225 resultados para Florida. Office of Secretary of State
Report on a review of the Iowa Department of Transportation, Office of Aviation for the period January 1, 2014 through February 28, 2015
Annual report of the Office of Ombudsman.
Report on the Iowa Office of the Chief Information Officer for the year ended June 30, 2015
The Iowa Department of Public Health's Office of Multicultural Health invited 21 representatives, key informants throughout the State of Iowa and five state personnel to help chart a strategic map for the OMH staff and it constituents to travel during the next 3-5 years, as the office strengthens its infrastructure and continues to meet its mission.
The Iowa Department of Public Health's Office of Multicultural Health invited 21 representatives, key informants throughout the State of Iowa and five state personnel to help chart a strategic map for the OMH staff and it constituents to travel during the next 3-5 years, as the office strengthens its infrastructure and continues to meet its mission. This two day strategic planning session brought forth the consensus of maintaining the four major function areas held within the 2007 to 2011 strategic plan. Those four areas are: education, advocacy, data and training and development. 2
In 2015, the OCIO worked across a broad range of projects and key initiatives in alignment with these goals. As an IT organization supporting services consumed by every agency of the State of Iowa (State), our key enterprise initiatives are conducted in addition to the day-to-day support activities required to keep government IT services operational and secure. These initiatives maintain alignment with key efficiency goals established by Governor Branstad and with specific legislative mandates.
Summary of contracts let by Iowa DOT Office of Contracts in 12 regular and three emergency/special lettings during FY 2003 for construction and maintenance work. It also contains a comparison of quantities and unit contract prices for various items of highway construction work for projects let in fiscal years 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003.
City Audit Report
City Audit Report
City Audit Report
State of Iowa Roster
City Audit Report
This report presents recidivism data on offenders released from Iowa prisons during State FY1996 (July 1, 1995 – June 30, 1996).
A summary of the 12 regularly scheduled lettings and three emergency/special lettings held by the Iowa Department of Transportation for construction and maintenance work during the period July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004.
Community School District Audit Report - Reaudit