22 resultados para Intestines - Diseases
Introduction: Plasma citrulline is not incorporated in endogenous or exogenous proteins so it is a theoretical marker of villous atrophy. Our aim was to correlate plasma citrulline levels with severity of villous atrophy inceliac patients. Methods: Observational case-control study longitudinal in children 16 month-old to 14 year-old: 48 with untreated celiac disease, 9 celiac children under gluten free diet and 35 non-celiac healthy children. Plasma amino acids concentration is determined, expressed in μmol/L, and so are other clinical and analytical data. Results: No statistically significative difference found in the referring to BMI, age or renal function. Small increase in fecal fat in celiac children. Citrulline, arginine and glutamine are significantly lower in cases (17.7 μmol/l, 38.7 μmol/l, 479.6 μmol/l respectively) than in controls (28.9 μmol/l, 56.2 μmol/l, 563.7 μmol/l). Citrulline levels are significantly lower in the severe degrees of atrophy than in mild ones (13.8 μmol/l vs. 19.7 μmol/l, p < 0.05), not happening so with rest of amminoacids. Summary: Postabsortive mean of plasma citrulline is a good marker of reduction in enterocyte mass in celiac patients with villous atrophy; secondary reduction in plasma arginine too. Just a small histological alteration in intestinal biopsy is enough to differentiate citrulline in cases and controls and besides it can be seen that high levels of atrophy present with lower plasma citrulline.
The intestinal anti-inflammatory effects of two probiotics isolated from breast milk, Lactobacillus reuteri and L. fermentum, were evaluated and compared in the trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS) model of rat colitis. Colitis was induced in rats by intracolonic administration of 10 mg TNBS dissolved in 50% ethanol (0.25 ml). Either L. reuteri or L. fermentum was daily administered orally (5 x 10(8) colony-forming units suspended in 0.5 ml skimmed milk) to each group of rats (n 10) for 3 weeks, starting 2 weeks before colitis induction. Colonic damage was evaluated histologically and biochemically, and the colonic luminal contents were used for bacterial studies and for SCFA production. Both probiotics showed intestinal anti-inflammatory effects in this model of experimental colitis, as evidenced histologically and by a significant reduction of colonic myeloperoxidase activity (P<0.05). L. fermentum significantly counteracted the colonic glutathione depletion induced by the inflammatory process. In addition, both probiotics lowered colonic TNFalpha levels (P<0.01) and inducible NO synthase expression when compared with non-treated rats; however, the decrease in colonic cyclo-oxygenase-2 expression was only achieved with L.fermentum administration. Finally, the two probiotics induced the growth of Lactobacilli species in comparison with control colitic rats, but the production of SCFA in colonic contents was only increased when L. fermentum was given. In conclusion, L. fermentum can exert beneficial immunomodulatory properties in inflammatory bowel disease, being more effective than L. reuteri, a probiotic with reputed efficacy in promoting beneficial effects on human health.
The short bowel syndrome appears for the reduction of intestinal absorptive surface due to functional or anatomical loss of part of the small bowel. We present the case of a 35-year-old woman with severe short bowel syndrome secondary to acute intestinal ischemia in adults, who presented at 5 years of evolution episodes of dizziness with gait instability and loss of strength in hands. The diagnosis was D-lactic acidosis. D-lactic acidosis is a rare complication, but important for their symptoms, of this syndrome. It is due to a change in intestinal flora secondary to an overgrowth of lactic acid bacteria that produce D-lactate. D-lactic acidosis should be looked for in cases of metabolic acidosis in which the identity of acidosis is not apparent, neurological manifestations without focality and the patient has short bowel syndrome or patients who have had jejunoileal bypass surgery. Appropriate treatment usually results in resolution of neurologic symptoms and prevents or reduces further recurrences.
