413 resultados para Sugar Creek Watershed (Crawford County, Ill.)
River Action is requesting funds for a project that offers design, technical and financial assistance to residential and commercial landowners and municipalities for the installation of buffers along Duck Creek and its tributaries. The buffers will improve water quality, reduce erosion on stream banks and provide habitat for wildlife. The projects will be planned and implemented through public meetings and educational workshops. This method of community involvement will increase awareness and education concerning the impairments in Duck Creek in Davenport and Bettendorf in Scott County, Iowa and promote personal responsibility and stewardship of watersheds.
Silver Creek is a warm water stream resource located in one of the most intensely cropped portions of Clayton County. The stream has been included on Iowa’s 303(d) list of impaired waters since 2002. Aquatic life, which should be present in Silver Creek, isn’t there. According to the Draft Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Silver Creek, the primary nonpoint pollution sources are soil erosion from agricultural land uses and direct deposition of ammonia by livestock with access to the stream. The Clayton Soil & Water Conservation District has begun efforts to remove Silver Creek from the impaired waters list. The District has promoted stream corridor and sinkhole protection, and the installation of buffer practices along Silver Creek and its tributaries. Conservation practices have been targeted to crop fields to reduce sediment delivery to the stream. A series of news articles, newsletters, and field days have been utilized to increase public understanding of water quality issues. Landowner interest has outweighed available cost share resources. Additional financial support will allow the project to build upon its early successes, to further address the identified impairments, and to respond to a long list of landowners that are interested in conservation work on their farms.
In 2004, Walnut Creek was placed on the 303d list of Impaired Waters due to a low biotic index (lack of aquatic life) during IDNR stream sampling events. Sediment originating from agriculture, streambank erosion, and channelization were listed as the most likely sources impacting aquatic life. In an effort to address these concerns, a preliminary study was completed of the multi-county watershed to identify priority areas. A Watershed Development & Planning Assistance Grant was then funded by the IDALS-DSC to conduct a detailed assessment of these prioritized sub-watersheds. The impending assessment of the watershed and the stream corridor revealed ample opportunities to address gully, sheet and rill erosion while addressing in-stream water velocity issues that plagued the riparian corridor. A comprehensive plan was developed comprised of a variety of best management practices to address the identified concerns. In 2009, this plan was submitted to the WIRB Board by the East Pottawattamie and Montgomery SWCDs and $489,455 was awarded to address concerns identified during watershed assessment inquiries. Despite adverse weather conditions, which has hampered conservation construction recently, this project has held fast to pre-project goals due to the fortitude of the project sponsors and the overwhelming participation by the watershed landowners. Unfortunately, state budget shortfalls are bringing project progress to a halt. As specified in the original WIRB funding request, practice funding for Year 3 was to come from the Division of Soil Conservation’s Watershed Protection Fund (WSPF). Due to Iowa’s budgetary restraints, the Walnut Creek WSPF application, which was submitted this spring, was not funded since no new applications in the state were funded. If funded again, this grant will serve as the critical step in continuing what is destined to be a true watershed success story.
The main channel of Upper Buffalo Creek has been identified on Iowa's 303(d) List of Impaired Waters as having a biological impairment (i.e., greater than 50% decrease in mussel species) due to habitat modification, stream alteration, nutrients, and/or siltation. The Buchanan County SWCD has identified this as a priority watershed because mussel population decreases have been well documented to be directly associated with decreases in ecological value, recreational value, and overall water quality. The presence of a diverse and reproducing mussel population indicates that a healthy aquatic ecosystem is intact, which means good fishing, good water quality for wildlife, and assurance that water is safe for recreation. Dan Cohen, Buchanan Conservation Board Director, stated that "should water quality conditions improve, and fishing holes and habitat be enhanced, there is no doubt that many people would take advantage of the renewed recreational opportunities". This watershed contains two "threatened" species of mussels and five "sensitive" species of fish. The District feels that a watershed project will assist in implementing conservation practices that will greatly improve water quality and enhance biological and recreational venues.
The city of Elliott has had an increase in nitrate levels in their community water supply located in the Coe Creek Watershed. They have been working with the IDNR Source Water Protection (SWP) Programs to conduct site investigations and have formed a SWP Planning Team. This Team has been reviewing the investigation findings, formed an action plan and studied different Best Management Practices (BMPs). After considering the BMPs the SWP Team made a recommendation to the Elliott City Council which included native grass seeding and a shallow water wetland. The Team also held an informational meeting for the citizens of Elliott. The goal of this meeting was to inform and educate the public of the Team findings and BMPs. The Elliott City Council approved the restoration of a shallow wetland with a native grass buffer. This whole project is 27 acres and includes a shallow water wetland with native grass buffer. This would be a long term method to reduce nitrates in the city wells. Elliott is partnering with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Montgomery County Soil and Water Conservation District, Pheasants Forever, the Montgomery County Conservation Board, US Fish and Wildlife Service and the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors in the restoration of the shallow water wetland and native grass buffer.
