8 resultados para NONOBESE SUBJECTS
OBJECTIVE: To explore the potential of deep HIV-1 sequencing for adding clinically relevant information relative to viral population sequencing in heavily pre-treated HIV-1-infected subjects. METHODS: In a proof-of-concept study, deep sequencing was compared to population sequencing in HIV-1-infected individuals with previous triple-class virological failure who also developed virologic failure to deep salvage therapy including, at least, darunavir, tipranavir, etravirine or raltegravir. Viral susceptibility was inferred before salvage therapy initiation and at virological failure using deep and population sequencing genotypes interpreted with the HIVdb, Rega and ANRS algorithms. The threshold level for mutant detection with deep sequencing was 1%. RESULTS: 7 subjects with previous exposure to a median of 15 antiretrovirals during a median of 13 years were included. Deep salvage therapy included darunavir, tipranavir, etravirine or raltegravir in 4, 2, 2 and 5 subjects, respectively. Self-reported treatment adherence was adequate in 4 and partial in 2; one individual underwent treatment interruption during follow-up. Deep sequencing detected all mutations found by population sequencing and identified additional resistance mutations in all but one individual, predominantly after virological failure to deep salvage therapy. Additional genotypic information led to consistent decreases in predicted susceptibility to etravirine, efavirenz, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors and indinavir in 2, 1, 2 and 1 subject, respectively. Deep sequencing data did not consistently modify the susceptibility predictions achieved with population sequencing for darunavir, tipranavir or raltegravir. CONCLUSIONS: In this subset of heavily pre-treated individuals, deep sequencing improved the assessment of genotypic resistance to etravirine, but did not consistently provide additional information on darunavir, tipranavir or raltegravir susceptibility. These data may inform the design of future studies addressing the clinical value of minority drug-resistant variants in treatment-experienced subjects.
BACKGROUND Severe hypertriglyceridaemia due to chylomicronemia may trigger an acute pancreatitis. However, the basic underlying mechanism is usually not well understood. We decided to analyze some proteins involved in the catabolism of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in patients with severe hypertriglyceridaemia. METHODS Twenty-four survivors of acute hypertriglyceridaemic pancreatitis (cases) and 31 patients with severe hypertriglyceridaemia (controls) were included. Clinical and anthropometrical data, chylomicronaemia, lipoprotein profile, postheparin lipoprotein lipase mass and activity, hepatic lipase activity, apolipoprotein C II and CIII mass, apo E and A5 polymorphisms were assessed. RESULTS Only five cases were found to have LPL mass and activity deficiency, all of them thin and having the first episode in childhood. No cases had apolipoprotein CII deficiency. No significant differences were found between the non-deficient LPL cases and the controls in terms of obesity, diabetes, alcohol consumption, drug therapy, gender distribution, evidence of fasting chylomicronaemia, lipid levels, LPL activity and mass, hepatic lipase activity, CII and CIII mass or apo E polymorphisms. However, the SNP S19W of apo A5 tended to be more prevalent in cases than controls (40% vs. 23%, NS). CONCLUSION Primary defects in LPL and C-II are rare in survivors of acute hypertriglyceridaemic pancreatitis; lipase activity measurements should be restricted to those having their first episode during childhood.
OBJECTIVE Increasing evidence indicates that the Fas/Fas ligand interaction is involved in atherogenesis. We sought to analyze soluble Fas (sFas) and soluble Fas ligand (sFasL) concentrations in subjects at high cardiovascular risk and their modulation by atorvastatin treatment. METHODS AND RESULTS ACTFAST was a 12-week, prospective, multicenter, open-label trial which enrolled subjects (statin-free or statin-treated at baseline) with coronary heart disease (CHD), CHD-equivalent, or 10-year CHD risk > 20%. Subjects with LDL-C between 100 to 220 mg/dL (2.6 to 5.7 mmol/L) and triglycerides < or = 600 mg/dL (6.8 mmol/L) were assigned to a starting dose of atorvastatin (10 to 80 mg/d) based on LDL-C at screening. Of the 2117 subjects enrolled in ACTFAST, AIM sub-study included the 1078 statin-free patients. At study end, 85% of these subjects reached LDL-C target. Mean sFas levels were increased and sFasL were reduced in subjects at high cardiovascular risk compared with healthy subjects. Atorvastatin reduced sFas in the whole population as well as in patients with metabolic syndrome or diabetes. Minimal changes were observed in sFasL. CONCLUSIONS sFas concentrations are increased and sFasL are decreased in subjects at high cardiovascular risk, suggesting that these proteins may be novel markers of vascular injury. Atorvastatin reduces sFas, indicating that short-term treatment with atorvastatin exhibits antiinflammatory effects in these subjects.
Aim: To examine the prevalence and clinical features of isolated clinical hypertension (ICH) and the dipping patterns in a large cohort of untreated hypertensive subjects form the Spanish ABPM registry
BACKGROUND The present study was determined the influence of physical activity and dietary habits on lipid profile, blood pressure (BP) and body mass index (BMI) in subjects with metabolic syndrome (MS). AIMS Identify the relationship between physical activity and proper nutrition and the probability of suffering from myocardial infarction (MI). METHODS Hundred chronically ill with MS who were active and followed a healthy diet were classified as compliant, while the remaining subjects were classified as non-compliant. RESULTS The compliant subjects show lower BMI values (30.8±4.9 vs 32.5±4.6), as well as lower levels of triacylglycerol (130.4±48.2 vs 242.1±90.1), total cholesterol (193.5±39 vs 220.2±52.3) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (105.2±38.3 vs 139.2±45). They show higher values in terms of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (62.2±20.1 vs 36.6±15.3), with statistically significant differences. In terms of both systolic and diastolic pressure, no differences were revealed between the groups; however, those who maintain proper dietary habits show lower systolic blood pressure levels than the inactive subjects. The probability of suffering from MI greatly increases among the group of non-compliant subjects. CONCLUSIONS Our results demonstrate how performing aerobic physical activity and following an individualized, Mediterranean diet significantly reduces MS indicators and the chances of suffering from MI.
