19 resultados para American Field Service.


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A study was undertaken by the Bituminous Research Laboratory of the Engineering Research Institute at Iowa State University, under the sponsorship of the Iowa Highway Research Board, project HR 100, to ascertain the effects of a number of characteristics and properties of asphaltic concrete mixes upon the service behavior of the mixes as evaluated by the Traffic Simulator and by field observations. The study included: Investigations of the relations, of gradation, fraction and resistance to wear of aggregates; of stability, cohesion, per cent voids and asphalt content: of a number of laboratory and field mixes to service behavior as indicated by the Traffic Simulator under various test conditions. Based upon the results of the tests and the relationships noted, tentative criteria for the Traffic Simulator test were devised, subject to verification by observations and measurements of field service behavior of the mixes.


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The major objective of this research project was to use thermal analysis techniques in conjunction with x-ray analysis methods to identify and explain chemical reactions that promote aggregate related deterioration in portland cement concrete. Twenty-two different carbonate aggregate samples were subjected to a chemical testing scheme that included: • bulk chemistry (major, minor and selected trace elements) • bulk mineralogy (minor phases concentrated by acid extraction) • solid-solution in the major carbonate phases • crystallite size determinations for the major carbonate phases • a salt treatment study to evaluate the impact of deicer salts Test results from these different studies were then compared to information that had been obtained using thermogravimetric analysis techniques. Since many of the limestones and dolomites that were used in the study had extensive field service records it was possible to correlate many of the variables with service life. The results of this study have indicated that thermogravimetric analysis can play an important role in categorizing carbonate aggregates. In fact, with modern automated thermal analysis systems it should be possible to utilize such methods on a quality control basis. Strong correlations were found between several of the variables that were monitored in this study. In fact, several of the variables exhibited significant correlations to concrete service life. When the full data set was utilized (n = 18), the significant correlations to service life can be summarized as follows ( a = 5% level): • Correlation coefficient, r, = -0.73 for premature TG loss versus service life. • Correlation coefficient, r, = 0.74 for relative crystallite size versus service life. • Correlation coefficient, r, = 0.53 for ASTM C666 durability factor versus service life. • Correlation coefficient, r, = -0.52 for acid-insoluble residue versus service life. Separation of the carbonate aggregates into their mineralogical categories (i.e., calcites and dolomites) tended to increase the correlation coefficients for some specific variables (r sometimes approached 0.90); however, the reliability of such correlations was questionable because of the small number of samples that were present in this study.


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In jointed portland cement concrete pavements, dowel bars are typically used to transfer loads between adjacent slabs. A common practice is for designers to place dowel bars at a certain, consistent spacing such that a sufficient number of dowels are available to effectively transfer anticipated loads. In many cases, however, the standards developed today for new highway construction simply do not reflect the design needs of low traffic volume, rural roads. The objective of this research was to evaluate the impact of the number of dowel bars and dowel location on joint performance and ultimately on pavement performance. For this research, test sections were designed, constructed, and tested in actual field service pavement. Test sections were developed to include areas with load transfer assemblies having three and four dowels in the outer wheel path only, areas with no joint reinforcement whatsoever, and full lane dowel basket assemblies as the control. Two adjacent paving projects provided both rural and urban settings and differing base materials. This report documents the approach to implementing the study and provides discussion and suggestions based on the results of the research. The research results indicate that the use of single three or four dowel basket assemblies in the outer wheel path is acceptable for use in low truck volume roads. In the case of roadways with relatively stiff bases such as asphalt treated or stabilized bases, the use of the three dowel bar pattern in the outside wheel path is expected to provide adequate performance over the design life of the pavement. In the case of untreated or granular bases, the results indicate that the use of the three or four dowel bar basket in both wheel paths provides the best long-term solution to load transfer and faulting measurements.