Bear Creek is an impaired warm water fishery designated as class B(LR) by the Iowa DNR and is on 303 impaired waters list for fish kills and ammonia. Bear Creek is located in eastern Delaware County. This project is designed to improve the water quality of Bear Creek by educating the landowners, operators and watershed community about the importance of this water resource. The goal of the Bear Creek Watershed Project is to improve the water quality of Bear Creek by reducing the amounts of ammoniated manure discharge, fecal coliform bacteria, sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorous. The Bear Creek Watershed Project has been a watershed project since July 2004, first as a Demo project FY 2004-2005 and then full time WSPF/319 project FY06-09. Fish kills have not occurred in 2008-2009. Sediment delivery has decreased in the Bear Creek Watershed by 5,328 tons per year. The objectives of this watershed project will be to improve Livestock Waste Storage, to improve Livestock Waste Usage, to decrease Sediment Losses, and to improve Education & Area Outreach. This project will install 2 manure storage structures (EQIP/project funded), 19 ac of CRP waterways, 12 ac of project waterways, 17 ac of CRP filter strips along stream, 12 water and sediment control basins, 18,000 ft of terraces, 350 ac of new notill planting, and 3,700 ft of streambank protection.
The City of West Union has been selected by Iowa Department of Economic Development as a Green Pilot Community. A major project within this designation is the reconstruction of the downtown business district public infrastructure in a sustainable, innovative, and replicable way. A key component of this project is replacement of the impermeable street and sidewalk surfacing with a porous paver system. This system, along with bio-retention cells in intersection bumpouts and sidewalk planters, will infiltrate, then cleanse and cool the storm water prior to a very slow discharge rate to Otter Creek. The project area will see a 95% reduction in peak discharge rate for a 100 year storm and a 20% reduction in runoff volume. West Union is located within the Otter Creek watershed, a designated cold water trout stream just below the city. Fayette County Soil and Water Conservation District and IDNR consider improvement of the water quality of Otter Creek to be very important. This reconstruction of downtown West Union in a sustainable manner will be the start of an overall Otter Creek watershed improvement project.
Sand Creek is the most significant recreational fishery in Delaware County because of its location to Manchester and Lake Delhi. It is a feeder stream for game fish to the main stem of the Maquoketa River which is limited by the dams at Manchester and Lake Delhi. Sand Creek encompasses 16,045 acres and is dominated by row crop agriculture. It is being impacted by sediment, nutrients and E coli bacteria. Sand Creek will be a good example for habitat impaired watershed. The purpose of this project is to decrease the amount of sediment and nutrients reaching Sand Creek and to increase the habitat in Sand Creek to make it a better spawning and growing area for the fish and the food chain for the fish. The objectives of this project are to reduce sediment delivery by 40%, to improve in-stream habitat on 40% of identified critical areas and implement an information/education program. The project will install 3,800 acres of new no-till planting, 6 water and sediment control basins, 4,000 feet of terraces, 20,000 feet of improved or new waterways, 3,200 feet of streambank/ habitat enhancement, 4,500 feet of livestock exclusion fencing and 6 acres of wetlands.
The Muchakinock Creek Watershed Project began in February of 2005 to treat upland soil erosion in the creek that has lead to a 303(d) impairment. The Mahaska SWCD is currently administering this cost-share program to promote terraces, basins and grade stabilization structures. The District is now seeking funding from WIRB to treat specific abandoned mine lands in the Muchakinock Creek Watershed. These areas contribute sediment to the creek at levels second only to agricultural lands as well as acid mine drainage from open pits mines that have been left to decay across the county. The WIRB funding would be used to compliment Federal Abandoned Mine Land (AML) funding in the reclamation of these areas.
This project would target Norfolk Creek Subwatershed for land treatment practices. The Norfolk Creek Subwatershed is 14,035 acres located southwest of Waukon. The landscape is characterized by rugged karst topography and is marked with hundreds of sinkholes, providing direct drainage into the water table, affecting wells, springs, and community water sources. The surface groundwater runoff from this karst landscape eventually flows into the Yellow River. The potential point and non-point pollution sources are complicated and expensive to resolve. Extensive water quality monitoring has been completed on Norfolk Creek and has tested high in many parameters. We hope that with the upland treatment included in this grant request, terraces, grade stabilization structures, sediment control basins, and livestock manure management systems, these will improve. Continued water quality sampling will monitor this. This application has been reviewed and approved by the Allamakee County Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioners.
