19 resultados para Análisis implicativo


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / profesionales / Salud Pública / Promoción de la Salud / Actividad Física y Alimentación Equilibrada / Materiales) y (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Ciudadanía / Nuestra Salud / Vida sana)


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This article seeks to provide an in depth review about one of the most revolutionary and influential methods used in understanding the variables and processes that explain human health. Based on a new vision in the analysis of the consequences of theNazi Holocaust, a doctor-sociologist—Aaron Antonovsky— managed to influence medicine and behavioral science by facilitating the keys for the optimal development of public health today. Despite the fact that this theory began appearing in the1970s in the 20th century, its real development and expansion have been seen in recent years. In fact, in Spain, there is littlescientific literature that analyses the theoretic keys of the model in depth. This work seek to cover this gap; to achieve this objective, it first presents how the construct of salutogenesis arose, the social-cultural context that promoted it, as well as the importance public health acquires today. This is the aim of this work, which analyses the theoretical bases of the salutogenesis model,with specific emphasis on its background and precursors, aswell as its inception, development and current expansion


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Es la evaluación del desarrollo de la implantación de la "Estrategia para la Seguridad del Paciente 2006-2010" en Andalucía.En soporte papel, acompaña a la "Estrategia para la seguridad del paciente en el SSPA 2011-2014".


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Libro y tablas


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The aim of this study was to analyze the sagittal spinal morphology of thoracic and lumbar spine in standing and sitting in women workers from a cooperative in the production, handling and marketing business of vegetable and fruit products. A total of 50 women (mean age: 43.62±8.43 years old) were evaluated. The Spinal Mouse system was used to mesasure the sagittal thoracic and lumbar curvatures in standing and relaxed sitting. The values for thoracic and lumbar curvatures were 32.74±8.76 and -21.66±19.12 in standing and 36.32±10.55 and -1.08±18.14 in sitting. A high frequency (86.0% and 68.3%) of normal thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis were found in standing posture. While sitting the 74.0% and 20.0% presented thoracic hyperkyphosis and lumbar kyphosis. In conclusion, a high percentaje of women workers presented normality values in standing posture, although a high percentage of women were found with thoracic hyperkyphosis and lumbar flexed while sitting relaxed. It is recommended that these women carry out a program to improve their actitudinal postures in their work place.


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BACKGROUND The dementias are a cause of mortality have increased over the last years. Therefore is important to analyze the variables more related to its development in Andalusia between 1999 and 2010. METHODS With the deaths of 60 and over by dementia from Andalusia Statistical Institute and the populations from corresponding years, are estimated crude mortality rates, standardized and age-specific; by joinpoint regression was calculated percentages annual change; and also, with the population estimates by marital status and deaths was calculated crude rates and standardized for age, sex and marital status. RESULTS The standardized mortality rates increased from 124.8 to 161.0 deaths per 100,000 in women and 110.3 to 147.7 in men, the annual increase was 4.2% and 3.8% in women and men. The women died more than men with a standardized rate ratio between 1.08 and 1.29. Age was the variable that determined mortality. CONCLUSIONS Mortality from dementia in Andalusia has increased over the past 12 years and will continue to increase with the consequent social and health impacts posed by these diseases, configured as a major health problem.


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OBJECTIVE To assess the scientific activity and information production of the journal Nutrición Hospitalaria, for the period 2001-2005 by means of a Bibliometric study. METHOD Cross-sectional descriptive study of the results obtained from the analysis of the articles published in the journal Nutrición Hospitalaria. The data were obtained by consulting the electronic version through the Web. In those cases in which there was a link breakdown, and thus, the inability to have access to the electronic document the printed version was consulted. All the documental possibilities were taken into account with the exception of communications to congresses. RESULTS A total of 345 articles were published, 187 (54.20%) being original articles. The geographical distribution of the first author was Spanish in 287 articles (83.19%) and Latin American in 27 (7.83%). Most of the articles are from health care centers (172 articles (49.86%)), and the cooperation index being 4.15. Madrid is the most productive province, for both the absolute and adjusted frequencies. The median number of references per article is 18, the mean being 23.52 (95% CI 20.93 - 26.10). The predominant language was Spanish, with 308 articles (89.28%). CONCLUSION Nutrición Hospitalaria may be considered as a reference journal regarding information and scientific communication on Nutrition for both the Spanish and Latin American communities. The bibliometric parameters studied compare with those verified for the remaining top of the list Spanish scientific journals on health sciences.


