88 resultados para Nursing Homes
SF2160 (2012) allowed nursing facilities to collection additional payment about the Medicaid payment form residents and families who desire a private room. This is referred to as private room supplementation. The legislation set out numerous requirement that must be met for facilities who supplement the Medicaid rate by charging for a private room.
HF740 directed the Iowa Department of Human Services to begin reimbursing nursing facilities under a modified price-base case-mix reimbursement system beginning July 1, 2001. The components of the case mix reimbursement system resulted from a series of meetings that involved providers industry association representatives advocacy organization and state agency staff.
Explanation of the rights of the tenants of Assisted Living Programs and Elder Group Homes.
Explanation of what is a statement of deficiencies, who is responsible for inspecting Iowa's nursing facilities, what is an F-tag number and what it will tell you and how will deficiencies be corrected.
MDS section Q - Q&A
Includes a brief introduction to Medicare & Medicaid, 20 problems common to nursing facilities & suggestions as how to resolve them.
Important information about drug coverage for Nursing Home residents on Medicare
Communique regarding qualifying for Medicaid nursing facility, income, and Miller Trust. Also includes references.
Information on qualifying for a private nursing home room if on Medicaid funding
Information regarding Section Q - referrals and when appropriate
A Miller Trust is an irrevocable trust established on or before August 10, 1993, for the benefit of an individual and is used to help pay the cost of nursing facility care. The person residing in the nursing facility is designated as the beneficiary, and after the beneficiary’s death, all remaining amounts, up to the amount of Medicaid paid for the beneficiary, are paid to the State, the residuary beneficiary. Once a trust is established, a bank account for monies associated with the trust can be opened. Only certain funds, including the beneficiary’s earned and unearned income, can be deposited into the Miller Trust account. A trustee, usually a spouse or family member, is the person who administers the trust and pays out money.
Important Information About Drug Coverage For Nursing Home Residents on Medicare. While you live in a nursing home you can enroll in, or change, Medicare drug plans at ANY TIME with SHIIP help.
Explanation of a Resident Council, the goals, who should attend and the benefits and purpose of a resident council in a facility. Suggestions of how to start a Resident Council.
This booklet explains how to find and compare nursing homes and other long-term care options; how to pay for nursing home care; your rights as a nursing home resident and alternatives to nursing home care. Not all nursing homes are certified to participate in Medicare or Medicaid.
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