2 resultados para acid-base imbalance.
The short bowel syndrome appears for the reduction of intestinal absorptive surface due to functional or anatomical loss of part of the small bowel. We present the case of a 35-year-old woman with severe short bowel syndrome secondary to acute intestinal ischemia in adults, who presented at 5 years of evolution episodes of dizziness with gait instability and loss of strength in hands. The diagnosis was D-lactic acidosis. D-lactic acidosis is a rare complication, but important for their symptoms, of this syndrome. It is due to a change in intestinal flora secondary to an overgrowth of lactic acid bacteria that produce D-lactate. D-lactic acidosis should be looked for in cases of metabolic acidosis in which the identity of acidosis is not apparent, neurological manifestations without focality and the patient has short bowel syndrome or patients who have had jejunoileal bypass surgery. Appropriate treatment usually results in resolution of neurologic symptoms and prevents or reduces further recurrences.
A 35-year-old patient, diagnosed with distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA), presented with metabolic acidosis (pH =7.1) together with hypokalaemia (2.8 meq/l), hyperlipidaemia and renal insuffi ciency (creatinine clearance = 60.8 ml/min). A 24 h urine examination showed an alkaline pH (7.5), hypercalciuria, hyperkaliuria hypocitraturia (1, 2 ,3). The patient was treated with potassium, citrate supplements and simvastatin . A typical renal colic occurred and an image study revealed considerable bilateral nephrocalcinosis, radio-opaque lithiasis in the left distal lumbar ureter and the right mid lumbar ureter with severe left ureter-hydronephrosis. Ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy of left lumbar fragments were performed, continuing with the medical treatment (4).