This document summarizes the issues raised in a think-tank meeting held by professionals with expertise in pediatric Home Parenteral Nutrition. This nutritional technology enables patients to return home to their family and social environment, improves their quality of life and decreases health-care costs; however, it is complex and requires an experienced nutritional support team. Patient selection is normally made according to their underlying disease, the estimated duration of support and family and social characteristics. The patient''s family must agree to take on caregiver's responsibilities and should be able to perform treatment safely and effectively after receiving proper training from the nutritional support team. Close monitoring must be carried out to ensure tolerance and effectiveness of nutritional support, thereby avoiding complications. This nutritional treatment achieves, in most cases, recovery and intestinal adaptation in varying periods of time. In certain diseases, and when home parenteral nutrition becomes complicated, intestinal transplant may be recommendable, so referral to rehabilitation units and Intestinal Transplantation should be made early on.
The use of 1% unmodified rice starch and 1% horse serum instead of 2% soluble starch and 5% serum in Granada medium is described. These components result in a medium of increased stability, preventing spoilage after a few days of storage at room temperature
Recovery of group B streptococci (GBS) was assessed in 1,204 vaginorectal swabs stored in Amies transport medium at 4 or 21°C for 1 to 4 days either by direct inoculation onto Granada agar (GA) or by culture in blood agar (BA) and GA after a selective broth enrichment (SBE) step. Following storage at 4°C, GBS detection in GA was not affected after 72 h by either direct inoculation or SBE; however, GBS were not detected after SBE in the BA subculture in some samples after 48 h of storage and in GA after 96 h. After storage at 21°C, loss of GBS-positive results was significant after 48 h by direct inoculation in GA and after 96 h by SBE and BA subculture; some GBS-positive samples were not detected after 24 h of storage followed by SBE and BA subculture or after 48 h of storage followed by SBE and GA subculture. Storage of swabs in transport medium, even at 4°C, produced after 24 h an underestimation of the intensity of GBS colonization in most specimens. These data indicate that viability of GBS is not fully preserved by storage of vaginorectal swabs in Amies transport medium, mainly if they are not stored under refrigeration
BACKGROUND. Autoimmunity appears to be associated with the pathophysiology of Meniere's disease (MD), an inner ear disorder characterized by episodes of vertigo associated with hearing loss and tinnitus. However, the prevalence of autoimmune diseases (AD) in patients with MD has not been studied in individuals with uni or bilateral sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). METHODS AND FINDINGS. We estimated the prevalence of AD in 690 outpatients with MD with uni or bilateral SNHL from otoneurology clinics at six tertiary referral hospitals by using clinica criteria and an immune panel (lymphocyte populations, antinuclear antibodies, C3, C4 and proinflammatory cytokines TNFα, INFγ). The observed prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS) was higher than expected for the general population (1.39 for RA, 0.87 for SLE and 0.70 for AS, respectively). Systemic AD were more frequently observed in patients with MD and diagnostic criteria for migraine than cases with MD and tension-type headache (p = 0.007). There were clinical differences between patients with uni or bilateral SNHL, but no differences were found in the immune profile. Multiple linear regression showed that changes in lymphocytes subpopulations were associated with hearing loss and persistence of vertigo, suggesting a role for the immune response in MD. CONCLUSIONS. Despite some limitations, MD displays an elevated prevalence of systemic AD such as RA, SLE and AS. This finding, which suggests an autoimmune background in a subset of patients with MD, has important implications for the treatment of MD.
INTRODUCTION Massive small bowel resection (MSBR) with a remnant jejunum shorter than 60 cm produces severe water, electrolytes, vitamins and protein-caloric depletion. While waiting for a viable intestinal transplantation, most of MSBR patients depend on total parenteral nutrition (TPN). CLINICAL CASE 32 years old male, with MSBR due to sectioning trauma of the superior mesenteric artery root. First surgical intervention: jejunostomy with small bowel, right colon, and spleen resection. Six months later: jejunocolic anastomosis with 12-cm long jejunum remnant and prophylactic cholecystectomy. NUTRITIONAL INTERVENTION: 1st phase. Hemodynamic stabilization and enteral stimulation (6 months): TPN + enteral nutrition with elemental formula + oral glucohydroelectrolitic solution (OGHS) + 15 g/d of oral glutamine + omeprazol. Clinical course indicators: biochemistry, I/L balance. 2a phase. Digestive adaptation with colonic integration (8 months): replacement of TPN by part-time peripheral PN. Progressive cooked diet complemented with pancreatic poly-enzyme preparation, omeprazol, OGHS, glutamine, elemental formula. Clinical course indicators: biochemistry, diuresis, weight and feces. 3a phase. Auto-sufficiency without parenteral dependence: fragmented free oral diet supplemented with pancreatic poly-enzyme preparation, mineralized beverages, enteral formula supplement, Ca and Mg oral supplements, oral multivitamin and mineral preparation, monthly IM vitamin B12. Current situation actual (52 months): slight ponderal gain, diuresis > liter/day, 2-3 normal feces, no clinical signs of any deficiency and normal blood levels of micronutrients. CONCLUSION It may be possible to withdraw from PN in MSBR considering, as in this case, favorable age and etiology and early implementation of an appropriate protocol of remnant adaptation.
