164 resultados para Emergency profile


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A computer program to adjust roadway profiles has been developed to serve as an aid to the county engineers of the State of Iowa. Many hours are spent reducing field notes and calculating adjusted roadway profiles to prepare an existing roadway for paving that will produce a high quality ride and be as maintenance free as possible. Since the computer is very well adapted to performing long tedious tasks; programming this work for a computer would result in freeing the engineer of these tasks. Freed from manual calculations, the engineer is able to spend more time in solving engineering problems. The type of roadway that this computer program is designed to adjust is a road that at sometime. in its history was graded to a finished subgrade. After a period of time, this road is to receive a finished paved surface. The problem then arises whether to bring the existing roadway up to the de signed grade or to make profile adjustments and comprise between the existing and the design profiles. In order to achieve the latter condition using this program, the engineer needs to give the computer only a minimum amount of information.


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Conventional highway lane markings are ineffective at night, particularly when the pavement is wet. There is a recognized need for a system that is effective at night under wet conditions and where there is no reduction in current daytime standards. To be effective at all times the system must maintain wet-night retroreflective properties while resisting deterioration caused by snowplows, studded tires, sand and salt applications, and lane changing maneuvers by traffic. This project tested a system of low-profile lane markers developed by Battelle Columbus Laboratory under contract with the Implementation Division of the Federal Highway Administration.


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The purpose of the Introduction to Homeland Security and Emergency Management for Local Officials is to provide you with information regarding this system. Inside, you will learn about local and state emergency management and homeland security; the phases of homeland security and emergency management; hazards that affect the state; comprehensive planning requirements; emergency declarations; available state and federal assistance; and other important topics that will help you become more versed in homeland security and emergency management in Iowa.


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This annual report highlights the many programs and initiatives with which the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division is involved.


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Annual report of The Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.


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Address sustainability in all efforts. Sustainability should be at the core of all levels of homeland security and emergency management effort in Iowa. Capabilities need to be built for the long term, and without a sustainability plan in place, projects can quickly deplete uncertain levels of funding. Utilize an all-hazards methodology. Developing capabilities that are effective during a variety of disaster and emergency scenarios represents sound planning and resource management. Enhance capabilities through joint planning, training and exercise. Effective capabilities developed through coordinated planning efforts and an ongoing joint training and exercising program to ensure substantiate of prepared response. Utilize a collaborative approach to build capability. We will utilize whatever partnerships are necessary to build capability in the most effective manner possible. Regional partnerships have been, and will continue to be, in the forefront of the State of Iowa’s efforts to build and enhance capability. Enhance statewide capabilities. Whenever possible, we will identify and augment existing resources to provide statewide capability during a disaster or terrorist attack. Awareness, outreach and education. Open communication is critical to the success of any initiative. All projects implemented will have awareness, education and outreach components to ensure that all stakeholders are informed as to their responsibilities, capabilities and access. Information sharing and a common operating picture. The timely exchange of critical/actionable information is imperative to the success of every operation. The identification of a common operating picture allows decision makers to make informed decisions based on a unified understanding of the events around them.


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The Iowa State Profile Tool is a comprehensive, high-level assessment of Iowa’s progress toward a balanced long-term care system – a system that relies less on institutional services and provides greater opportunities for the in-home and community-based services that most people prefer. This report includes long-term support for people of all ages and disability types and is based on a variety of state and federal data sources and interviews with public and private leaders in Iowa’s long-term care system.


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Agency Performance Plan


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Report on a Review of the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department, E911 Cost Data for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014


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The Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEMD) submits this enhanced 911 (E911) annual report to the Iowa General Assembly’s standing committees on government oversight pursuant to Iowa Code § 34A.7A (3) (a). This section of the Code requires the E911 program manager to advise the General Assembly of the status of E911 wireline and wireless implementation and operations, the distribution of surcharge receipts, and an accounting of revenue and expenses of the E911 program.


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Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Annul Report


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The Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEMD) submits this enhanced 911 (E911) annual report to the Iowa General Assembly’s standing committees on government oversight pursuant to Iowa Code § 34A.7A (3) (a). This section of the Code requires the E911 program manager to advise the General Assembly of the status of E911 wireline and wireless implementation and operations, the distribution of surcharge receipts, and an accounting of revenue and expenses of the E911 program.


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the purpose of the Introduction to Homeland Security and Emergency Management for Local Officials is to provide information regarding the system. You will learn about local and state emergency management; hazards that affect the state; comprehensive planning requirements; emergency declarations; available state and federal assistance and other important topics that will help you become more versed in homeland security and emergency management in Iowa.


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This report is a result of the ADPER & EH division management team retreat that was held on July 30 and 31, 2015 where a gap was identified in our communication with customers, especially when it came to sharing information about planning efforts. The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive look at what ADPER & EH has accomplished in the past year as well as what we are working on for the future. It also serves as an annual informational resource for stakeholders, local partners, policy makers and the general public.