14 resultados para 6 Humanities


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Objective: The aim of this investigation was to assess the effect of malabsorptive bariatric surgery (BS) on the quality of life (QoL), applying the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) and the bariatric analysis and reporting outcome system (BAROS). Design: A prospective cohort study was performed in 100 adult patients (> 18 years) undergoing bariatric surgery by malabsorptive technique for one year. Research methods and procedures: Patients were monitored from the beginning of the BS program until a year after the intervention, applying the NHP and the BAROS test. At baseline, the mean weight of the women was 132 ± 22 kg and the Body Mass Index (BMI) was 50.7 kg/m2. Results: The values obtained from different areas applying the NHP questionnaire showed statistical significant differences (p < 0.001) with respect to baseline values. According to the BAROS test, 48% of patients lost 25-49% of weight excess and 80.8% had resolved major comorbidities at 1 yr. According to the Moorehead-Ardelt QoL score, there were major improvements in employment and self-esteem in 89% and 87% of patients, respectively, and improvements in physical activity, sexual and social relationships. According to the total mean BAROS score, the outcome was considered “very good”. Conclusion: NHP and BAROS questionnaires appear to be useful and easily applicable tools to assess the QoL of obese patients.


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BACKGROUND The aim of the study was to identify the changes in Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL) 3 months after discharge from hospital, in patients who have had an acute coronary episode, and to determine the clinical and sociodemographic variables that explain those changes. METHODS HRQL was assessed in 132 patients while they were admitted to the hospital and at 3 months after discharge, using the SF-36 health questionnaire. To identify the variables associated with the change, multiple linear regression models were constructed for two summary dimensions of the SF-36 (PCS and MCS) taking the change in the score of the dimension as dependent variable. RESULTS There were no significant differences between the patients who completed the monitoring (n = 76) and those who were dropped out. After three months, a significant decrease was observed in the dimensions of physical functioning, general health, vitality, and Physical Summary Component (PCS). The variables revascularisation, age, and the interaction between previous history of coronary heart disease (CHD) and the presence of one or more risk factors explained 16.6% of the decrease in the PCS. The decrease in the PCS was 6.4 points less in the patients who had undergone revascularisation, 0.2 points less for each year of age, and 4.7 points less in the patients who had antecedents of the illness as well as one or more risk factors. CONCLUSION The dimensions most affected at three months after an acute coronary episode were those related to the physical component. Undergoing revascularisation improved the PCS in patients, but in the younger patients and those without personal antecedents or risk factors, the PCS was affected more, perhaps due to greater expectations for recovery in these patients.


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BACKGROUND Several questionnaires have been used to measure health related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with psoriasis, few have been adapted for use in Spain; none of them was developed specifically for the Spanish population. The purpose of the study was to validate and assess the sensitivity to change of a new questionnaire to measure HRQOL in patients with psoriasis (PSO-LIFE). METHODS Observational, prospective, multicenter study performed in centers around Spain. Patients with active or inactive psoriasis completed the PSO-LIFE together with other Dermatology Quality of Life Index (DLQI) and Psoriasis Disability Index (PDI). A control group of patients with urticaria or atopic dermatitis was also included. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the PSO-LIFE were assessed by calculating Cronbach's alpha and Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Validity was assessed by examining factorial structure, the capacity to discriminate between groups, and correlations with other measures. Sensitivity to change was measured using effect sizes. RESULTS The final sample included for analysis consisted of 304 patients and 56 controls. Mean (SD) age of psoriasis patients was 45.3 (14.5) years compared to 38.8 (14) years for controls (p < 0.01). Cronbach's alpha for the PSO-LIFE was 0.95 and test-retest reliability using the ICC was 0.98. Factor analysis showed the questionnaire to be unidimensional. Mean (SD) PSO-LIFE scores differed between patients with psoriasis and controls (64.9 [22.5] vs 69.4 [17.3]; p < 0.05), between those with active and inactive disease (57.4 [20.4] vs 76.4 [20.6]; p < 0.01), and between those with visible and non-visible lesions (63.0 [21.9] vs. 74.8 [23.9]; p < 0.01). The correlation between PSO-LIFE and PASI scores was moderate (r = -0.43) while correlations with DLQI and PDI dimensions ranged from moderate to high (between 0.4 and 0.8). Effect size on the PSO-LIFE in patients reporting 'much improved' health status at study completion was 1.01 (large effect size). CONCLUSIONS The present results provide substantial support for the reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the PSO-LIFE questionnaire in the population for which it was designed.


