817 resultados para Medical Subject Headings::Information Science::Information Science::Data Collection
There is limited information on the role of penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) in the resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii to β-lactams. This study presents an analysis of the allelic variations of PBP genes in A. baumannii isolates. Twenty-six A. baumannii clinical isolates (susceptible or resistant to carbapenems) from three teaching hospitals in Spain were included. The antimicrobial susceptibility profile, clonal pattern, and genomic species identification were also evaluated. Based on the six complete genomes of A. baumannii, the PBP genes were identified, and primers were designed for each gene. The nucleotide sequences of the genes identified that encode PBPs and the corresponding amino acid sequences were compared with those of ATCC 17978. Seven PBP genes and one monofunctional transglycosylase (MGT) gene were identified in the six genomes, encoding (i) four high-molecular-mass proteins (two of class A, PBP1a [ponA] and PBP1b [mrcB], and two of class B, PBP2 [pbpA or mrdA] and PBP3 [ftsI]), (ii) three low-molecular-mass proteins (two of type 5, PBP5/6 [dacC] and PBP6b [dacD], and one of type 7 (PBP7/8 [pbpG]), and (iii) a monofunctional enzyme (MtgA [mtgA]). Hot spot mutation regions were observed, although most of the allelic changes found translated into silent mutations. The amino acid consensus sequences corresponding to the PBP genes in the genomes and the clinical isolates were highly conserved. The changes found in amino acid sequences were associated with concrete clonal patterns but were not directly related to susceptibility or resistance to β-lactams. An insertion sequence disrupting the gene encoding PBP6b was identified in an endemic carbapenem-resistant clone in one of the participant hospitals.
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous disease whose prognosis is mainly related to the biological risk conferred by cytogenetics and molecular profiling. In elderly patients (60 years) with normal karyotype AML miR-3151 have been identified as a prognostic factor. However, miR-3151 prognostic value has not been examined in younger AML patients. In the present work, we have studied miR-3151 alone and in combination with BAALC, its host gene, in a cohort of 181 younger intermediate-risk AML (IR-AML) patients. Patients with higher expression of miR-3151 had shorter overall survival (P=0.0025), shorter leukemia-free survival (P=0.026) and higher cumulative incidence of relapse (P=0.082). Moreover, in the multivariate analysis miR-3151 emerged as independent prognostic marker in both the overall series and within the unfavorable molecular prognostic category. Interestingly, the combined determination of both miR-3151 and BAALC improved this prognostic stratification, with patients with low levels of both parameters showing a better outcome compared with those patients harboring increased levels of one or both markers (P=0.003). In addition, we studied the microRNA expression profile associated with miR-3151 identifying a six-microRNA signature. In conclusion, the analysis of miR-3151 and BAALC expression may well contribute to an improved prognostic stratification of younger patients with IR-AML.
BACKGROUND The use of remote follow-up (RF) of people with pacemakers (PM) is limited in comparison to the hospital modality (HS), being still poor the scientific evidence that shows their comparative effectiveness. The aim of this study was to compare the quality of life in individuals with different modalities of follow-up. METHODS Controlled, not randomized nor masked clinical trial, with data collection at pre and post-implantation of pacemakers during the 6 months follow-up. All patients over 18 years-old who were implanted a PM during the study period were selected (n = 83), and they were assigned to RF (n = 30) or HF (n = 53) groups according to their personal characteristics and patient's preferences. Baseline characteristics and number of visits to the hospital were analysed, the EuroQol-5D (EQ5D) questionnaire was administered to evaluate the health-related quality of life, and Duke Activity Status Index (DASI) to assess the functional capacity. RESULTS There were no significant differences between both groups in relation to the baseline analysis, EQ5D (RF:0.7299; HF:0.6769) and DASI (RF:21.41; HF:19.99). At 6 months the quality of life was improved in both groups (EQ5D RF:0.8613; HF:0.8175; p = 0,439) still without significant differences between them. DASI score was similar to baseline (20.51 vs 21.80). RF group performed less transmissions/visits per patient (1.57) than hospital group (1.96; relative reduction 31%; p = 0.015). CONCLUSIONS Remote follow-up of people with pacemakers might be considered as an equivalent option to the hospital follow-up in relation to the quality of life and it reduces the number of hospital visits.
