19 resultados para New business formation


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Many researchers have concluded that secondary or delayed ettringite is responsible for serious premature deterioration of concrete highways. In some poorly performing Iowa concretes, ettringite is the most common secondary mineral but its role in premature deterioration is uncertain since some researchers still maintain that secondary ettringite does not itself cause deterioration. The current research project was designed to determine experimentally if it is possible to reduce secondary ettringite formation in concrete by treating the concrete with commercial crystallization inhibitor chemicals. The hypothesis is such that if the amount of ettringite is reduced, there will also be a concomitant reduction of concrete expansion and cracking. If both ettringite formation and deterioration are simultaneously reduced, then the case for ettringite induced expansion/cracking is strengthened. The experiment used four commercial inhibitors - two phosphonates, a polyacrylic acid, and a phosphate ester. Concrete blocks were subjected to continuous immersion, wet/dry and freeze/thaw cycling in sodium sulfate solutions and in sulfate solutions containing an inhibitor. The two phosphonate inhibitors, Dequest 2060 and Dequest 2010, manufactured by Monsanto Co., were effective in reducing ettringite nucleation and growth in concrete. Two other inhibitors, Good-rite K752 and Wayhib S were somewhat effective, but less so than the two phosphonates. Rapid experiments with solution growth inhibition of ettringite without the presence of concrete phases were used to explore the mechanisms of inhibition of this mineral. Reduction of new ettringite formation in concrete blocks also reduced expansion and cracking of the blocks. This relationship clearly links concrete expansion with this mineral - a conclusion that some research workers have disputed despite theoretical arguments for such a relationship and despite numerous observations of ettringite mineralization in prematurely deteriorated concrete highways. Secondary ettringite nucleation and growth must cause concrete expansion because the only known effect of the inhibitor chemicals is to reduce crystal nucleation and growth, and the inhibitors cannot in any other way be responsible for the reduction in expansion. The mechanism of operation of the inhibitors on ettringite reduction is not entirely clear but the solution growth experiments show that they prevent crystallization of a soluble ettringite precursor gel. The present study shows that ettringite growth alone is not responsible for expansion cracking because the experiments showed that most expansion occurs under wet/dry cycling, less under freeze/thaw cycling, and least under continuous soaking conditions. It was concluded from the different amounts of damage that water absorption by newly-formed, minute ettringite crystals is responsible for part of the observed expansion under wet/dry conditions, and that reduction of freeze resistance by ettringite filling of air-entrainment voids is also important in freeze/thaw environments.


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Annual Report


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Immigrant and refugee newcomers have an important role in Iowa. These newcomers have revitalized many Iowa communities, workplaces and faith-based institutions. The arrival of immigrants and refugees poses challenges as well as rewards; understanding and addressing these issues is vital to welcoming and accommodating new Iowans and assuring their part in the long-term economic and social health of our state. This handbook represents a unique collaboration between the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) and Ecumenical Ministries of Iowa (EMI). The goal of this collaboration is to create a guidebook for Iowans to learn more about Iowa’s growing immigrant and refugee population and discover ways to welcome these newcomers and accommodate them in our communities and churches. The unique nature of this joint publication between a public university and Christian churches acknowledges that both institutions have a stake in accommodating immigrants in Iowa. UNI and all institutions of higher education need to support population growth to assure future enrollments. Churches and many other community institutions need immigrants and other newcomers to help maintain their viability. Universities and churches also need healthy local economies. Newcomers can provide much needed skills and labor to make this happen. In short, His collaboration recognizes that making immigration in Iowa work has important long-term implications for us all. This book was written and compiled by two university faculty members, but it is not an official university endorsement of Christianity as the only religion practiced and accepted by Iowans, and no university funds were used to print or distribute this handbook. This handbook is written for Iowa’s Christian community and is based on the Biblical mandate to welcome newcomers, but we acknowledge Iowa’s other religious groups and their role in accommodating newcomers as well. We readily acknowledge that other faith-based organizations also welcome newcomers and have a stake in making immigration a positive experience. In order to accommodate the perspectives and needs of these groups, the UNI New Iowans Program is planning to develop similar handbooks for Iowa’s Jewish and Muslim communities. This handbook includes a number of resource lists for individuals, newcomers, churches and others. Of course, as soon as these lists are printed, they may become out-of-date. In order to obtain the most up-to-date information, please visit the UNI New Iowans Web site: www.bcs.uni.edu/idm/newiowans/ The UNI New Iowans website also makes this handbook available in a PDF format.


