40 resultados para Minor criminal liability
Annual Report, Agency Performance Plan
Other Audit Reports
Other Audit Report - 28E Organization
This report discusses a number of topics and presents data and other information in response to Iowa Code Section 216A.135’s mandate for an annual Plan Update. It was prepared as an e-document and relies mainly on links to other documents which, when combined, make up the complete report.
During the 2002 session of the Iowa General Assembly, Senate File 2278 was enacted, establishing a new Section 356.36A within the Iowa Code. Subsequently, House File 2623 was enacted, which served to make a minor amendment to Senate File 2278. The Governor subsequently signed the amended legislation into law. The final version of the new Section 356.36A required that the Iowa Department of Human Rights, Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning and Statistical Analysis Center (CJJP) prepare a report for the Legislature “analyzing the confinement and detention needs of jails and facilities established pursuant to chapters 356 and 356A.
This report discusses a number of topics and presents data and other information in response to Iowa Code Section 216A.135’s mandate for an annual Plan Update. It was prepared as an e-document and relies mainly on links to other documents which, when combined, make up the complete report.
This report discusses a number of topics and presents data and other information in response to Iowa Code Section 216A.135’s mandate for an annual Plan Update. It was prepared as an e-document and relies mainly on links to other documents which, when combined, make up the complete report. The outline that follows names the issues being presented this year by the CJJPAC and is both a table of contents and a “site-map” for the report.
Iowa Code Section 216A.135 requires the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning Advisory Council (CJJPAC) to submit a long-range plan for Iowa's justice system to the Governor and General Assembly every five years. The first plan developed after the creation of the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning was issued in 1990 and annually updated through 1994. Since 1992, appropriation law has required the CJJPAC to coordinate their planning activities with those of the Iowa Juvenile Justice Advisory Council (JJAC).
Other Audit Reports - 28E Organizations
The attached plan builds upon work done over the last decade. The first plan developed after the creation of the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning in 1986 was issued in 1990 and annually updated through 1994. Since 1992, the CJJPAC has been required to coordinate their planning activities with those of the Iowa Juvenile Justice Advisory Council (JJAC). In 1995, these two councils developed a new plan consisting of a set of long-range justice system goals to assist policy makers and justice system practitioners as they plan and operate the justice system through the next twenty years. The statutory mandate for such long-range planning required the identification of goals specific enough to provide guidance, but broad enough to be of relevance over a long period of time. The long-range goals adopted by these councils in 1995 covered a wide variety of topics and offered a framework within which current practices could be defined and assessed. Collectively, these long-range goals were meant to provide a single source of direction to the complex assortment of practitioners and policymakers whose individual concerns and decisions collectively define the nature and effectiveness of Iowa’s justice system. The twenty-year goals established in 1995 were reviewed by the councils in 2000 to assess their current relevance. It was determined that, with a few revisions, the goals established in 1995 should be restated in 2000 with a renewed emphasis on their long-range status. This plan builds upon those issued in 1995 and 2000, continuing much of the emphasis of plans, with some new directions charted as appropriate.
Agency Performance Report
This report discusses a number of topics and presents data and other information in response to Iowa Code Section 216A.135’s mandate for an annual Plan Update. It was prepared as an edocument and relies mainly on links to other documents which, when combined, make up the complete report. The outline that follows names the issues being presented this year by the CJJPAC and is both a table of contents and a “site-map” for the report.
The Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning issued its first state legislation monitoring report in February 2002, covering the first six months’ impact of Senate File 543 (which enacted a number of sentencing changes) on the justice system; monitoring of the correctional impact of this bill was at the request of several members of the legislature. Since then, the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning Advisory Council has requested that CJJP monitor the correctional impact of enacted legislation of particular interest. This report covers monitoring results or future plans to monitor the following: 1. Changes in “crack” cocaine and “powder” cocaine penalties under Chapter 124.401 (effective FY2004; see p.3). 2. Commitments to prison involving manufacture, distribution, or possession of methamphetamine under Chapter 124.401 (see p.5). 3. Prosecution of offenders for child endangerment under Chapter 726.6(g) for permitting the presence of a child or minor at a location where a controlled substance manufacturing or a product possession violation occurs (see p.7). 4. Provision of an enhanced penalty for manufacturing of controlled substances under Chapter 124.401C when children are present and the offender is not charged under section 726.6(g) (see p. 7). 5. Creating a new offense when a retailer sells more than two packages of any product containing pseudoephedrine (chapter 126.23A) and providing for an enhanced penalty under Chapter 714.7C when a theft involves more than two packages of similar products (see p.8). 6. Establishment of parole eligibility at 70% of time served for persons sentenced under the “85% law” provisions of Iowa Code Section 902.12. (effective FY2005; see p. 9).
Other Audit Reports - 28E Organization
Audit report on the Black Hawk County Criminal Justice Information System for the year ended June 30, 2006