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The major objective of this research project is to utilize thermal analysis techniques in conjunction with x-ray analysis methods to identify and explain chemical reactions that promote aggregate related deterioration in Portland cement concrete. The first year of this project has been spent obtaining and analyzing limestone and dolomite samples that exhibit a wide range of field service performance. Most of the samples chosen for the study also had laboratory durability test information (ASTM C 666, method B) that was readily available. Preliminary test results indicate that a strong relationship exists between the average crystallite size of the limestone (calcite) specimens and their apparent decomposition temperatures as measured by thermogravimetric analysis. Also, premature weight loss in the thermogravimetric analysis tests appeared to be related to the apparent decomposition temperature of the various calcite test specimens.


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The goal of the project was to develop a new type of self-consolidating concrete (SCC) for slip-form paving to simplify construction an make smoother pavements. Developing the new SCC involved two phases: a feasibility study (Phase I sponsored by TPF-5[098] and concrete admixtures industry) and an in-depth mix proportioning and performance study and field applications (Phase II). The phase I study demonstrated that the new type of SCC needs to possess not only excellent self-consolidating ability before a pavement slab is extruded, but also sufficient “green” strength (the strength of the concrete in a plastic state) after the extrusion. To meet these performance criteria, the new type of SCC mixtures should not be as fluid as conventional SCC but just flowable enough to be self-consolidating. That is, this new type of SCC should be semi-flowable self-consolidating concrete (SFSCC). In the phase II study, effects of different materials and admixtures on rheology, especially the thixotropy, and green strength of fresh SFSCC have been further investigated. The results indicate that SFSCC can be designed to (1) be workable enough for machine placement, (2) be self-consolidating without segregation, (3) hold its shape after extrusion from a paver, and (4) have performance properties (strength and durability) comparable with current pavement concrete. Due to the combined flowability (for self-consolidation) and shape-holding ability (for slip-forming) requirements, SFSCC demands higher cementitious content than conventional pavement concrete. Generally, high cementitious content is associated with high drying shrinkage potential of the concrete. However, well-proportioned and well-constructed SFSCC in a bike path constructed at Ames, IA, has not shown any shrinkage cracks after approximately 3 years of field service. On the other hand, another SFSCC pavement with different mix proportions and construction conditions showed random cracking. The results from the field SFSCC performance monitoring implied that not only the mix proportioning method but also the construction practice is important for producing durable SFSCC pavements. A carbon footprint, energy consumption, and cost analysis conducted in this study have suggested that SFSCC is economically comparable to conventional pavement concrete in fixed-form paving construction, with the benefit of faster, quieter, and easier construction.


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The characterization and categorization of coarse aggregates for use in portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements is a highly refined process at the Iowa Department of Transportation. Over the past 10 to 15 years, much effort has been directed at pursuing direct testing schemes to supplement or replace existing physical testing schemes. Direct testing refers to the process of directly measuring the chemical and mineralogical properties of an aggregate and then attempting to correlate those measured properties to historical performance information (i.e., field service record). This is in contrast to indirect measurement techniques, which generally attempt to extrapolate the performance of laboratory test specimens to expected field performance. The purpose of this research project was to investigate and refine the use of direct testing methods, such as X-ray analysis techniques and thermal analysis techniques, to categorize carbonate aggregates for use in portland cement concrete. The results of this study indicated that the general testing methods that are currently used to obtain data for estimating service life tend to be very reliable and have good to excellent repeatability. Several changes in the current techniques were recommended to enhance the long-term reliability of the carbonate database. These changes can be summarized as follows: (a) Limits that are more stringent need to be set on the maximum particle size in the samples subjected to testing. This should help to improve the reliability of all three of the test methods studied during this project. (b) X-ray diffraction testing needs to be refined to incorporate the use of an internal standard. This will help to minimize the influence of sample positioning errors and it will also allow for the calculation of the concentration of the various minerals present in the samples. (c) Thermal analysis data needs to be corrected for moisture content and clay content prior to calculating the carbonate content of the sample.