Teicoplanin is frequently administered to treat Gram-positive infections in pediatric patients. However, not enough is known about the pharmacokinetics (PK) of teicoplanin in children to justify the optimal dosing regimen. The aim of this study was to determine the population PK of teicoplanin in children and evaluate the current dosage regimens. A PK hospital-based study was conducted. Current dosage recommendations were used for children up to 16 years of age. Thirty-nine children were recruited. Serum samples were collected at the first dose interval (1, 3, 6, and 24 h) and at steady state. A standard 2-compartment PK model was developed, followed by structural models that incorporated weight. Weight was allowed to affect clearance (CL) using linear and allometric scaling terms. The linear model best accounted for the observed data and was subsequently chosen for Monte Carlo simulations. The PK parameter medians/means (standard deviation [SD]) were as follows: CL, [0.019/0.023 (0.01)] × weight liters/h/kg of body weight; volume, 2.282/4.138 liters (4.14 liters); first-order rate constant from the central to peripheral compartment (Kcp), 0.474/3.876 h(-1) (8.16 h(-1)); and first-order rate constant from peripheral to central compartment (Kpc), 0.292/3.994 h(-1) (8.93 h(-1)). The percentage of patients with a minimum concentration of drug in serum (Cmin) of <10 mg/liter was 53.85%. The median/mean (SD) total population area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) was 619/527.05 mg · h/liter (166.03 mg · h/liter). Based on Monte Carlo simulations, only 30.04% (median AUC, 507.04 mg · h/liter), 44.88% (494.1 mg · h/liter), and 60.54% (452.03 mg · h/liter) of patients weighing 50, 25, and 10 kg, respectively, attained trough concentrations of >10 mg/liter by day 4 of treatment. The teicoplanin population PK is highly variable in children, with a wider AUC distribution spread than for adults. Therapeutic drug monitoring should be a routine requirement to minimize suboptimal concentrations. (This trial has been registered in the European Clinical Trials Database Registry [EudraCT] under registration number 2012-005738-12.).
The Leishmania genus is formed by parasitic protozoa which are transmitted by the bite of infected female sand flies. Cases of sexual, vertical or transfusional transmission or via infected needles have also been described. In humans, 4 forms of this disease have been described: localised cutaneous (LC), diffuse cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral (1). LC counts for 50–75% of all cases (2), it is the mildest form of the disease and can be caused by any species of Leishmania. In Spain, the most frequent form is the oriental sore caused by L. infantum (2). Most cases resolve spontaneously within one year. In United States and Europe, the incidence is increasing due to tourism and co-infection with HIV. The morphological spectrum of LC is very wide; multiple forms of clinical presentation have been described, although the most characteristic one is the nodular ulcerative lesion, characterised by painless crater-like ulcers with a necrotic base and covered by an adhesive crust. The main complication of LC is its progression in some strains towards the other 3 forms of the disease (3). In patients with AIDS and other diseases associated with immunosuppression the risk of dissemination is much higher than in the immunocompetent. We present a case of LC with clinical and histopathological features similar to a pyogenic granuloma.
Introduction: Our goal was to know the web contents and examine the technical information pest control services available to users through their webpages. Method: A total of 70 webpages from biocides services in the province of Málaga (Spain) were analyzed. We used 15 evaluation indicators grouped into 5 parameters relating to data of the service provider; information’s reliability and services; accuracy of content and writing style; technical resources and interaction with the users. As test instruments were used sectoral legislation, official records of products and deliveries, standards and technical guides. Results: Companies showed a remarkable degree of awareness with the implementation and use of new technologies. Aspects negative that they can have an impact on the confidence of users, relating to the reliability of the information and deficiencies associated with the description of the services portfolio and credentials of the companies were identified. The integration and use of collaborative platforms 2.0 was poorly developed and squandered. Discussion: It is possible to improve the trust of users intervening in those aspects that affect the reliability of the information provided on the web.
Artículo especial. Este texto está basado en el trabajo final del Master de Bioética y Humanización de la Asistencia realizado en la Escuela de Bioética de San Juan de Dios (Sevilla), Facultad de Teología de Granada, Universidad de Comillas durante los cursos 2006-07 y 2007-08.
This article is a reflection on the social uncertainty caused by Influenza A and on the consequences that it can have on decision making in health promotion policies. We use concepts and metaphors of the Rational Choice Theory, among them, the “ingratitude effect” or the “distrust effect”, as we analyse how these can become obstacles for the efficiency of prevention policies. Then, we focus on the information asymmetry of the principal-agent relationship, and we propose measures to diminish the “moral risk” that they cause. We finish by advancing some proposals for designing lines and strategies of action in health promotion policies.
Congenital naevi of the melanocytic system include numerous types, which differ in their clinical appearance, pattern of distribution, and histopathological features (1). Examples are large congenital melanocytic naevus, macular naevus spilus, papular naevus spilus, café-au-lait macules of neurofibromatosis 1, café-au-lait macules arranged in broad bands as noted in McCune-Albright syndrome, partial unilateral lentiginosis, naevus achromicus (naevus depigmentosus), phylloid hypermelanosis, and phylloid hypomelanosis (1–3). We describe here two patients with a systematized pigmentary naevus that differed from all naevi reported so far.
En port.: Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación. Consejería de Salud. Dirección General de Innovación Educativa. Consejería de Educación. Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud / Ciudadanía / Nuestra Salud / Vida sana / Salud bucodental / Materiales para la Salud Bucodental Infantil)
En la port.: Informe de investigación para la Consejería de Salud. Servicio de Promoción de la Salud y Planes Integrales
Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social/ Profesionales / Salud Pública /Prevención / Atención Temprana /)
En la port.: Informe de investigación para la Consejería de Salud. Servicio de Promoción de la Salud y Planes Integrales
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