5 resultados para Turismo - Indicadores
Organizadores: AFOE (Asociación para la Formación, el Ocio y el Empleo)y Grupo MIDO (Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Orientación). Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Sevilla. Web del Congreso: http://www.empleoeigualdad.es/congreso/
Este proyecto ha recibido financiación de la Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo de la Junta de Andalucía y del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Expediente P08-CTS-4321)
BACKGROUND In the actual context of population ageing and extension of working age, programs for health promotion at the workplace are a key and necessary tool to promote an active and healthy ageing. This work presents the methodological process followed to elaborate a checklist tool, within the framework of the European project Progress, that contributes to orientate planning, implementation and evaluation of good practices in this field, to be applicable to a variety of programs, countries and workplaces. METHODS A Delphi technique has been applied in three rounds in which experts in the area from five European countries participated. A questionnaire created from a list of criteria and indicators was adapted throughout the rounds, with the use of webmail, to the evaluation of interventions in the field of interest. Through processes of assessment and consensus, criteria and indicators most relevant were prioritized. RESULTS From the nine starting criteria and after the implementation of the technique, four key criteria were prioritized: relevance: 62, adequacy to objective: 57, innovation: 50 and guarantee of quality: 41. Using this group of criteria and indicators, a checklist was designed containing the key information that should be collected for planning, implementation and evaluation of good practices in interventions in this field. CONCLUSIONS The checklist tool helps to systematize the global methodology for the implementation of interventions which could be very useful for persons responsible of programmes to promote active and healthy ageing in the workplace.