it from blowing, there are ways to influence the wind that carries tons of blowing and drifting snow. Periodically, severe winter storms will create large snow drifts that close roads and driveways, isolate farmsteads and increase snowplowing. Many of these drifting problems happen in the same place year after year. Although there are no foolproof methods of wind and snow control, properly designed and maintained snow fences can reduce or eliminate these problem areas. This publication discusses the benefits of snow fence, then examines the types used by the Iowa Department of Transportation. Finally, it provides information about how you can get involved in the DOT’s Cooperative Snow Fence Program.


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Like most motorists, you want your trips to go as quickly and smoothly as possible. Things like having to wait at a railroad crossing while the train crosses, or having to slow for a rough railroad crossing may seem like an inconvenience. But, when you look at the overall picture, you will find there are many things that affect your trips: heavy traffic, including large trucks, on the interstates; congestion on urban freeways; a lot of pedestrian traffic at crosswalks; a bus stopped on the street while passengers are boarding or exiting; slow-moving farm equipment or bicyclists on a rural road; or any number of other disruptions. The reality is that Iowa’s transportation system is extremely complex. Iowa has many diverse transportation users and all types of vehicles traveling at differing speeds.


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The Iowa Transportation Improvement Program (Program) is published to inform Iowans of planned investments in our state’s transportation system. The Iowa Transportation Commission (Commission) and Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) are committed to programming those investments in a fiscally responsible manner. A major component of the 2010-2014 Program is the full integration of funding allocated to the Iowa DOT from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). To date, the Recovery Act has provided over $400 million of additional federal funding for transportation in Iowa, including funding that is allocated to local governments and entities. Recovery Act funding will result in a record year for transportation construction in Iowa and the creation and retention of jobs. Opportunities for additionalRecovery Act transportation funding remain and will be pursued as they becomeavailable. While Recovery Act funding will make a one-time significant impact in addressing Iowa’s backlog of needs, it is important to note that there remains a large shortfall in sustained annual transportation investment to meet Iowa’s current and future critical transportation needs. In recognition of this shortfall, Governor Culver introduced and the legislature passed an I-JOBS proposal. I-JOBS will result in an additional $50 million of state funding to reduce structurally deficient and functionally obsolete bridges on the primary road system and approximately $10 million in funding for other modes of transportation including $3 million of new funding to support the expansion of passenger rail service in Iowa. I-JOBS, and the continuing gradual increase in funding due to TIME-21, will complement and extend the benefits of Recovery Act funding and set the stage for addressing the shortfall in annual funding in the next few years. Iowa’s transportation system is multi-modal; therefore, the Program encompasses investments in aviation, transit, railroads, trails, and highways. A major component of the Program is the highway section. The FY2010-2014 highway section is financially balanced and was developed to achieve several objectives. The Commission’s primary highway investment objective is stewardship (i.e. safety, maintenance and preservation) of Iowa’s existing highway system. The highway section includes an annual average of $104 million for preserving the interstate system; an annual average of $78 million for non-interstate pavement preservation; an annual average of $36 million for non-interstate bridges; and an annual average of $14 million for safety projects. Another objective is to maintain the scheduled completion of interstate and non-interstate capacity and economic development projects that were identified in the previous Program and this Program does so. The final Commission objective is to further address capacity and economic development needs and the Commission has done so by adding several such projects to the Program. Construction improvements are partially funded through the current federal transportation act, Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The act will expire September 30, 2009. With the expiration of SAFETEA-LU, there is significant uncertainty in the forecast of federal revenues in the out-years of this Program. The Commission and Iowa DOT will monitor federal actions closely and make adjustments to the Program as necessary. The Iowa DOT and Commission appreciate the public’s involvement in the state’s transportation planning process. Comments received personally, by letter, or through participation in the Commission’s regular meetings or public input meetings held around the state each year are invaluable in providing guidance for the future of Iowa’s transportation system. It should be noted that this document is a planning guide. It does not represent a binding commitment or obligation of the Commission or Iowa DOT, and is subject to change. You are invited to visit the Iowa DOT’s Web site at iowadot.gov for additional and regular updates about the department’s programs and activities.


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Maintenance Service Level Map


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The brochure will answer your questions about transportation in Iowa, which representatives to call to help you with the information you need.


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Changes in agriculture operations over the past 35 years are having a dramatic impact on Iowa’s roads and bridges. The average size of an Iowa farm has increased to 352 acres in 2003, compared to 237 acres in 1970. Modern agricultural practices have also produced higher yields per acre, which means more grain to haul to market. In order to increase efficiency, farmers are beginning to use larger capacity wagons hauling more bushels per trip to the elevator, and using much heavier equipment in their farming operations. This trend is stressing Iowa bridges beyond the current capabilities to maintain them.


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This brochure provides general information about relocation assistance provided by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) for those individuals who may be required to move as a result of a highway project. It is not intended to be a legal document that comprehensively explains every right or obligation you have as established by Chapter 316, Code of Iowa; Federal Public Laws 91-646 and 100-17; and 49 CFR. Your relocation adviser will provide the assistance you need to successfully relocate to a suitable replacement property. Your first contact with your relocation adviser will usually occur during the early stages of the appraisal process, and he or she will continue to work with you until you have moved and become established at a new location. Do not hesitate to ask questions so you are sure you understand the process, your rights and the benefits available to you. Please let your DOT relocation adviser know your needs and preferences. If your relocation adviser is unable to help you with a specific problem or concern, he or she may know of another person or an organization that can help you. DO NOT MOVE UNTIL YOU HAVE CONTACTED YOUR DOT RELOCATION ADVISER. Only then will you be sure you are not jeopardizing your potential rights and benefits under this program. No person who lawfully occupies real property will be required by DOT to move without being notified in writing at least 90 days in advance.


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Bicycling, once considered a recreational activity for the young, has suddenly become a popular means of transportation for adults. The recent rise in fuel costs, an increased interest in physical fitness and concern for the environment have resulted in a growing number of adults choosing to commute by bike. The benefits of commuting by bicycle are numerous, and include saving money, promoting good health and energy conservation. However, the combination of bicycles and motor vehicles on public roads is not always a pleasant experience. Increasing numbers of cyclists on city streets lead to increased conflicts with motor vehicles and can endanger both vehicle operators.


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Iowa’s speed regulations are based on the same basic speed law that is used in all 50 states: “Any person driving a motor vehicle on a highway shall drive the same at a careful and prudent speed not greater than nor less than is reasonable and proper, having due regard to the traffic, surface, and width of the highway and of any other conditions then existing, and no person shall drive any vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than will permit the person to bring it to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead, such driver having the right to assume, however, that all persons using said highway will observe the law.” Statutory limits are based on the concept that uniform categories of highways can be traveled safely at certain preset maximum speeds under ideal conditions. Whether the speed limit is posted or unposted, drivers should reduce their speed below these values in poor weather, heavy traffic, and under other potentially hazardous conditions.


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An adequate and safe road system is critical to the timely and efficient transportation of grain and farm machinery at harvest time. However, changes in agricultural operations over the past 30 years are having a dramatic impact on Iowa’s road system, and are affecting our ability to maintain that system.