3 resultados para Capacidad


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The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of a programme of strength-stamina exercises during haemodialysis, in improving muscular strength, quality of life and functional capacity to carry out everyday activities. A quantitative, experimental pre-test and post-test study was carried out. A programme of strength-stamina exercises in combination with neuromuscular electrostimulation was applied to 10 patients undergoing haemodialysis. These were three simple exercises adapted to the position in which haemodialysis was carried out. All the patients showed a significant improvement in strength, measured using functional tests to carry out everyday activities: walking (6-MWT) and sit-to-stand tests (10-STS). These tests were measured before and after the training programme. They also showed an improvement in the physical dimension of the quality of life measured using the specific questionnaire for renal patients, KDQOL-SFTM.


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BACKGROUND The randomized placebo-controlled IFIGENIA-trial demonstrated that therapy with high-dose N-acetylcysteine (NAC) given for one year, added to prednisone and azathioprine, significantly ameliorates (i.e. slows down) disease progression in terms of vital capacity (VC) (+9%) and diffusing capacity (DLco) (+24%) in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). To better understand the clinical implications of these findings we performed additional, explorative analyses of the IFGENIA data set. METHODS We analysed effects of NAC on VC, DLco, a composite physiologic index (CPI), and mortality in the 155 study-patients. RESULTS In trial completers the functional indices did not change significantly with NAC, whereas most indices deteriorated with placebo; in non-completers the majority of indices worsened but decline was generally less pronounced in most indices with NAC than with placebo. Most categorical analyses of VC, DLco and CPI also showed favourable changes with NAC. The effects of NAC on VC, DLco and CPI were significantly better if the baseline CPI was 50 points or lower. CONCLUSION This descriptive analysis confirms and extends the favourable effects of NAC on lung function in IPF and emphasizes the usefulness of VC, DLco, and the CPI for the evaluation of a therapeutic effect. Most importantly, less progressed disease as indicated by a CPI of 50 points or lower at baseline was more responsive to therapy in this study.


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Le acompañan 5 unidades didácticas: 1. "Lo que el humo se lleva": aborda el tabaco y sus componentes, los efectos del tabaco y la salud, en la estética y en el rendimiento físico-deportivo, el coste económico del tabaquismo y capacidad adictiva de la sustancia. 2. "Rompiendo mitos": ayuda a desmontar algunas falsas creencias que pueden contribuir a que los adolescentes se inicien en el consumo. 3. El tabaco y la publicidad. "¿Y a ti que te parece?": sensibiliza sobre la presión de la industria tabaquera y los medios que utiliza para captar a jóvenes. 4. "Queremos un aire limpio": aborda el riesgo de ser fumador pasivo y el derecho a respirar aire no contaminado por el humo de tabaco, la normativa sobre consumo y venta de tabaco, a la vez que anima a los jóvenes a no fumar en un futuro próximo. 5. "¿Fumar?. No gracias" ayuda al alumnado a ser consciente de la presión de grupo y cómo hacerle frente. Cada unidad didáctica está formada por varias sesiones, cada una de ellas pensada para un curso determinado de la E.S.O