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Introduction The Andalusian Public Health System Virtual Library (Biblioteca Virtual del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía, BV-SSPA) was set up in June 2006. It consists of a regional government action with the aim of democratizing the health professional access to quality scientific information, regardless of the professional workplace. Andalusia is a region with more than 8 million inhabitants, with 100,000 health professionals for 41 hospitals, 1,500 primary healthcare centres, and 28 centres for non-medical attention purposes (research, management, and educational centres). Objectives The Department of Development, Research and Investigation (R+D+i) of the Andalusian Regional Government has, among its duties, the task of evaluating the hospitals and centres of the Andalusian Public Health System (SSPA) in order to distribute its funding. Among the criteria used is the evaluation of the scientific output, which is measured using bibliometry. It is well-known that the bibliometry has a series of limitations and problems that should be taken into account, especially when it is used for non-information sciences, such us career, funding, etc. A few years ago, the bibliometric reports were done separately in each centre, but without using preset and well-defined criteria, elements which are basic when we need to compare the results of the reports. It was possible to find some hospitals which were including Meeting Abstracts in their figures, while others do not, and the same was happening with Erratum and many other differences. Therefore, the main problem that the Department of R+D+i had to deal with, when they were evaluating the health system, was that bibliometric data was not accurate and reports were not comparable. With the aim of having an unified criteria for the whole system, the Department of R+D+i ordered the BV-SSPA to do the year analysis of the scientific output of the system, using some well defined criteria and indicators, among whichstands out the Impact Factor. Materials and Methods As the Impact Factor is the bibliometric indicator that the virtual library is asked to consider, it is necessary to use the database Web of Science (WoS), since it is its owner and editor. The WoS includes the databases Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. To gather all the documents, SCI and SSCI are used; to obtain the Impact Factor and quartils, it is used the Journal Citation Reports, JCR. Unlike other bibliographic databases, such us MEDLINE, the bibliometric database WoS includes the address of all the authors. In order to retrieve all the scientific output of the SSPA, we have done general searches, which are afterwards processed by a tool developed by our library. We have done nine different searches using the field ‘address’; eight of them including ‘Spain’ and each one of the eight Andalusian Regions, and the other one combining ‘Spain’ with all those cities where there are health centres, since we have detected that there are some authors that do not use the region in their signatures. These are some of the search strategies: AD=Malaga and AD=Spain AD=Sevill* and AD=Spain AD=SPAIN AND (AD=GUADIX OR AD=BAZA OR AD=MOTRIL) Further more, the field ‘year’ is used to determine the period. To exploit the data, the BV-SSPA has developed a tool called Impactia. It is a web application which uses a database to store the information of the documents generated by the SSPA. Impactia allows the user to automatically process the retrieved documents, assigning them to their correspondent centres. In order to do the classification of documents automaticaly, it was necessary to detect the huge variability of names of the centres that the authors use in their signatures. Therefore, Impactia knows that if an author signs as “Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena”, “HVM” or “Hosp. Virgin Macarena”, he belongs to the same centre. The figure attached shows the variability found for the Empresa Publica Hospital de Poniente. Besides the documents from WoS, Impactia includes the documents indexed in Scopus and in other databases, where we do bibliographic searches using similar strategies to the later ones. Aware that in the health centres and hospitals there is a lot of grey literature that is not gathered in databases, Impactia allows the centres to feed the application with these documents, so that all the SSPA scientific output is gathered and organised in a centralized place. The ones responsible of localizing this gray literature are the librarians of each one of the centres. They can also do statements to the documents and indicators that are collected and calculated by Impactia. The bulk upload of documents from WoS and Scopus into Impactia is monthly done. One of the main issues that we found during the development of Impactia was the need of dealing with duplicated documents obtained from different sources. Taking into account that sometimes titles might be written differently, with slashes, comas, and so on, Impactia detects the duplicates using the field ‘DOI’ if it is available or comparing the fields: page start, page end and ISSN. Therefore it is possible to guarantee the absence of duplicates. Results The data gathered in Impactia becomes available to the administrative teams and hospitals managers, through an easy web page that allows them to know at any moment, and with just one click, the detailed information of the scientific output of their hospitals, including useful graphs such as percentage of document types, journals where their scientists usually publish, annual comparatives, bibliometric indicators and so on. They can also compare the different centres of the SSPA. Impactia allows the user to download the data from the application, so that he can work with this information or include them in their centres’ reports. This application saves the health system many working hours. It was previously done manually by forty one librarians, while now it is done by only one person in the BV-SSPA during two days a month. To sum up, the benefits of Impactia are: It has shown its effectiveness in the automatic classification, treatment and analysis of the data. It has become an essential tool for all managers to evaluate quickly and easily the scientific production of their centers. It optimizes the human resources of the SSPA, saving time and money. It is the reference point for the Department of R+D+i to do the scientific health staff evaluation.


