174 resultados para College facilities.
Newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Education, Community College unit. This report has information about staff, grants, statistical data, requirements and more.
Newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Education, Community College unit. This report has information about staff, grants, statistical data, requirements and more.
The Iowa Department of Education and Iowa Workforce Development partnered to combine educational and workforce data. The collaboration led to the establishment of the Training and Employment Outcomes System (TEOS) which combines wage data with education records for community colleges. This report summarizes results on four areas: Descriptive wage summaries; the returns to education; transitions for program majors to the workforce; and the five-years in-state retention rate of community college graduates.
Audit report on Indian Hills Community College in Ottumwa, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2015
Agency Performance Report
With this application, the College Creek sub-watershed in Ames represents both regional collaboration and locally directed action to improve an Iowa watershed. Already completed watershed assessment identified more than 4000 tons/yr of sediment delivered from within the Ames city limits due to degraded stream conditions. The water quality enhancement goal of this project is reducing sediment delivery specifically from unstable streambanks and degrading stream channels on College Creek, one of 4 Ames tributaries to Squaw Creek. The project will also redirect urban storm water runoff into engineered infiltration systems, intercepting it from storm drains entering College Creek. This application builds on storm water runoff demonstration projects and research already funded in the College Creek sub-watershed by EPA Region 7 and Iowa DNR. Public outreach, one of the key elements of this project, is built into every phase from engineering design feedback to construction. Innovative neighborhood learning circles are utilized to educate residents and share public feedback with project engineers to ensure that project elements are both technically appropriate and socially acceptable. All practices proposed in this project -stream stabilization, storm water infiltration, and neighborhood learning circle techniques-have already been successfully demonstrated in the College Creek sub-watershed by the City of Ames in partnership with Iowa State University.
Newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Education, Community College unit. This report has information about staff, grants, statistical data, requirements and more.
The 2008 general assembly acknowledged in House File (HF) 2539, Section 71 that employee turnover rates in nursing facilities should be documented but also recognized that this information was not currently being collected. The department was directed to modify the nursing facility cost report to capture information on the turnover rates of direct care and other employees of nursing facilities. The department was also required to submit a report on an annual basis to the governor and general assembly which provides an analysis of direct care worker and other nursing facility employee turnover by individual nursing facility, a comparison of the turnover rate in each individual nursing facility with the state wide average, and an analysis of any improvement or decline in meeting any accountability goals or other measures related to turnover rates. The annual report was to include any data available regarding turnover rate trends, and other information the department deemed appropriate.
Resident and family councils are vital to the operation of a nursing home, providing a voice for residents and their families. Resident and family councils provide an organized method of creating change, providing support and improving the quality of life for nursing home residents. A resident council is an independent, organized group of residents who live in a nursing home and meet on a regular basis to promote and enhance the quality of life for all residents. A family council is a group of family members and friends of nursing home residents who work to maintain or improve the quality of life for nursing home residents.