4 resultados para Romã


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We have developed the computer programme NUTRISOL, a nutritional programme destined to analysis of dietary intake by means of the food transformation to nutrient. It has been performed under Windows operative system, using Visual Basic 6.0. It is presented in a CD-Rom. We have used the Spanish CSIC Food Composition Table and domestic food measures commonly used in Spain which could be modified and updated. Diverse kind of diets and reference anthropometric data are also presented. The results may be treated using various statistical programmes. The programme contains three modules: 1) Nutritional epidemiology, which allows to create or open a data base, sample management, analyse food intake, consultation of nutrient content and exportation of data to statistical programmes. 2) Analyses of diets and recipes, creation or modification of new ones. 3) To ask different diets for prevalent pathologies. Independent tools for modifying the original tables, calculate energetic needs, recommend nutrient intake and anthropometric indexes are also offered. In conclusion, NUTRISOL Programme is an application which runs in PC computers with minimal equipment in a friendly interface, of easy use, freeware, which may be adapted to each country, and has demonstrated its usefulness and reliability in different epidemiologic studies. Furthermore, it may become an efficient instrument for clinical nutrition and health promotion.


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Background. Hamstring injuries continue to affect active individuals and although inadequate muscle extensibility remains a commonly accepted factor, little is known about the most effective method to improve flexibility. Purpose. To determine if an isolated neurodynamic sciatic sliding technique would improve hamstring flexibility to a greater degree than stretching or a placebo intervention in asymptomatic subjects with short hamstring syndrome (SHS). Study Design. Randomized double-blinded controlled trial. Methods. One hundred and twenty subjects with SHS were randomized to 1 of 3 groups: neurodynamic sliding, hamstring stretching, and placebo control. Each subject's dominant leg was measured for straight leg raise (SLR) range of motion (ROM) before and after interventions. Data were analyzed with a 3 × 2 mixed model ANOVA followed by simple main effects analyses. Results. At the end of the study, more ROM was observed in the Neurodynamic and Stretching groups compared to the Control group and more ROM in the Neurodynamic group compared to Stretching group. Conclusion. Findings suggest that a neurodynamic sliding technique will increase hamstring flexibility to a greater degree than static hamstring stretching in healthy subjects with SHS. Clinical Relevance. The use of neurodynamic sliding techniques to improve hamstring flexibility in sports may lead to a decreased incidence in injuries; however, this needs to be formally tested.


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Cystatin C is considered the most important physiological inhibitor of endogenous cysteine proteases; the role of cystatin C is believed to be to modulate the activity of proteases secreted or released from damaged cells or in the process of necrosis, therefore cystatins being fundamental regulatory processes and a potential prevention of local proteolytic damage. Antiphospholipid antibodies are used to clarify the diagnosis of diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS) and other pathologies could present similar symptoms or paraclinical findings. The objective of the present work is to analyze the concentration of cystatin C and the presence or absence of antiphospholipid antibodies in patients diagnosed with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) as markers of demyelization. This work was carried out jointly by the Vascular Risk Laboratory, the Laboratory of Autoimmunity and Multiple Sclerosis Unit, Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena in Seville in one year. Two types of people were selected: Group 1 (n = 30) RRMS group and a control group, n = 30. Cystatin C and antiphospholipid antibodies IgG and IgM, IgG and IgM anticardiolipin, β2 glycoprotein IgG and IgM were determined. Patients showed negative titers of antiphospholipid antibodies IgG and IgM, IgG and IgM anticardiolipin, β2 glycoprotein IgG and IgM. Cystatin C concentration is lower in the group of patients diagnosed with MS, which could give rise to a decrease in the modulation of endogenous cysteine proteases. This would exacerbate the progress of demyelization in MS.


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Multiple sclerosis is an infammatory demyelinating autoimmune disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. The aim of the study was to quantify lym-phocyte subpopulations in cerebrospinal fuid and blood of patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and in patients whit degenerative diseases not (control) in order to fnd some relationships between them that make it possible to differentiate the immune status of patients in each group. This work was jointly carried out with Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena in Seville during 2008, 2009 and 2010. It is a descriptive, transversal and cohort study. The selected population is composed of 142 subjects who were subjected to lumbar puncture and a blood sample. Group 1 (n=70), control, Group 2 (n=53), patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis, Group 3 (n=5), patients with primary type progressive multiple sclerosis, and Group 4 (n=14) patients with isolated neurological syndrome. The results show an increase in CSF B cells in MS patients suggesting an increase in focal infammatory activity in the CNS. Regarding NKCD8, reduced total levels of NK and NKCD8 regard-ing controls were observed, and it showed an increased IgG index value in patients with RRMS.