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Sodium and potassium are the common alkalis present in fly ash. Excessive amounts of fly ash alkalis can cause efflorescence problems in concrete products and raise concern about the effectiveness of the fly ash to mitigate alkali-silica reaction (ASR). The available alkali test, which is commonly used to measure fly ash alkali, takes approximately 35 days for execution and reporting. Hence, in many instances the fly ash has already been incorporated into concrete before the test results are available. This complicates the job of the fly ash marketing agencies and it leads to disputes with fly ash users who often are concerned with accepting projects that contain materials that fail to meet specification limits. The research project consisted of a lab study and a field study. The lab study focused on the available alkali test and how fly ash alkali content impacts common performance tests (mortar-bar expansion tests). Twenty-one fly ash samples were evaluated during the testing. The field study focused on the inspection and testing of selected, well documented pavement sites that contained moderately reactive fine aggregate and high-alkali fly ash. A total of nine pavement sites were evaluated. Two of the sites were control sites that did not contain fly ash. The results of the lab study indicated that the available alkali test is prone to experimental errors that cause poor agreement between testing labs. A strong (linear) relationship was observed between available alkali content and total alkali content of Class C fly ash. This relationship can be used to provide a quicker, more precise method of estimating the available alkali content. The results of the field study failed to link the use of high-alkali fly ash with the occurrence of ASR in the various concrete sites. Petrographic examination of the pavement cores indicated that Wayland sand is an ASR-sensitive aggregate. This was in good agreement with Iowa DOT field service records. It was recommended that preventative measures should be used when this source of sand is used in concrete mixtures.


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Much of the current research in portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements deals with the analysis of early pavement life failures and seeks to find ways to prevent those from reoccurring. The Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) portion of the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) has identified some of the key factors in designing and building new PCC pavements. This statement will build on the Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) project TR-463, Field Performance Study of Past Iowa Pavement Research: A Look Back. In Iowa and across the nation, there are multiple pavements that were built more than 20 years ago that have been and are continuing to provide very good service to the public. They are found on both state and local routes and in both low and high traffic volume areas. There is a need to learn what went into those pavements, from the subgrade through the surface, that makes them perform so well. The purpose of this research project was to conduct a scoping study that could be used to evaluate the need for additional research to study the attributes of well-performing concrete pavements. The concept of zero-maintenance jointed plain concrete pavements” was iterated in this study for long-lasting, well-performing portland cement concrete pavement sections. The scope of the study was limited to a brief literature survey, pavement performance data collection from many counties, cities, and primary and interstate roads in Iowa, field visits to many selected pavement sites, and analysis of the collected data. No laboratory orfield testing was conducted for this phase of the project. A problem statement with a research plan was created that could be used to guide the second phase of the project.


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Fiber composite materials (FRP) are making an entry into the construction market in both buildings and pavements. The application to pavements comes in the form of joint reinforcement (dowels and tie bars) to date. FRP resistance to salt corrosion in dowels has made it an alternative to standard epoxy coated dowels for pavements. Iowa State University has completed a large amount of laboratory research into the determination of diameter, spacing, and durability of FRP dowels. This report documents the installation of a series of FRP elliptical-shaped dowel joints (including instrumented units) in a field situation and the beginning of a two-year study to compare laboratory results to in-service pavements. Ten joints were constructed for each of three dowel spacings of 10, 12, and 15 inches ( 254, 305, and 381 mm) with one instrumented joint in each test section. The instrumented bars will be load tested with a loaded truck and FWD testing.


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One of the most important issues in portland cement concrete pavement research today is surface characteristics. The issue is one of balancing surface texture construction with the need for durability, skid resistance, and noise reduction. The National Concrete Pavement Technology Center at Iowa State University, in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration, American Concrete Pavement Association, International Grinding and Grooving Association, Iowa Highway Research Board, and other states, have entered into a three-part National Surface Characteristics Program to resolve the balancing problem. As a portion of Part 2, this report documents the construction of 18 separate pavement surfaces for use in the first level of testing for the national project. It identifies the testing to be done and the limitations observed in the construction process. The results of the actual tests will be included in the subsequent national study reports.


