20 resultados para Ordenadores -- Evaluación


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We have developed the computer programme NUTRISOL, a nutritional programme destined to analysis of dietary intake by means of the food transformation to nutrient. It has been performed under Windows operative system, using Visual Basic 6.0. It is presented in a CD-Rom. We have used the Spanish CSIC Food Composition Table and domestic food measures commonly used in Spain which could be modified and updated. Diverse kind of diets and reference anthropometric data are also presented. The results may be treated using various statistical programmes. The programme contains three modules: 1) Nutritional epidemiology, which allows to create or open a data base, sample management, analyse food intake, consultation of nutrient content and exportation of data to statistical programmes. 2) Analyses of diets and recipes, creation or modification of new ones. 3) To ask different diets for prevalent pathologies. Independent tools for modifying the original tables, calculate energetic needs, recommend nutrient intake and anthropometric indexes are also offered. In conclusion, NUTRISOL Programme is an application which runs in PC computers with minimal equipment in a friendly interface, of easy use, freeware, which may be adapted to each country, and has demonstrated its usefulness and reliability in different epidemiologic studies. Furthermore, it may become an efficient instrument for clinical nutrition and health promotion.


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Resumen del encuentro en Sevilla sobre Diálogo de Política Internacional sobre la Evaluación de Impacto en Salud. organizado por el Observatorio Europeo de Sistemas y Políticas de Salud con la colaboración de la OMS, la Comisión Europea y la Consejería de Salud


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Resumen del encuentro de expertos europeos sobre la evalución de la implatación de la evalución de impacto en salud. Jornada celebrada en Sevilla en febrero de 2008


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Este documento forma parte del proyecto Fomento de las TIC para mejorar el aprendizaje a través de simulación en centros de salud (SIMBASE). Management model for simulation based-training oriented towards impact evaluation Versión en inglés disponible en http://www.simbase.co/results/)


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Calidad, Innovación y Salud Pública de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales


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Con la colaboración del Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación de la Universidad de Sevilla


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Calidad, Innovación y Salud Pública de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales


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BACKGROUND Tocilizumab (TCZ) was superior to adalimumab (ADA), as monotherapy, in reducing signs and symptoms of adult rheumatoid arthritis (RA) when methotrexate (MTX) treatment is poorly tolerated or inappropriate. The aim of the study was to analyze the cost-effectiveness of TCZ vs ADA in these patients. METHODS Economic evaluation of the cost per response or remission of TCZ vs ADA from ADACTA (time horizon: 24 weeks). Clinical response criteria ACR or disease remission criteria, DAS28. PERSPECTIVE National Health System. The costs included (acquisition, administration and monitoring of medicines; € 2012) were obtained from Spanish sources. Simple univariate sensitivity analyzes were performed. RESULTS ACR20, ACR50 and ACR70 response rates with TCZ and ADA were obtained in 65% and 49.4% (p <0.01), 47.2% and 27.8% (p <0.01); and 32.5% and 17.9% (p <0.01) of patients, respectively. DAS28 remission occurred in 39.9% and 10.5%, respectively (p <0.0001). The cost per response was lower with TCZ than with ADA (ACR20: € 8,105 and € 11,553; ACR50: € 11,162 and € 20,529; ACR70: € 16,211 and € 31,882) respectively. The cost of DAS28 remission was € 13,204 and € 54,352, respectively. Treatment with TCZ was dominant (more effective, with lower costs vs ADA) in all scenarios analyzed. CONCLUSIONS According to this analysis, in Spain TCZ monotherapy is an efficient strategy vs ADA for treating RA patients intolerant to MTX or in which there is inappropriate response.


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This article briefly reviews the composition of the hyaline cartilage and its ultrastructure. Subsequently, we offer a brief review of the role of imaging techniques in the assessment of this pathology. These include the most useful pulse sequences for the morphological assessment of cartilaginous injuries using MRI, as well as how these injuries appear in the images, at pre and post-surgical intervals. Lastly, we mention the developments in MRI that allow us to close in on the biochemical assessment of normal and pathological cartilage.


