17 resultados para Insuficiencia Renal Crónica-dietoterapia


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Proceso publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados)


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Metabolic, biochemical, and hormonal changes occur in chronic renal failure usually associated with hyponutrition states. In predialysis patients, knowing the nutritional state about water-soluble vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cianocobalamine, and folic acid is becoming more and more important since some of the manifestations of chronic renal failure may be due to the deficiency of some of these water-soluble vitamins. The metabolic pathways in which most of these vitamins participate are interrelated and it is difficult to understand how the individual deficits of each vitamin affect renal pathology. This work aims at reviewing not only this issue but also the status of these water-soluble vitamins that different authors have found in groups of predialysis patients. On the other hand, the issue on the high prevalence of hyperhomocysteinemia in chronic renal failure as the main mortality risk factor due to cardiovascular pathologies as well as the implication of these vitamins in the metabolism of homocysteine, and consequently in plasma levels of this metabolite in predialysis patients is reviewed.


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Fichas combinables entre sí por días de la semana, divididas en dos bloques: Desayuno-Comida y Merienda-Cena


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OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to determine whether the consumption of low protein dietetic foods improved the quality of life and nutritional status for vitamins B and homocysteine in patients with chronic renal failure. METHODOLOGY This nutritional-intervention involved 28 men and 21 women, divided into two groups. The control-group consumed a low-protein diet prescribed, and the experimental-group consumed a diet in which some commonly used foods were replaced by low-protein dietetic foods. The study lasted 6 months. Food consumption was assessed by 24-h recall. Vitamin B6 as alphaEAST was measured in blood. Creatinine, urea, vitamin B12, folate and homocysteine were measured in plasma. The impact on the patients' quality of life from consuming the dietetic foods was assessed via the SF-36 questionnaire. RESULTS After 6 months, the protein intake among the experimental-group had decreased by 40%, and the urea/creatinine ratio and alphaEAST activity were also lower. The results of the SF-36 questionnaire show that the patients in the experimental-group obtained higher scores in the categories of general health and physical status. CONCLUSIONS The dietetic foods were very well accepted by all patients and their use allowed a better control of the protein intake, improved B6 status and a better quality of life.


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BACKGROUND: Increasing evidence suggests a mechanistic link between the glycemic environment and renal and cardiovascular events, even below the threshold for diabetes. We aimed to assess the association between HbA1c and chronic kidney disease (CKD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). METHODS: A cross-sectional study involving a random representative sample of 2270 adults from southern Spain (Malaga) was undertaken. We measured HbA1c, serum creatinine and albuminuria in fasting blood and urine samples. RESULTS: Individuals without diabetes in the upper HbA1c tertile had an unfavorable cardiovascular and renal profile and shared certain clinical characteristics with the patients with diabetes. Overall, a higher HbA1c concentration was strongly associated with CKD or CVD after adjustment for traditional risk factors. The patients with known diabetes had a 2-fold higher odds of CKD or CVD. However, when both parameters were introduced in the same model, the HbA1c concentration was only significantly associated with clinical endpoints (OR: 1.4, 95% CI, 1.1-1.6, P = 0.002). An increase in HbA1c of one percentage point was associated with a 30% to 40% increase in the rate of CKD or CVD. This relationship was apparent in persons with and without known diabetes. ROC curves illustrated that a HbA1c of 37 mmol/mol (5.5%) was the optimal value in terms of sensitivity and specificity for predicting endpoints in this population. CONCLUSION: HbA1c levels were associated with a higher prevalence of CKD and CVD cross-sectionally, regardless of diabetes status. These data support the value of HbA1c as a marker of cardiovascular and renal disease in the general population.


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Introduction: Obesity, as a central piece inside metabolic syndrome, is associated with early chronic kidney disease (CKD). In addition, several observational, cross sectional, and longitudinal studies have demonstrated that obesity is as an independent risk factor for the onset, aggravated course, and poor outcomes of CKD including diabetic nephropathy. This implies that when obesity is reversed, many CKD risk factors and CKD itself could be favorably influenced. So all measures aimed at weight loss are recommended to minimize risks from obesityrelated conditions and generate improvements in the metabolic profile. Recent evidence shows that bariatric surgery (BS) can revert or improve proteinuria and CKD in morbidly obese patients. Objectives and methods: The present review is aimed to provide the evidence regarding the beneficial effects of weight loss after BS in different stages of CKD including kidney transplant recipients, with an special focus on the beneficial effect in reducing or improving proteinuria and renal failure. Furthermore, this updated systematic review of the literature analyzes potential adverse effects that BS could induce not only on renal function but also on morbidity and mortality risk in perioperative and postoperative period. Conclusions: Results from the different case reports, meta analysis as well as systematic review of clinical trials show that obesity treatment by way of lifestyle changes, pharmacotherapies and BS can reduce proteinuria and help to prevent loss of renal function. Also BS may reduce complications, and allow obese patients with end-stage renal disease to undergo kidney transplantation with good results.