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Asphalt wearing surfaces are commonly used on timber bridges with transverse glued-laminated deck panel systems to help protect the timber components. However, poor performance of these asphalt wearing surfaces in the past has resulted in repeated repair and increased maintenance costs. This report describes the field demonstration and testing of a newly-constructed, glued-laminated timber girder bridge. Previous field work revealed that differential panel deflections in the glued-laminated deck were one significant factor resulting in the premature failure of the asphalt wearing surfaces on these bridges. In addition, laboratory work subsequent to the field testing attempted to address the problematic asphalt cracking common in transverse glued-laminated panel decks by testing several deck joint connection alternatives. The field demonstration project described in this report showcases the retrofit detail that was determined to provide the best field performance. The project was a cooperative effort between the Bridge Engineering Center (BEC) at Iowa State University and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory (FPL).


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For more than 80 years, visitors to the Iowa State Historical, Memorial, and Art Building were treated to the state’s collection of historic documents, literature, portraits, and historical, geological, and archeological artifacts. Those who visited might have memories of the spectacular sand paintings by Iowan Andrew Clemens, the variety of taxidermy Iowa animals, the pioneer Conestoga wagon in the basement, the biplane hanging from the dome ceiling, the odd display by the medical library of things removed from stomachs, or the Native American display on the third floor. This booklet is a look back at the origins of the museum. It includes some of the Historical Department reports, legislation passed by the general assembly, newspaper and magazine articles, and photographs pertaining to the museum and library. It is not intended to be an exhaustive review and documentation of displays and exhibits. It is a brief overview of the building’s history and some photographs that may bring back memories, for some, of a field trip as a student. This booklet has been created from a variety of source materials: photographs, newspaper articles, and various reports. The following have contributed: State Library of Iowa, Iowa State Historical Society, the Iowa Judicial Branch, Susan Wallace, Helen Dagley, Barb Corson, Jerome Thompson, Pam Rees, Georgiann Fischer, and Jason Mrachina.


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The foamed asphalt concept has been around since the 1950's. Rising oil prices have created a renewed interest in this process. The purpose of this project was to construct an asphalt base using the foamed asphalt process and to evaluate its performance. A 4.2 mile length of Muscatine County road A-91 was selected for the research project. Asphalt contents of 4.5% and 5.5%, moisture contents of 70% and 90% of optimum, and fog, single chip, and double chip seal coats were used in various combinations to lay 9 test sections of 4-inch foamed asphalt base. After five years of service and evaluation, several conclusions can be made concerning the performance of the foamed asphalt bases: (1) the foamed asphalt process can work as shown by the excellent performance of Sections 2 and 3; (2) foamed asphalt base requires a well compacted subgrade and a road profile suitable for good drainage of water--test section failures were mostly due to a poor subgrade and subsurface moisture; and (3) when the base is placed in two or more lifts, extreme care must be exercised to insure adequate bonding is achieved between lifts. Any future research with foamed asphalt should include various asphalt depths in order to determine a thickness/strength relationship for foamed asphalt.


