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In the present article is presented a portrait of the situation of the environmental health in the administration of Andalusian Goverment; are analyzed implanted management formulations and we believe a reflection space on the professional exercise and the course begun with the organizational process in the Andalusian public health. The public health system has not undergone reconstruction from the process of transferences from the State towards the autonomous Communities. We identified the extrapolation of the model clinicalassistance management to the public health structures without delving what is sufficient in their organization and objectives. Setting of business process management (BMP) has got worse the administrative bureaucracy and the teamwork has not been preceded of alliances and agreements that generate feeling of ownership the same organization to avoid professional conflicts. We bet on strengthening the paper of the environmental health technicians as referring in the identification of this performances within public health system. For this propose we need the implication of all the professionals in the reform of the organization and management of the health public, to evolve in the professional exercise creating a regulated academic specialty and to define the competences maps in their different capabilites areas.