3 resultados para NEASC Accreditation
BACKGROUND Only multifaceted hospital wide interventions have been successful in achieving sustained improvements in hand hygiene (HH) compliance. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS Pre-post intervention study of HH performance at baseline (October 2007-December 2009) and during intervention, which included two phases. Phase 1 (2010) included multimodal WHO approach. Phase 2 (2011) added Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) tools and was based on: a) Increase of alcohol hand rub (AHR) solution placement (from 0.57 dispensers/bed to 1.56); b) Increase in frequency of audits (three days every three weeks: "3/3 strategy"); c) Implementation of a standardized register form of HH corrective actions; d) Statistical Process Control (SPC) as time series analysis methodology through appropriate control charts. During the intervention period we performed 819 scheduled direct observation audits which provided data from 11,714 HH opportunities. The most remarkable findings were: a) significant improvements in HH compliance with respect to baseline (25% mean increase); b) sustained high level (82%) of HH compliance during intervention; c) significant increase in AHRs consumption over time; c) significant decrease in the rate of healthcare-acquired MRSA; d) small but significant improvements in HH compliance when comparing phase 2 to phase 1 [79.5% (95% CI: 78.2-80.7) vs 84.6% (95% CI:83.8-85.4), p<0.05]; e) successful use of control charts to identify significant negative and positive deviations (special causes) related to the HH compliance process over time ("positive": 90.1% as highest HH compliance coinciding with the "World hygiene day"; and "negative":73.7% as lowest HH compliance coinciding with a statutory lay-off proceeding). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE CQI tools may be a key addition to WHO strategy to maintain a good HH performance over time. In addition, SPC has shown to be a powerful methodology to detect special causes in HH performance (positive and negative) and to help establishing adequate feedback to healthcare workers.
HypatiaSalud will be the freely accessible institutional repository for the Public Health System in Andalucía, Spain. Open access and new technologies have changed dramatically the environment in which research is being conducted and disseminated. Traditionally University has been the universal research provider, but at present time there are Government Organizations, as Public Health Systems, which are large-producers of research. Meanwhile most universities are running institutional repositories or have plans of setting up institutional repositories in the short-term, there are not many Government Organizations working on that direction. In this sense, HypatiaSalud represents an innovative initiative. Objectives: - Enhancing institutional efficiency, effectiveness and opportunities for knowledge exchange. -Expanding access and greater use of research findings to a much wider range of users increasing the visibility and reputation of Andalusian Public Health System. - Providing the foundation for effective gathering and long-term preservation of research output. Methodology. Phase I: Researching and learning from other institutional repositories. Phase II: Designing and planning the financial, organizational, legal and technical underlying issues. Phase III: Launching the service. Phase IV: Running the service. Outcomes. Bibliometrics: catalog of the research output of the Institution, in order to determine the conditions to include this scientific output in the Institutional Repository: direct deposit, deposit after a period of embargo, or closed access when publisher will not grant permission. Promote a mandate for the deposit of all peer-reviewed final drafts (postprints) for institutional record-keeping purposes. Access to that immediate postprint deposit in HypatiaSalud may be set immediately as ‘Open Access’ if copyright conditions allows; otherwise access can be set as ‘Closed Access’. International Standards application: HypatiaSalud will support OAI-PMH and DRIVER, to allow that central repositories could harvest its content or metadata. Development of human resources strategies in order to foster self-archiving through merit acknowledge and accreditation. Conclusions. It seems likely that setting up an Institutional Repository for the Public Health System in Andalucía would have substantial net benefits in the longer term for the Institution, despite the lag between the costs and realisation of benefits.
BACKGROUND It has been identified differences of medical care practice in primary care related to physician's sex. Simultaneously, there are gender inequalities in the assignment of health resources. Both aspects give rise to an increasing growing interest in the management and provision of health services. OBJECTIVES To examine the differences in the referral practice made by female and male primary care physicians working in health centers in Andalusia, to consider whether there are disparities in referrals received by men and women, and to examine the interaction between patient's sex and physician's sex. METHODS Observational, cross-sectional, and multicenter study. POPULATION 4 health districts in Andalucía and their physicians. SAMPLE 382 physicians. MEASUREMENTS referral rate per visit (RV), referral rate per patient quota (RQ), patient's sex, physician: sex, age, postgraduate family medicine specialty, size of the patient quota by sex, mean number of patients/day by sex, mean age of the patient quota by sex, and proportion of men in the quota. Health center: urban / rural, size of the team, enrolled population, and postgraduate family medicine specialty's accreditation. SOURCES databases of health districts. PERIOD OF STUDY 2010. ANALYSIS Bivariate and multivariate multilevel analysis of the referral rate per visit with mixed Poisson model. RESULTS In 2010 382 physicians made 129,161 referrals to specialized care. The RQ was 23.47 and the RV was 4.92. The RQ in women and men was 27.23 and 19.78 for women physicians, being 27.37 and 19.51 for male physicians. The RV in women and men was 4.92 and 5.48 for women physicians, being 4.54 and 4.93 for male physicians. CONCLUSION There are no differences in referral according to physician's sex. However, there are signs that might indicate the existence of gender inequality, and women patient received less referrals. There are no physician-patient's sex interaction.