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Nationally, there are questions regarding the design, fabrication, and erection of horizontally curved steel girder bridges due to unpredicted girder displacements, fit-up, and locked-in stresses. One reason for the concerns is that up to one-quarter of steel girder bridges are being designed with horizontal curvature. There is also an urgent need to reduce bridge maintenance costs by eliminating or reducing deck joints, which can be achieved by expanding the use of integral abutments to include curved girder bridges. However, the behavior of horizontally curved bridges with integral abutments during thermal loading is not well known nor understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the behavior of horizontal curved bridges with integral abutment (IAB) and semi-integral abutment bridges (SIAB) with a specific interest in the response to changing temperatures. The long-term objective of this effort is to establish guidelines for the use of integral abutments with curved girder bridges. The primary objective of this work was to monitor and evaluate the behavior of six in-service, horizontally curved, steel-girder bridges with integral and semi-integral abutments. In addition, the influence of bridge curvature, skew and pier bearing (expansion and fixed) were also part of the study. Two monitoring systems were designed and applied to a set of four horizontally curved bridges and two straight bridges at the northeast corner of Des Moines, Iowa—one system for measuring strains and movement under long term thermal changes and one system for measuring the behavior under short term, controlled live loading. A finite element model was developed and validated against the measured strains. The model was then used to investigate the sensitivity of design calculations to curvature, skew and pier joint conditions. The general conclusions were as follows: (1) There were no measurable differences in the behavior of the horizontally curved bridges and straight bridges studied in this work under thermal effects. For preliminary member sizing of curved bridges, thermal stresses and movements in a straight bridge of the same length are a reasonable first approximation. (2) Thermal strains in integral abutment and semi-integral abutment bridges were not noticeably different. The choice between IAB and SIAB should be based on life – cycle costs (e.g., construction and maintenance). (3) An expansion bearing pier reduces the thermal stresses in the girders of the straight bridge but does not appear to reduce the stresses in the girders of the curved bridge. (4) An analysis of the bridges predicted a substantial total stress (sum of the vertical bending stress, the lateral bending stress, and the axial stress) up to 3 ksi due to temperature effects. (5) For the one curved integral abutment bridge studied at length, the stresses in the girders significantly vary with changes in skew and curvature. With a 10⁰ skew and 0.06 radians arc span length to radius ratio, the curved and skew integral abutment bridges can be designed as a straight bridge if an error in estimation of the stresses of 10% is acceptable.


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Recent data compiled by the National Bridge Inventory revealed 29% of Iowa's approximate 24,600 bridges were either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. This large number of deficient bridges and the high cost of needed repairs create unique problems for Iowa and many other states. The research objective of this project was to determine the load capacity of a particular type of deteriorating bridge – the precast concrete deck bridge – which is commonly found on Iowa's secondary roads. The number of these precast concrete structures requiring load postings and/or replacement can be significantly reduced if the deteriorated structures are found to have adequate load capacity or can be reliably evaluated. Approximately 600 precast concrete deck bridges (PCDBs) exist in Iowa. A typical PCDB span is 19 to 36 ft long and consists of eight to ten simply supported precast panels. Bolts and either a pipe shear key or a grouted shear key are used to join adjacent panels. The panels resemble a steel channel in cross-section; the web is orientated horizontally and forms the roadway deck and the legs act as shallow beams. The primary longitudinal reinforcing steel bundled in each of the legs frequently corrodes and causes longitudinal cracks in the concrete and spalling. The research team performed service load tests on four deteriorated PCDBs; two with shear keys in place and two without. Conventional strain gages were used to measure strains in both the steel and concrete, and transducers were used to measure vertical deflections. Based on the field results, it was determined that these bridges have sufficient lateral load distribution and adequate strength when shear keys are properly installed between adjacent panels. The measured lateral load distribution factors are larger than AASHTO values when shear keys were not installed. Since some of the reinforcement had hooks, deterioration of the reinforcement has a minimal affect on the service level performance of the bridges when there is minimal loss of cross-sectional area. Laboratory tests were performed on the PCDB panels obtained from three bridge replacement projects. Twelve deteriorated panels were loaded to failure in a four point bending arrangement. Although the panels had significant deflections prior to failure, the experimental capacity of eleven panels exceeded the theoretical capacity. Experimental capacity of the twelfth panel, an extremely distressed panel, was only slightly below the theoretical capacity. Service tests and an ultimate strength test were performed on a laboratory bridge model consisting of four joined panels to determine the effect of various shear connection configurations. These data were used to validate a PCDB finite element model that can provide more accurate live load distribution factors for use in rating calculations. Finally, a strengthening system was developed and tested for use in situations where one or more panels of an existing PCDB need strengthening.