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Different studies4, 5 relate that stress increases in children and adolescents with overweight and obesity, and consequently their salivary physiological responses (AEA salivary alpha-amylase, cortisol, cytokines, leptin), so in this study we relate these two parameters to see their progress through a program of physical activity. If we manage to reduce overweight or obesity, these physiological responses and stress should also be reduced, thus improving the overall health status of these children and adolescents. The overall objective of the study was to determine the influence of physical activity in obese children and adolescents in perceived stress. An observational, descriptive, prospective and longitudinal study will be carried out. The universe is made up of 60 overweight / obese children and adolescents aged between 10 and 18 years. The assessment will take place from September 2012 to September 2013. To collect saliva samples, the ELISA8 method will be used. Variables such as BMI, lifestyle and diet will also be collected. Among the expected results are to lower overweight and obesity in children through physical activity program. To reduce stress and to normalize physiological salivary parameters.


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OBJECTIVE to evaluate the prescription profile and to assess the off-label and unlicensed uses of medicines among non-hospitalised pediatric patients. DESIGN cross-sectional study. SETTING pediatric units in two urban health centers and general emergency room (Hospital Materno-Infantil, Málaga). MAIN MEASUREMENTS sociodemographics variables, reasons for consultation and information about therapeutic medications. The classification of prescriptions was established according to information requirements contained in the Summary of Products Characteristics (SPC). RESULTS A total of 388 children were included (a subsample of 105 treated in the emergency room). Four hundred sixty-two prescriptions (involving 74 different active ingredients) were evaluated. Each infant received and average of 1,7 drugs (95% CI: 1,6-1,9). The most prescribed medicines were ibuprofen, paracetamol, amoxicillin-clavulanate and budesonide. The therapeutic group with the greatest variety of drugs was the respiratory group. 27,4% (95% CI: 23,5-31) of prescriptions were off-label and the main cause was different age (60%; 95% CI: 54,1-63), followed by different dose (21,5%; 95% CI: 18-25), different indication (12%; 95% CI: 9,2-15) and different route of administration (7%; 95% CI: 5,4-10). CONCLUSIONS The rate of off-label uses presents intermediate figures. Around one third of the paediatric outpatients in our sample are exposed to at least one off-label or unlicensed prescription. We should, however, point out that such usage is based on scant official, quality information, although it is not necessarily incorrect. Evidence-based medicine should be encouraged to improve drug therapy in children, as well as following the rules on drugs in special situations.


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INTRODUCTION: Weight gain and malnutrition after kidney transplantation is common and the resulting overweight and obesity is associated with serious health complications. By contrast, the prevalence of malnutrition in patients with renal transplantation and its impact on the outcome of kidney transplantation is underestimated. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status of renal transplant patients and determine if the five-year follow-up, these patients undergo alterations that suggest nutritional deterioration. METHODS: The sample consisted of 119 renal transplant patients who attended for five years post-transplant consultation. All patients measurements of total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL), triglycerides and ferritin (Ft) were performed. and anthropometric measurements were made of weight, height and BMI. Patients were divided into three groups according to GFR Group 1: <60 mL/min, Group 2: 89-60 mL/min Group 3: ≥ 90 mL/min. RESULTS: The weight and BMI tended to decrease in group 3 while increasing in the other groups. A decrease in total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides and Ferritin less pronounced in group 3 occurs. CONCLUSIONS: After five years you can see a significant reduction in nutritional biochemical parameters in general, likewise the nutritional status is closely related, and is directly proportional to the function of the graft.


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Este Manual se complementa con los siguientes documentos de apoyo: 1. Actuaciones y requerimientos (Lista de actuaciones con indicación de los requerimientos que deben cumplir respecto a la EIS); 3. Indicadores (Batería de indicadores y estándares para la evaluación y la relevancia de los impactos); y 4. Análisis en profundidad (Resumen de las etapas de una evaluación de riesgos). Publicado en la página Web de la Consejería de Salud : www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Ciudadanía / Nuestra Salud / Evaluación de impacto en salud)