26 resultados para Farmacologia clinica
Artículo especial. Este texto está basado en el trabajo final del Master de Bioética y Humanización de la Asistencia realizado en la Escuela de Bioética de San Juan de Dios (Sevilla), Facultad de Teología de Granada, Universidad de Comillas durante los cursos 2006-07 y 2007-08.
We describe a case of bacteremia due to an as yet unclassified Acinetobacter genomic species 17-like strain. The recognition of this microorganism as non-Acinetobacter baumannii may have important epidemiological implications, as it relieves the hospital of the implementation of barrier precautions for patients infected or colonized as may be necessary with a multiresistant A. baumannii epidemic.
En la cub. post.: Avalado por la Sociedad Andaluza de Nutrición Clinica y Dietética (SANCYD)
BACKGROUND. Autoimmunity appears to be associated with the pathophysiology of Meniere's disease (MD), an inner ear disorder characterized by episodes of vertigo associated with hearing loss and tinnitus. However, the prevalence of autoimmune diseases (AD) in patients with MD has not been studied in individuals with uni or bilateral sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). METHODS AND FINDINGS. We estimated the prevalence of AD in 690 outpatients with MD with uni or bilateral SNHL from otoneurology clinics at six tertiary referral hospitals by using clinica criteria and an immune panel (lymphocyte populations, antinuclear antibodies, C3, C4 and proinflammatory cytokines TNFα, INFγ). The observed prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS) was higher than expected for the general population (1.39 for RA, 0.87 for SLE and 0.70 for AS, respectively). Systemic AD were more frequently observed in patients with MD and diagnostic criteria for migraine than cases with MD and tension-type headache (p = 0.007). There were clinical differences between patients with uni or bilateral SNHL, but no differences were found in the immune profile. Multiple linear regression showed that changes in lymphocytes subpopulations were associated with hearing loss and persistence of vertigo, suggesting a role for the immune response in MD. CONCLUSIONS. Despite some limitations, MD displays an elevated prevalence of systemic AD such as RA, SLE and AS. This finding, which suggests an autoimmune background in a subset of patients with MD, has important implications for the treatment of MD.
Renal angiomyolipomas (AMLs) are commonly benign tumours formed by fat, blood vessels and non-striated muscle, which tend to be associated with neuroendocrine syndromes, or turn up sporadically.
A 35-year-old patient, diagnosed with distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA), presented with metabolic acidosis (pH =7.1) together with hypokalaemia (2.8 meq/l), hyperlipidaemia and renal insuffi ciency (creatinine clearance = 60.8 ml/min). A 24 h urine examination showed an alkaline pH (7.5), hypercalciuria, hyperkaliuria hypocitraturia (1, 2 ,3). The patient was treated with potassium, citrate supplements and simvastatin . A typical renal colic occurred and an image study revealed considerable bilateral nephrocalcinosis, radio-opaque lithiasis in the left distal lumbar ureter and the right mid lumbar ureter with severe left ureter-hydronephrosis. Ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy of left lumbar fragments were performed, continuing with the medical treatment (4).
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Sección "Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica"
Sección "Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica"
Sección "Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica"
Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica
Sección "Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica"
Sección "Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica"
Sección "Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica"