157 resultados para Research data
The missions of the research are to assist the Iowa Department of Transortation (Iowa DOT) to: Define pavement management (PM) optimization; Identify the characteristics of PM optimization systems being developed or implemented; Identify specific and achievable objectives for the Iowa DOT pavement management optimization; Evaluate different PM optimization methodologies; Identify a methodology to perform PM optimization that best satisfies the Iowa DOT's objectives; Develop a plan for the implementation of the PM optimization selected. The project is divided into three (3) phases. The first phase has been completed and accomplished the first three missions (identified above). The second phase has been completed and accomplished the next two missions. Phase three will accomplish the last mission.
This report is the product of a first-year research project in the University Transportation Centers Program. This project was carried out by an interdisciplinary research team at The University of Iowa's Public Policy Center. The project developed a computerized system to support decisions on locating facilities that serve rural areas while minimizing transportation costs. The system integrates transportation databases with algorithms that specify efficient locations and allocate demand efficiently to service regions; the results of these algorithms are used interactively by decision makers. The authors developed documentation for the system so that others could apply it to estimate the transportation and route requirements of alternative locations and identify locations that meet certain criteria with the least cost. The system was developed and tested on two transportation-related problems in Iowa, and this report uses these applications to illustrate how the system can be used.
This project supported the planning and conduct of a two-day Iowa Department of Transportation–hosted peer exchange for state agencies that have implemented some or all of the suggested strategies outlined in the Second Strategic Highway Research Program–sponsored project R10, Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects. Presentations were made by participating states, and several opportunities were provided for directed discussion. General themes emerging from the presentations and discussions were identified as follows: To implement improvements in project management processes, agency leadership needs to decide that a new approach to project management is worth pursuing and then dedicate resources to developing a project management plan. The change to formalized project management and five-dimensional project management (5DPM) requires a culture shift in agencies from segmented “silo” processes to collaborative, cooperative processes that make communication and collaboration high priorities. Agencies need trained project managers who are empowered to execute the project management plan, as well as properly trained functional staff. Project management can be centralized or decentralized with equal effect. After an agency’s project management plan and structure are developed, software tools and other resources should be implemented to support the plan and structure. All projects will benefit from enhanced project management, but the project management plan should specify appropriate approaches for several project levels as defined by factors in addition to dollar value. Project management should be included in an agency’s project development manual.
Results from a 13-page BEST Measurement Survey given to Iowa Department of Transportation Employees.
The Property and Equipment Department has a central supply of automotive parts, tools, and maintenance supplies. This central supply is used to supply the repair shop and also to supply parts to the various field garages and all departments of the Commission. The old procedure involved keeping track manually of all of the parts, which involved some 22,000 items. All records, billings, arid re-order points were kept manually. Mani times the re-order points were located by reaching into a bin and finding nothing there. Desiring to improve this situation, an inventory control system was established for use on the computer. A complete record of the supplies that are stored in the central warehouse was prepared and this information was used to make a catalog. Each time an item is issued or received, it is processed through the inventory program. When the re-order point is reached, a notice is given to reorder. The procedure for taking inventory has been improved. A voucher invoice is now prepared by the computer for all issues to departments. These are some of the many benefits that have been de rived from this system.
This Strategic Plan provides the Iowa Department of Transportation with guidelines for defining the acquisition and implementation of a document management system to automate current manual methods of document handling and distribution. In preparation for the production of the Strategic Plan, the USI Team conducted a series of user interviews at the DOT Ames and East Central Iowa Transportation Region facilities, and reviewed various documents relating to day-to-day operations.
The State of Iowa is conducting an as5essment of Information Technology (IT) in the Executive Branch. The purpose of this assessment is to gather data on costs, applications, systems, utilization, operations, hardware assets, administration and activities associated with the provision of IT services. To accomplish this, two leading technology vendors conducted an intense assessment. These vendors, Integrated System Solutions Corporation (ISSC), and Electronic Data Systems (EDS) analyzed extensive data provided by the various ·agencies and conducted on-site interviews during the week of November 13, 1995. Additionally, in the first week of December, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Iowa Council 61 sponsored an assessment. These assessments are included as appendices B, C, and D to this report.
In September 1996, a grain flow survey consisting of two parts was completed and published. One part was a farm-to-market survey from a sample of Iowa grain producers, and the second was a survey of all Iowa country elevators. An updated survey for the crop year September 1, 1999 -August 31, 2000, was initiated in September 2000. The results of the two updated surveys are presented in this report. The purpose of the surveys is to estimate the amount of Iowa corn and soybeans that are shipped from each crop reporting district to each major market. Copies of the two questionnaires are presented in the appendices.
Index of place names in the A.T. Andreas illustrated historical Atlas of Iowa
On August 12, 1986, a public hearing was held in the Henry A. Wallace Building Auditorium, 900 East Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa, for the purpose of receiving comments and statements from individuals, groups, and associations that have an interest in the limits of financial responsibility for intrastate passenger motor carriers.
In February 2001, all 3,595 employees of the Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) were invited to participate in a survey related to job satisfaction and work practices. This survey partially replicated assessments made by random, stratified samples of IDOT employees in 1984, 1988, and 1993. The present survey was designed to allow for generalizations about all IDOT employees and various subgroups of employees (i.e., majority and minority employees, males and females, and employees less than 40 years of age and those 40 years of age or older).
Purpose of Records Management Sysytem indexing standards document is to develop indexing standards that will best support Iowa DOT's effort to build an agency-wide Records Management System
The Iowa Department of Transportation began preparation for the acquisition of an electronic document management system in 1996. The first phase was development of a strategic plan. The plan provided guidelines for defining the acquisition and implementation of a document management system to automate document handling and distribution. Phase 2 involved developing draft standards (document, indexing and technology) for planning and implementation of a document management system. These standards were to identify existing industry standards and determine which standards would best support the specific requirements of the Iowa Department of Transportation. During development of these standards, the decision was made to enlarge the scope of this effort from a document management system to a records management system (RMS). Phase .3 identified business processes that were to be further developed as pilot projects of a much larger agency-wide records management system.
In June 1988, 1341 employees of the Iowa State Department of Transportation (DOT) were surveyed via a mailed questionnaire. The sample was selected such that conclusions about all DOT employees, male employees, female employees, majority employees; minority employees, employees under age 40, and employees 40 years of age or older could be made. These sampling characteristics were chosen in order to facilitate comparisons between current DOT employee attitudes and employee attitudes evaluated in 1984. In addition, the sample size and response rates were sufficiently high that conclusions could be made about each of the six districts, the Ames Highway Division, and the Ames complex, excluding the Highway Division. Altogether fifty-five percent (or 739) questionnaires were· returned. Thirty additional employees voluntarily completed the survey, resulting in a final sample size of 769. The survey covered topics related to job satisfaction, work environment or climate, skill utilization, sexual harassment, communication and information adequacy, and morale. The first four topics were evaluated in 198- while the last two were unique to this survey.
In March 1993, all 3, 666 employees of the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) were invited to participate in a survey related to morale and work practices. Survey questionnaires were sent to employees / homes and participation in the study was voluntary. This survey, in part, replicates assessments made by random, stratified samples of DOT employees in 1984 and 1988. Thus it is possible to evaluate some changes in morale and work practices at three points in time. The present survey was designed to allow for generalizations about all DOT employees and various subgroups of employees (i.e., majority and minority employees, males and females, employees less than 40 years of age and those 40 years of age or older, and work area location). Altogether, 2249 usable questionnaires were returned, yielding a much higher-than-average response rate 61.3%.