CONTEXT Expression and activity of the main lipogenic enzymes is paradoxically decreased in obesity, but the mechanisms behind these findings are poorly known. Breast Cancer 1 (BrCa1) interacts with acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) reducing the rate of fatty acid biosynthesis. In this study, we aimed to evaluate BrCa1 in human adipose tissue according to obesity and insulin resistance, and in vitro cultured adipocytes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS BrCa1 gene expression, total and phosphorylated (P-) BrCa1, and ACC were analyzed in adipose tissue samples obtained from a total sample of 133 subjects. BrCa1 expression was also evaluated during in vitro differentiation of human adipocytes and 3T3-L1 cells. RESULTS BrCa1 gene expression was significantly up-regulated in both omental (OM; 1.36-fold, p = 0.002) and subcutaneous (SC; 1.49-fold, p = 0.001) adipose tissue from obese subjects. In parallel with increased BrCa1 mRNA, P-ACC was also up-regulated in SC (p = 0.007) as well as in OM (p = 0.010) fat from obese subjects. Consistent with its role limiting fatty acid biosynthesis, both BrCa1 mRNA (3.5-fold, p<0.0001) and protein (1.2-fold, p = 0.001) were increased in pre-adipocytes, and decreased during in vitro adipogenesis, while P-ACC decreased during differentiation of human adipocytes (p = 0.005) allowing lipid biosynthesis. Interestingly, BrCa1 gene expression in mature adipocytes was restored by inflammatory stimuli (macrophage conditioned medium), whereas lipogenic genes significantly decreased. CONCLUSIONS The specular findings of BrCa1 and lipogenic enzymes in adipose tissue and adipocytes reported here suggest that BrCa1 might help to control fatty acid biosynthesis in adipocytes and adipose tissue from obese subjects.
CONTEXT Soluble TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (sTWEAK) is generated by the intracellular proteolytic cleavage of full-length membrane-bound TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (mTWEAK). sTWEAK levels are reduced in diseases with an inflammatory component. Additionally, sTWEAK hampers TNFα activity in human cells. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the study were as follows: 1) to determine circulating sTWEAK in severe obesity and after bariatric surgery; 2) to study m/sTWEAK and its receptor fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14) protein expression in sc adipose tissue (SAT) of severely obese subjects, in SAT stromal vascular fraction (SVF), and isolated adipocytes and in human monocyte-derived macrophages; and 3) to explore, on human adipocytes, the sTWEAK effect on TNFα proinflammatory activity. DESIGN sTWEAK levels were measured in cohort 1: severely obese subjects (n = 23) and a control group (n = 35); and in cohort 2: (n = 23) severely obese subjects before and after surgery. The m/sTWEAK and Fn14 expressions were determined in SAT biopsies, SVF, and isolated adipocytes from severely obese and control subjects and in human monocyte-derived macrophages. In human primary cultured adipocytes, sTWEAK pretreated and TNFα challenged, IL-6, IL-8, and adiponectin protein and gene expressions were determined and nuclear factor-κ B and MAPK signaling analyzed. RESULTS sTWEAK levels were reduced in severely obese subjects. After surgery, sTWEAK levels rose in 69% of patients. mTWEAK protein expression was increased in SAT and SVF of severely obese subjects, whereas Fn14 was up-regulated in isolated adipocytes. M2 human monocyte-derived macrophages overexpress mTWEAK. In human adipocytes, sTWEAK down-regulates TNFα cytokine production by hampering TNFα intracellular signaling events. CONCLUSION The decrease of sTWEAK in severely obese patients may favor the proinflammatory activity elicited by TNFα.
Background. Hamstring injuries continue to affect active individuals and although inadequate muscle extensibility remains a commonly accepted factor, little is known about the most effective method to improve flexibility. Purpose. To determine if an isolated neurodynamic sciatic sliding technique would improve hamstring flexibility to a greater degree than stretching or a placebo intervention in asymptomatic subjects with short hamstring syndrome (SHS). Study Design. Randomized double-blinded controlled trial. Methods. One hundred and twenty subjects with SHS were randomized to 1 of 3 groups: neurodynamic sliding, hamstring stretching, and placebo control. Each subject's dominant leg was measured for straight leg raise (SLR) range of motion (ROM) before and after interventions. Data were analyzed with a 3 × 2 mixed model ANOVA followed by simple main effects analyses. Results. At the end of the study, more ROM was observed in the Neurodynamic and Stretching groups compared to the Control group and more ROM in the Neurodynamic group compared to Stretching group. Conclusion. Findings suggest that a neurodynamic sliding technique will increase hamstring flexibility to a greater degree than static hamstring stretching in healthy subjects with SHS. Clinical Relevance. The use of neurodynamic sliding techniques to improve hamstring flexibility in sports may lead to a decreased incidence in injuries; however, this needs to be formally tested.