6 resultados para CA19.9
Grouping procedures ICD-9-CM American 2010. SSPA 2012-2013
Información elaborada a partir de: Proyecto de Humanización de la Atención Perinatal en Andalucía; Plan para la Promoción de la Actividad Física y la Alimentación Equilibrada; Plan Integral de Obesidad Infantil de Andalucía; Programas de Promoción de Salud Bucodental "Sonrisitas" y "Aprende a sonreir"; Plan Integral de Atención a la Accidentabilidad de Andalucía; Plan Integral de Tabaquismo de Andalucía; Plan Integral de Oncología de Andalucía. Publicado en el Portal Web de Ventana Abierta a la familia: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud/ventanafamilias
(Adaptación de la clasificación "Procedure Classes 2014" de la HCUP)
There is an increasing trend in the incidence of cancer worldwide, and it has been accepted that environmental factors account for an important proportion of the global burden. The present paper reports preliminary findings on the influence of the historical exposure to a group of persistent organic pollutants on total cancer risk, at year 9 in the follow-up of a cohort from Southern Spain. A cohort of 368 participants (median age 51 years) was recruited in 2003. Their historical exposure was estimated by analyzing residues of persistent organic pollutants in adipose tissue. Estimation of cancer incidence was based on data from a population-based cancer registry. Statistical analyses were performed using multivariable Cox-regression models. In males, PCB 153 concentrations were positively associated with total cancer risk, with an adjusted hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) of 1.20 (1.01-1.41) for an increment of 100 ng/g lipid. Our preliminary findings suggest a potential relationship between the historical exposure to persistent organic pollutants and the risk of cancer in men. However, these results should be interpreted with caution and require verification during the future follow-up of this cohort.