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OBJECTIVE To describe and assess the consumption of the information consulted and cited in the articles published in the journal Nutrición Hospitalaria for the period 2001--2005 by means of bibliometric analysis. METHOD Cross-sectional descriptive analysis of the results obtained from the analysis of the lists of bibliographic references of the articles published at Nutrición Hospitalaria. We studied the most cited journals, the signatures index, the type of document referred, the publication language, the distribution of geographical origin, and obsolescence and readiness index. We took into account all types of documents with the exception of Communications to Congresses. RESULTS 345 articles were published at Nutr Hosp, containing 8,113 bibliographic references, with a median of 18, a maximum of 136 and minimum of 0 BR per article. The mean (rate of publications per published article during the specified period) is 23.52 (95% IC 20.93-26.10) and the mean at 5% is 20.66 per article. The 25th and 75th percentiles are 6 and 32, respectively, the interquartile interval being 26 BR per document. The semi-period of Burton and Kebler is 7 years and the Price Index is 38.18%. CONCLUSION The bibliographic references, the consumption of information, of the articles published at Nutrición Hospitalaria present parameters similar to other journals on health science. However, good data on obsolescence are observed, which reveal the good validity of most of the references studied.


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Internet it is a powerful interactive communication channel with world scope, through which can be multiplied the visibility of the research of the professionals whose scientific production has a difficult diffusion by the conventionals media. It is presented an analysis of the scientific publications observed in the web in order to understand the different communication processes accomplished by the superior corps of environmental health technical of the Andalusian Health Service. Using the nominal relationship of the professionals, we used Google ‘search engine’ for all scientific publications located in the internet; we were made different bibliometric indicators as of the recovered records and was analyzed the time evolution of the scientific production, documental categories, geografic distribution, language, coauthors and institutional collaboration. It was identified a growing trend in the productivity of the publications in the last decade, mainly through communications to congresses (70.4%) and journals articles (16.9%). The publications mainly are located in spanish journals, that they are indexed on national and international databases. In all the Andalusian provinces was identified some published scientific communication. The indicator of coauthors is very high (95.77%) although the institutional participation is limited mainly to the primary attention districts, occupational centers of each professional (85.21%). The scientific publication patterns visualized in the web represent an important contribution for the knowledge of the characteristics of the environmental health professionals of the Andalusian health service, what provides avaluable information for the support of the information systems in public health.


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud


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Vídeo incluido en Suplemento del núm.2 - julio 2013 de Evidencias en gestión clínica y gestión de servicios de salud (http://hdl.handle.net/10668/1206)


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URL del congreso: http://congresoinnovatics.org/content/presentaciones-innovatics-2013-0


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Sección "Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica"


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Objective: Compared historical overview and systematic description of the distribution, features and public health implication of incidents occurred in swimming pools associated with exposure to chemicals, during the period 2008-2012 in Spain. Method: Retrospective observational design, using information reported to the digital mass media internetbased. Records of chemical incidents from a database of 5-year were analyzed to categorize main features. We examined the following variables: year, frequency and geographical location of incidents, class of swimming pool, settings lead to the event, causal factors, chemicals released, exposure ways, balance of victims, attending hospital and evacuated people. Results: 41 chemical incidents were identified in 5 years with a balance of 428 victims, 119 in-patient and 1750 people evacuated. Common profile of a chemical incident in a swimming pool was featured as a municipal setting where a release or hazardous chemical leak, mainly chlorine or mixed with acids occurred. An average of 10 exposed people per event, mostly children, exposed by respiratory airway, needed to be attended in hospital or community health center an annual average of 24 people, including bathers, employees or users. Conclusions: Swimming pools display scenarios with chemical risks that must be evaluated. Planning and implementing preventive measures are priority to mitigate a negative impact for public health. Our findings suggest the convenience of the regulation of a coordinated information system for ongoing surveillance of incidents in swimming pools to enable a safe management of chemical hazards.