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Weekly Newsletter


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The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: New Iowa “Foreclosure Hotline”


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Following is the 2007 Annual Report of the Iowa Values Fund (IVF 2005) and Business Assistance Programs covering activity during Fiscal Year 2007 (FY ‘07) and cumulative for the first four years of the Iowa Values Fund Programs. The IVF (2005) is the primary funding source for a menu of financial assistance programs the Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED) offers as incentives to Iowa companies to expand here, to recruit new companies into Iowa and assist new entrepreneurial ventures. In addition to IDED the law appropriates IVF (2005) funds for economic development activities to the Board of Regents, the Departments of Cultural Affairs and Natural Resources and to Community Colleges for certain workforce training programs. In addition to the IVF (2005), IDED allocates a portion of Community Development Block Grant and Federal Emergency Stimulus funds and several tax credit programs, all of which are included in this report.


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The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: “Phishing” Scams Use New Tricks


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The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: New Protections for Credit Card Consumers


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Anadvanced foods economy is under development in the state of Iowa that builds on Iowa’s established strengths in plant and animal sciences,production agriculture, food science, nutrition, and processing technology. This new pathway was identified when Battelle Institute studied Iowa’s strengths in the biosciences and recommended six technology platforms as opportunities to use these strengths for growing the economy. One of those technology platforms is functional foods, sometimes called nutraceuticals.


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The biosciences industry significantly impacts Iowa’s economy. Kemin, Integrated DNA Technologies, Archer Daniels Midland Co., Roquette America, Cargill, Monsanto and DuPont’s Pioneer Hi-Bred International are only a few of Iowa’s 1,800 bioscience companies employing more than 83,000 people. Everyday, Kemin and other Iowa life sciences companies seek to commercialize new bioscience innovations. Together with Iowa’s outstanding business climate, a skilled, well educated and adaptable workforce, and an enviable quality of life, Iowa is providing bioscience companies with an exciting new resource to assist us in our endeavors: The Biosciences Alliance of Iowa.


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With its central U.S. location, access to a plethora of agricultural raw materials, a highly educated and skilled workforce, and a supportive state government; food and ingredient manufacturers find many advantages to locating in Iowa. Another major plus for Iowa’s food makers is access to one of the strongest food science and human nutrition programs in the nation, located on the campus of Iowa State University (ISU). At ISU, you will find scientists who will assist your organization in bringing food related innovations in plant, animal and microbial products to commercialization. The Department of Food Sciences and Human Nutrition (FSHN) is jointly administered by the Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Human Sciences. Our mission is to generate new knowledge around food and human nutrition and to promote health through food.


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The first commercial quantities of a soybean oil with about three percent linolenic acid oil were produced in Iowa in 1994 through a collaboration with Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Continued to breed new soybean varieties with a focus on a even lower linolenic acid content of one percent. I was interested in understanding whether the oil would be stable enough to eliminate the need for chemical hydrogenation. During the process of increasing one percent linolenic acid seed varieties to obtain oil for testing, the Food and Drug Administration announced it would require labeling for trans fat beginning in 2006. Instead of using the seed of the new varieties to obtain oil for testing, it was used for further seed production so that commercial quantities of the one percent linolenic acid oil could be available as quickly as possible.


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Wind power is the fastest growing source of energy in the nation. New installations have expanded total U.S. generating capacity by 45 percent and injected over $9 billion in new investments into the economy in 2007. These new wind projects accounted for about 30 percent of the entire new power-producing capacity added nationally in 2007. According to our figures at the American Wind Energy Association, installed wind power capacity in the U.S. is now over 16,800 megawatts, and the future looks bright. With every wind turbine that goes up, America’s dependence on fossil fuels for power generation goes down. Wind energy represents a tremendous opportunity to use a non-polluting, inexhaustible source to meet our electric power needs.


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Information technology is a strong and important sector of the Iowa economy employing 30,000 Iowans at more than 2,000 companies, according to a new analysis from Battelle Institute consultants. The strength of Iowa’s IT industry is based in the service-segment. Internet and data services, communications network services, and software and computer services constitute 81 percent of all IT employment. Slightly ahead of U.S. trends, these service sectors compose the backbone of Iowa’s IT industry,


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These are exciting days in Iowa and the Upper Midwest—the preferred location for developing the green economy and the renewable energy industry. Forward looking policies of Governor Chet Culver, who has set a goal of making our state energy independent, and a ready response to new opportunities are moving Iowa forward in the vanguard of energy transformation. The adoption and consumption of alternative energy will continue to increase. We have succeeded where others are just beginning because we have the grain and crop residues that have made Iowa first in biofuels, sustained winds to get more of our electricity from wind than any other state, and research universities that are hotbeds of renewable energy innovation.