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Información elaborada a partir de: Proyecto de Humanización de la Atención Perinatal en Andalucía; Plan para la Promoción de la Actividad Física y la Alimentación Equilibrada; Plan Integral de Obesidad Infantil de Andalucía; Programas de Promoción de Salud Bucodental "Sonrisitas" y "Aprende a sonreir"; Plan Integral de Atención a la Accidentabilidad de Andalucía; Plan Integral de Tabaquismo de Andalucía; Plan Integral de Oncología de Andalucía. Publicado en el Portal Web de Ventana Abierta a la familia: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud/ventanafamilias


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Información elaborada a partir de: Proyecto de Humanización de la Atención Perinatal en Andalucía; Plan para la Promoción de la Actividad Física y la Alimentación Equilibrada; Plan Integral de Obesidad Infantil de Andalucía; Programas de Promoción de Salud Bucodental "Sonrisitas" y "Aprende a sonreir"; Plan Integral de Atención a la Accidentabilidad de Andalucía; Plan Integral de Tabaquismo de Andalucía; Plan Integral de Oncología de Andalucía. Publicado en el Portal Web de Ventana Abierta a la familia: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud/ventanafamilias


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Información elaborada a partir de: Proyecto de Humanización de la Atención Perinatal en Andalucía; Plan para la Promoción de la Actividad Física y la Alimentación Equilibrada; Plan Integral de Obesidad Infantil de Andalucía; Programas de Promoción de Salud Bucodental "Sonrisitas" y "Aprende a sonreir"; Plan Integral de Atención a la Accidentabilidad de Andalucía; Plan Integral de Tabaquismo de Andalucía; Plan Integral de Oncología de Andalucía. Publicado en el Portal Web de Ventana Abierta a la familia: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud/ventanafamilias


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Artículos destacados: Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica: Plan de prevención y atención a la parada cardiorrespiratoria en el Hospital Materno-Infantil de Málaga. Modelo de atención socio sanitaria: optimización de recursos y coordianción de la asistencia a pacientes institucionalizados en la residencia Manuel Ridruejo. Aplicación para la dispensación de medicamentos biológicos para el tratamiento de los pacientes con psoriasis (ADISBIO). Análisis de las prescripciones farmacológicas potencialmente inapropiadas en pacientes mayores en Atención Primaria. Boletín informativo sobre prácticas clínicas basadas en la mejor evidencia científica. Atención integral al paciente en situación terminal. Sala de acompañamiento.