Mills County proposes to reduce the identified impairment of the watershed, Keg Creek, by eliminating one of the main reasons for the impairment - non-conforming, on-site septic tanks that allow effluent to drain into the creek from the unincorporated community of Mineola. This has been identified by the county as a major priority. Therefore, the county proposes to construct a collection system and lagoon treatment facility, which would eliminate effluent from draining into Keg Creek. Regional Water will own, operate, and manage the collection and treatment systems in Mineola for Mills County.
Upper Catfish Creek is located in a 9,300-acre watershed that flows through two significant natural resources, Swiss Valley Park and Swiss Valley Nature Preserves, one of the largest nature preserves in the Midwest. According to DNR’s 2002 305(d) report, that portion of the creek within the park and preserve is classified as a Class B(CW) cold water stream of which a portion has naturally reproducing trout (one of only 30 in the state of Iowa with this capability). Urban sprawl is a real threat to the Upper Catfish Creek Watershed. Currently, 10% of the watershed is residential, but 27% is zoned residential or commercial. The watershed is near Dubuque city limits but the jurisdiction is in the county. Differing criteria for land development between city and county jurisdictions further entices developers to build in outlying areas. County leaders agree there is more that needs to be done and will work with municipalities on uniformity of regulations and follow-up measures. We propose to set up key urban conservation practice models that will address storm water runoff and water quality which can be learned about and viewed by city and county officials, engineers, developers, etc. This would be part of a larger initiative including an educational campaign, inter-jurisdictional planning, the development of a land use GIS database, and agricultural conservation practices. The successes coming out of and learned about this watershed will serve as a model to spread county-wide.
Price Creek is a 13 mile long stream located in SE Benton County and the NE corner of Iowa County. It ends below the village of Amana where it flows into the Iowa River. The Iowa and Benton County Soil & Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) applied (and were tentatively approved) for 319/WPF/WSPF funding to treat livestock and water quality issues in this watershed over the next three years. That project’s funds were allocated for a Project Coordinator, information and education activities, and cost share for Best Management Practices (BMPs) directed toward livestock issues and nutrient issues. Soil erosion and sedimentation are also problems in this 18,838 acre watershed. It is 64% HEL (highly erodible land) and 58% of it is cropped. With a coordinator working with Price Creek producers, this would be an excellent time to also address the soil loss and sedimentation issues in this watershed. We will offer additional cost share incentives on BMPs targeting soil erosion on the critical areas we’ve identified. We are applying to IWIRB for additional funding to allow us to cost share specific BMPs up to 75% to treat soil loss in these critical areas of the Price Creek Watershed.
A water quality resource concern has come to the forefront in the Upper Miller Creek watershed in Black Hawk County after five to seven inches of rain fell on the area on May 22nd and 23rd of 2004 and unprecedented amounts of soil and organic debris were washed from cultivated areas, clogging most culverts and roadside ditches. The quantity of soil deposited in ditches gave a good indication of the amounts that were transported into the stream. The estimated total cost to Black Hawk County for cleanup and repair within the road right-of-way was $345,000. There were undetermined environmental costs incurred when the incredibly high volumes of soil washed from the fields into Miller Creek which flows directly into the Cedar River that is identified by the Department of Natural Resources as an impaired water body. The Upper Miller Creek Watershed Project is an innovative, collaborative project intended to meet a specific need identified by a local steering committee made up of concerned community agencies and local landowners. Led by the Soil and Water Conservation District and the Black Hawk County Board of Supervisors, the Miller Creek Watershed Project seeks to reduce soil erosion, improve water quality, and reduce county road infrastructure cost by implementing conservation practices, reducing nutrient and pesticide use and improving wildlife habitat.
Farmers Creek is a moderately flowing stream that winds through seventeen miles of central Jackson County, encompassing a watershed area of 30,590 acres. Due to nutrient loading and sedimentation, the stream was placed on Iowa’s 303(d) List of Impaired Waters in 2002. A three year grant project was initiated in January 2005 to reduce both sediment delivery and phosphorus levels by 40% in critical areas along the stream corridor. Over thirty-five BMP’s were started in the first nine months of this project. Funding through WIRB is being requested specifically for streambank stabilization and protection projects not covered by other cost-share programs. Innovative project designs and techniques will be installed and act as demonstration sites. Projects may include jetties, weirs, cedar revetments, cattle crossings, and fencing. To assist in excluding cattle from the stream, watering systems such as slingpumps, pasture pumps, or water rams will be installed, in conjunction with filter strips and riparian buffers.