7 resultados para Úlcera do colón
Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud
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En la port.: Dirección General de Planificación e Innovación Sanitaria, Servicio de Conciertos Sanitarios
OBJECTIVES To determine the prevalence of hyponutrition at admission at a mid- to long-term stay hospital. To analyze the possible factors associated to hyponutrition; the possible relationship with mortality at one month, and the treatments for hyponutrition performed. MATERIALS AND METHOD Descriptive study from the laboratory data obtained in 140 patients. For diagnosing hyponutrition, a tool based on albumin, total cholesterol, and lymphocytes levels was used. Demographical (age and gender) and clinical data (presence of pressure soars, nasogastric tube, dementia, neoplasm, previous admission to the ICU, and main diagnosis) were gathered at admission as well as the mortality at the first month. The treatments used for hyponutrition were reviewed. RESULTS patients' age was 77.1 years and 63% were females. 17.1% of the patients presented normal nutritional status, 50.7% met the criteria for mild hyponutrition, 26.4% of moderate hyponutrition, and 5.7% of severe hyponutrition. We found no association between hyponutrition and gender, nasogastric tube, soars, dementia or neoplasm, but we did so with age (P = 0.033). We found a relationship between moderate-severe hyponutrition and pressure soars (P = 0.036). We found an association between hyponutrition and mortality at one month (OR = 1.357, 95% CI 1.121 to 1.643; P = 0.02). 35.6% of the patients with moderate-severe hyponutrition received therapy for this condition (28.9% with protein supplements and 6.7% with enteral diet). CONCLUSIONS hyponutrition affects most of the patients admitted to a mid to long-term stay hospitals and is associated with higher mortality. One third of hyponutrition patients receive nutritional therapy.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Calidad, Innovación y Salud Pública de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales
BACKGROUND Pressure ulcers are considered an important issue, mainly affecting immobilized older patients. These pressure ulcers increase the care burden for the professional health service staff as well as pharmaceutical expenditure. There are a number of studies on the effectiveness of different products used for the prevention of pressure ulcers; however, most of these studies were carried out at a hospital level, basically using hyperoxygenated fatty acids (HOFA). There are no studies focused specifically on the use of olive-oil-based products and therefore this research is intended to find the most cost-effective treatment and achieve an alternative treatment. METHODS/DESIGN The main objective is to assess the effectiveness of olive oil, comparing it with HOFA, to treat immobilized patients at home who are at risk of pressure ulcers. As a secondary objective, the cost-effectiveness balance of this new application with regard to the HOFA will be assessed. The study is designed as a noninferiority, triple-blinded, parallel, multi-center, randomized clinical trial. The scope of the study is the population attending primary health centers in Andalucía (Spain) in the regional areas of Malaga, Granada, Seville, and Cadiz. Immobilized patients at risk of pressure ulcers will be targeted. The target group will be treated by application of an olive-oil-based formula whereas the control group will be treated by application of HOFA to the control group. The follow-up period will be 16 weeks. The main variable will be the presence of pressure ulcers in the patient. Secondary variables include sociodemographic and clinical information, caregiver information, and whether technical support exists. Statistical analysis will include the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, symmetry and kurtosis analysis, bivariate analysis using the Student's t and chi-squared tests as well as the Wilcoxon and the Man-Whitney U tests, ANOVA and multivariate logistic regression analysis. DISCUSSION The regular use of olive-oil-based formulas should be effective in preventing pressure ulcers in immobilized patients, thus leading to a more cost-effective product and an alternative treatment. TRIAL REGISTRATION Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT01595347.
Material adicional: La Guía de práctica clínica se completa con la "Guía rápida de consulta para el cuidado de personas con úlceras neoplásicas" y la guía para pacientes y cuidadores "Aprendiendo a conocer y mejorar sus cuidados. Versión para personas que padecen úlceras neoplásicas"