Carta al Director de J. M. Moreno Villares, sobre el artículo: Leyva Martínez S, Fernández Lloret S, Martín Ruiz JL. Resección intestinal masiva. Proceso de adaptación intestinal. Nutr Hosp 2007; 22:616-20; y réplica de los autores (Leyva Martínez S).
Fecal incontinence (FI) is the involuntary loss of rectal contents through the anal canal. Reports of its prevalence vary from 1-21%. Studies, have demonstrated a positive effect on FI symptoms with injectable bulking agents. This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of NASHA/Dx gel in the treatment of FI. One hundred fifteen eligible patients suffering from FI received 4 injections of 1 mL NASHA/Dx gel. Primary efficacy was based on data from 86 patients that completed the study. This study demonstrated a ≥50% reduction from baseline in the number of FI episodes in 57.1% of patients at 6 months, and 64.0% at 12 months. Significant improvements (P < .001) were also noted in total number of both solid and loose FI episodes, FI free days, CCFIS, and FIQL scores in all 4 domains. The majority of the treatment related AEs (94.9%) were mild or moderate intensity, and (98.7%) of AEs resolved spontaneously, or following treatment, without sequelae. Results of this study indicate NASHA/Dx gel was efficacious in the treatment of FI. Treatment effect was significant both in reduction of number of FI episodes and disease specific quality of life at 6 months and lasted up to 12 months after treatment.
The skin and appendages is one of the first things in which people repair their social relationships as an alteration of these can influence the image and in multiple aspects of the subject’s life. Psoriasis is a chronic, relapsing skin disease that produces a marked reduction in the quality of life. Phototherapy, especially in form of narrow-band UVB is an alternative treatment of choice in plaque psoriasis and psoriasis of moderate extent. Also, regarding the impact of such treatment on quality of life of patients with psoriasis, there are few studies analyzing this effect.
Studies in animal models and humans suggest anti-inflammatory roles on the N acylethanolamide (NAE)-peroxisome proliferators activated receptor alpha (PPARα) system in inflammatory bowel diseases. However, the presence and function of NAE-PPARα signaling system in the ulcerative colitis (UC) of humans remain unknown as well as its response to active anti-inflammatory therapies such as 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) and glucocorticoids. Expression of PPARα receptor and PPARα ligands-biosynthetic (NAPE-PLD) and -degrading (FAAH and NAAA) enzymes were analyzed in untreated active and 5-ASA/glucocorticoids/immunomodulators-treated quiescent UC patients compared to healthy human colonic tissue by RT-PCR and immunohistochemical analyses. PPARα, NAAA, NAPE-PLD and FAAH showed differential distributions in the colonic epithelium, lamina propria, smooth muscle and enteric plexus. Gene expression analysis indicated a decrease of PPARα, PPARγ and NAAA, and an increase of FAAH and iNOS in the active colitis mucosa. Immunohistochemical expression in active colitis epithelium confirmed a PPARα decrease, but showed a sharp NAAA increase and a NAPE-PLD decrease, which were partially restored to control levels after treatment. We also characterized the immune cells of the UC mucosa infiltrate. We detected a decreased number of NAAA-positive and an increased number of FAAH-positive immune cells in active UC, which were partially restored to control levels after treatment. NAE-PPARα signaling system is impaired during active UC and 5-ASA/glucocorticoids treatment restored its normal expression. Since 5-ASA actions may work through PPARα and glucocorticoids through NAE-producing/degrading enzymes, the use of PPARα agonists or FAAH/NAAA blockers that increases endogenous PPARα ligands may yield similar therapeutics advantages.