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Objective: To asses the results of Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI) whith periosteal patch and To propagate the care circuits existing about in Andalusia. Material and Methods: From its of ficial licence in 2005, the tissue bank and the Virgen de la Victoria Hospital from Málaga, performed the ACI in the Andalusian public health system. 16 patients has been operated between 2006-2013, whith medium follow-up 47,6 months (6 months-6 years), from public hos- pitals throughout Andalucia, managed by hospital admission source and destination. Physiologically younger patients were selected (<50 años), with singles, > 2cm2 symptomatics chondral lesions, in stables and well aligned knees. ACI was used as res- cue procedure after microfracture ́s failure except osteochondritis dissecans. To assess the results the Concinnati score and the Short Form 36 (SF-36) score were used. A descriptive analysis was performed and non-parametric tests were used to establish correlations and compare results. Results: In 15 patients with more than one year of follow-up: 14 men(87.5%) and 2women (14.5%), medium age 28.2 years old (min 17 max 43), the lesion was located into de femoral condyle, mostly in the internal one (81,2%) with medium size 2,7cm2(2-4,2). We founded significant improvement (p<0,001), both daily activities ( 89,3% preop. limitatión - 9% postop), as in the sports (90,2% preop limitatión - 38% postop) and the exploration of the knee (67,7% hpatological findings preop- 13,3%postop). The SF-36 score improved in all categories, over all in mental health (p> 0,01). The patient satisfaction was high or very high in 12 of the 15 patients ( 80%), and low in 3 patients. Conclusions: ACI improve quality of life and knee function in femoral condyle chondral lesions. The case ́s selection and the collaboration with Tissue Bank, allows us to create care circuits for treatment of patients from other provinces in the Public Sanitary Health System in Andalucia. It is necessary to increase the experience with this type of therapy, consolidating multicenter workgroups that provide strength to the conclusions.


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The accuracy of the MicroScan WalkAway, BD Phoenix, and Vitek-2 systems for susceptibility testing of quinolones and aminoglycosides against 68 enterobacteria containing qnrB, qnrS, and/or aac(6 ')-Ib-cr was evaluated using reference microdilution. Overall, one very major error (0.09%), 6 major errors (0.52%), and 45 minor errors (3.89%) were noted.


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BACKGROUND The purpose of the present study is to translate and validate the "Hip and Knee Outcomes Questionnaire", developed in English, into Spanish. The 'Hip and Knee Outcomes Questionnaire is a questionnaire planned to evaluate the impact in quality of life of any problem related to the human musculoskeletal system. 10 scientific associations developed it. METHODS The questionnaire underwent a validated translation/retro-translation process. Patients undergoing primary knee arthroplasty, before and six months postoperative, tested the final version in Spanish. Psychometric properties of feasibility, reliability, validity and sensitivity to change were assessed. Convergent validity with SF-36 and WOMAC questionnaires was evaluated. RESULTS 316 patients were included. Feasibility: a high number of missing items in questions 3, 4 and 5 were observed. The number of patients with a missing item was 171 (51.35%) in the preoperative visit and 139 (44.0%) at the postoperative. Internal validity: revision of coefficients in the item-rest correlation recommended removing question 6 during the preoperative visit (coefficient <0.20). Convergent validity: coefficients of correlation with WOMAC and SF-36 scales confirm the questionnaire's validity. Sensitivity to change: statistically significant differences were found between the mean scores of the first visit compared to the postoperative. CONCLUSION The proposed translation to Spanish of the 'Hip and Knee Questionnaire' is found to be reliable, valid and sensible to changes produced at the clinical practice of patients undergoing primary knee arthroplasty. However, some changes at the completion instructions are recommended. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Level I. Prognostic study.