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BACKGROUND: Anemia is a common condition in CKD that has been identified as a cardiovascular (CV) risk factor in end-stage renal disease, constituting a predictor of low survival. The aim of this study was to define the onset of anemia of renal origin and its association with the evolution of kidney disease and clinical outcomes in stage 3 CKD (CKD-3). METHODS: This epidemiological, prospective, multicenter, 3-year study included 439 CKD-3 patients. The origin of nephropathy and comorbidity (Charlson score: 3.2) were recorded. The clinical characteristics of patients that developed anemia according to EBPG guidelines were compared with those that did not, followed by multivariate logistic regression, Kaplan-Meier curves and ROC curves to investigate factors associated with the development of renal anemia. RESULTS: During the 36-month follow-up period, 50% reached CKD-4 or 5, and approximately 35% were diagnosed with anemia (85% of renal origin). The probability of developing renal anemia was 0.12, 0.20 and 0.25 at 1, 2 and 3 years, respectively. Patients that developed anemia were mainly men (72% anemic vs. 69% non-anemic). The mean age was 68 vs. 65.5 years and baseline proteinuria was 0.94 vs. 0.62 g/24h (anemic vs. non anemic, respectively). Baseline MDRD values were 36 vs. 40 mL/min and albumin 4.1 vs. 4.3 g/dL; reduction in MDRD was greater in those that developed anemia (6.8 vs. 1.6 mL/min/1.73 m2/3 years). These patients progressed earlier to CKD-4 or 5 (18 vs. 28 months), with a higher proportion of hospitalizations (31 vs. 16%), major CV events (16 vs. 7%), and higher mortality (10 vs. 6.6%) than those without anemia. Multivariate logistic regression indicated a significant association between baseline hemoglobin (OR=0.35; 95% CI: 0.24-0.28), glomerular filtration rate (OR=0.96; 95% CI: 0.93-0.99), female (OR=0.19; 95% CI: 0.10-0.40) and the development of renal anemia. CONCLUSIONS: Renal anemia is associated with a more rapid evolution to CKD-4, and a higher risk of CV events and hospitalization in non-dialysis-dependent CKD patients. This suggests that special attention should be paid to anemic CKD-3 patients.


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This study analyzes the fluorimetric determination of alanyl- (Ala), glutamyl- (Glu), leucyl-cystinyl- (Cys) and aspartyl-aminopeptidase (AspAp) urinary enzymatic activities as early and predictive biomarkers of renal dysfunction in cisplatin-treated rats. Male Wistar rats (n = 8 each group) received a single subcutaneous injection of either saline or cisplatin 3.5 or 7 mg/kg, and urine samples were taken at 0, 1, 2, 3 and 14 days after treatment. In urine samples we determined Ala, Glu, Cys and AspAp activities, proteinuria, N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG), albumin, and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL). Plasma creatinine, creatinine clearance and renal morphological variables were measured at the end of the experiment. CysAp, NAG and albumin were increased 48 hours after treatment in the cisplatin 3.5 mg/kg treated group. At 24 hours, all urinary aminopeptidase activities and albuminuria were significantly increased in the cisplatin 7 mg/kg treated group. Aminopeptidase urinary activities correlated (p<0.011; r(2)>0.259) with plasma creatinine, creatinine clearance and/or kidney weight/body weight ratio at the end of the experiment and they could be considered as predictive biomarkers of renal injury severity. ROC-AUC analysis was made to study their sensitivity and specificity to distinguish between treated and untreated rats at day 1. All aminopeptidase activities showed an AUC>0.633. We conclude that Ala, Cys, Glu and AspAp enzymatic activities are early and predictive urinary biomarkers of the renal dysfunction induced by cisplatin. These determinations can be very useful in the prognostic and diagnostic of renal dysfunction in preclinical research and clinical practice.


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Nutritional support in acute renal failure must take into account the patient's catabolism and the treatment of the renal failure. Hypermetabolic failure is common in these patients, requiring continuous renal replacement therapy or daily hemodialysis. In patients with normal catabolism (urea nitrogen below 10 g/day) and preserved diuresis, conservative treatment can be attempted. In these patients, relatively hypoproteic nutritional support is essential, using proteins with high biological value and limiting fluid and electrolyte intake according to the patient's individual requirements. Micronutrient intake should be adjusted, the only buffering agent used being bicarbonate. Limitations on fluid, electrolyte and nitrogen intake no longer apply when extrarenal clearance techniques are used but intake of these substances should be modified according to the type of clearance. Depending on their hemofiltration flow, continuous renal replacement systems require high daily nitrogen intake, which can sometimes reach 2.5 g protein/kg. The amount of volume replacement can induce energy overload and therefore the use of glucose-free replacement fluids and glucose-free dialysis or a glucose concentration of 1 g/L, with bicarbonate as a buffer, is recommended. Monitoring of electrolyte levels (especially those of phosphorus, potassium and magnesium) and of micronutrients is essential and administration of these substances should be individually-tailored.


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Hemodialysis patients present an increase in plasma homocysteine (Hcy) due to methylation impairment caused by uremia and the deficiency of the co-factors needed (vitamin B, folic acid). This correlates with a more common development of premature vascular disease. There is no consensus on the therapy, with a poor response to oral administration of conventional doses of folic acid. In this work, we assessed the response of hyperhomocysteinemia in 73 regular hemodialysis patients after the administration of 50 mg of parenteral folinic acid for 18 months. Plasma homocysteine of the patients at the time of the study beginning presented mean values of 22.67 (micromol/L). During the first year of supplementation the mean value was kept at 20 micromol/L. From the first year to the end of the 18-months observation period the mean homocysteine levels were 19.58 micromol/L. Although we found a clear trend towards a decrease in plasma homocysteine levels during the treatment period, there were no significant differences. Homocysteine levels did not come back to normal in none of the patients treated.