BACKGROUND A recent study using a rat model found significant differences at the time of diabetes onset in the bacterial communities responsible for type 1 diabetes modulation. We hypothesized that type 1 diabetes in humans could also be linked to a specific gut microbiota. Our aim was to quantify and evaluate the difference in the composition of gut microbiota between children with type 1 diabetes and healthy children and to determine the possible relationship of the gut microbiota of children with type 1 diabetes with the glycemic level. METHODS A case-control study was carried out with 16 children with type 1 diabetes and 16 healthy children. The fecal bacteria composition was investigated by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS The mean similarity index was 47.39% for the healthy children and 37.56% for the children with diabetes, whereas the intergroup similarity index was 26.69%. In the children with diabetes, the bacterial number of Actinobacteria and Firmicutes, and the Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio were all significantly decreased, with the quantity of Bacteroidetes significantly increased with respect to healthy children. At the genus level, we found a significant increase in the number of Clostridium, Bacteroides and Veillonella and a significant decrease in the number of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Blautia coccoides/Eubacterium rectale group and Prevotella in the children with diabetes. We also found that the number of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, and the Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio correlated negatively and significantly with the plasma glucose level while the quantity of Clostridium correlated positively and significantly with the plasma glucose level in the diabetes group. CONCLUSIONS This is the first study showing that type 1 diabetes is associated with compositional changes in gut microbiota. The significant differences in the number of Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus and Clostridium and in the Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio observed between the two groups could be related to the glycemic level in the group with diabetes. Moreover, the quantity of bacteria essential to maintain gut integrity was significantly lower in the children with diabetes than the healthy children. These findings could be useful for developing strategies to control the development of type 1 diabetes by modifying the gut microbiota.
OBJECTIVES Chronic infection with oncogenic HPV genotype is associated with the development of anal dysplasia. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been shown to decrease the incidence of cervical carcinoma in women with HIV. We sought to: 1) describe the prevalence and grade of anal dysplasia and HPV infection in our study subjects; 2) analyze the grade of correlation between anal cytology, PCR of high-risk HPV, and histology; 3) identify the factors associated with the appearance of ≥ AIN2 lesions. DESIGN Cross-sectional, prospective study. METHODS A cohort of HIV-positive males (n = 140, mean age = 37 years) who have sex with males (MSM) had epidemiological, clinical and analytical data collected. Anal mucosa samples were taken for cytology, HPV PCR genotyping, and anoscopy for histological analysis. RESULTS Within the cohort, 77.1% were being treated with ART, 8.5% anoscopy findings were AIN2, and 11.4% carcinoma in situ; 74.2% had high-risk (HR), 59.7% low-risk (LR) HPV genotypes and 46.8% had both. The combination of cytology with PCR identifying HR-HPV better predicts the histology findings than either of these factors alone. Logistic regression highlighted ART as a protective factor against ≥ AIN2 lesions (OR: 0.214; 95%CI: 0.054-0.84). Anal/genital condylomas (OR: 4.26; 95%CI: 1.27-14.3), and HPV68 genotype (OR: 10.6; 95%CI: 1.23-91.47) were identified as risk factors. CONCLUSIONS In our cohort, ART has a protective effect against dysplastic anal lesions. Anal/genital warts and HPV68 genotype are predictors of ≥ AIN2 lesions. Introducing PCR HPV genotype evaluation improves screening success over that of cytology alone.
Wireless capsule endoscopy (CE) is a technology developed for the endoscopic exploration of the small bowel. The first capsule model was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2001, and its first and essential indication was occult gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. Over subsequent years, this technology has been refined to provide superior resolution, increased battery life, and capabilities to view different parts of the GI tract. Indeed, cases for which CE proved useful have increased significantly over the last few years, with new indications for the small bowel and technical improvements that have expanded its use to other parts of the GI tract, including the esophagus and colon. The main challenges in the development of CE are new devices with the ability to provide therapy, air inflation for a better vision of the small bowel, biopsy sampling systems attached to the capsule and the possibility to guide and move the capsule with an external motion control. In this article we review the current and new indications of CE, and the evolving technological changes shaping this technology, which has a promising potential in the coming future of gastroenterology.