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BACKGROUND In 1997, 18.5% of the cases of Meningococcal Disease caused b serogroup C in Andalusia were children between 2 and 4 years of age; ages where the initial immune response and the duration of the capsular A + C meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine is less than in older age groups. Research was designed in order to measure the immune response produced by this vaccine in children from 2 to 6 years of age and to compare it with the natural immunity present in unvaccinated children. METHODS I. Dual monitoring study: a) groups of children vaccinated previously and control groups, b) groups of children who were going to be vaccinated, for pre and post-vaccination (1, 6 and 12 months) analysis and a control group. II. The bactericidal activity was measured according to the standardised protocol of the CDC with regard to the strain of N. meningitidis C-11. The sera with bactericidal activity (TAB) > 1:8 were considered to be protective. RESULTS 1 and 2 months following vaccination, the proportion of TAB > 1:8 was significantly higher than that of the control group (65.6% and 73% in comparison to 2.2% and 12%). In the pre-vaccine and post-vaccine (after 6, 7, 12 and 13 months) verification, no significant difference between vaccinated individuals and controls was observed. CONCLUSIONS The differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals 1 and 2 months following vaccination indicate seroconversion in the vaccinated individuals. For the age group of between 2 to 6 years of age, the bactericidal activity acquired decline quickly, as, after 6 months, differences between this group and the control group are no longer observed.


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INTRODUCTION Finding therapeutic alternatives to carbapenems in infections caused by extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli (ESBL-EC) is imperative. Although fosfomycin was discovered more than 40 years ago, it was not investigated in accordance with current standards and so is not used in clinical practice except in desperate situations. It is one of the so-called neglected antibiotics of high potential interest for the future. METHODS AND ANALYSIS The main objective of this project is to demonstrate the clinical non-inferiority of intravenous fosfomycin with regard to meropenem for treating bacteraemic urinary tract infections (UTI) caused by ESBL-EC. This is a 'real practice' multicentre, open-label, phase III randomised controlled trial, designed to compare the clinical and microbiological efficacy, and safety of intravenous fosfomycin (4 g/6 h) and meropenem (1 g/8 h) as targeted therapy for this infection; a change to oral therapy is permitted after 5 days in both arms, in accordance with predetermined options. The study design follows the latest recommendations for designing trials investigating new options for multidrug-resistant bacteria. Secondary objectives include the study of fosfomycin concentrations in plasma and the impact of both drugs on intestinal colonisation by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacilli. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION Ethical approval was obtained from the Andalusian Coordinating Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Biomedical Research (Referral Ethics Committee), which obtained approval from the local ethics committees at all participating sites in Spain (22 sites). Data will be presented at international conferences and published in peer-reviewed journals. DISCUSSION This project is proposed as an initial step in the investigation of an orphan antimicrobial of low cost with high potential as a therapeutic alternative in common infections such as UTI in selected patients. These results may have a major impact on the use of antibiotics and the development of new projects with this drug, whether as monotherapy or combination therapy. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER NCT02142751. EudraCT no: 2013-002922-21. Protocol V.1.1 dated 14 March 2014.


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BACKGROUND The use of remote follow-up (RF) of people with pacemakers (PM) is limited in comparison to the hospital modality (HS), being still poor the scientific evidence that shows their comparative effectiveness. The aim of this study was to compare the quality of life in individuals with different modalities of follow-up. METHODS Controlled, not randomized nor masked clinical trial, with data collection at pre and post-implantation of pacemakers during the 6 months follow-up. All patients over 18 years-old who were implanted a PM during the study period were selected (n = 83), and they were assigned to RF (n = 30) or HF (n = 53) groups according to their personal characteristics and patient's preferences. Baseline characteristics and number of visits to the hospital were analysed, the EuroQol-5D (EQ5D) questionnaire was administered to evaluate the health-related quality of life, and Duke Activity Status Index (DASI) to assess the functional capacity. RESULTS There were no significant differences between both groups in relation to the baseline analysis, EQ5D (RF:0.7299; HF:0.6769) and DASI (RF:21.41; HF:19.99). At 6 months the quality of life was improved in both groups (EQ5D RF:0.8613; HF:0.8175; p = 0,439) still without significant differences between them. DASI score was similar to baseline (20.51 vs 21.80). RF group performed less transmissions/visits per patient (1.57) than hospital group (1.96; relative reduction 31%; p = 0.015). CONCLUSIONS Remote follow-up of people with pacemakers might be considered as an equivalent option to the hospital follow-up in relation to the quality of life and it reduces the number of hospital visits.