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INTRODUCTION: Morbid obesity has grown enormously in recent decades, representing a serious public health problem. It is characterized by the accumulation of body fat and the presence of diseases associated with it, which affects the physical, psychological and social level. It has been considered bariatric ciguría as the most effective treatment for weight loss, getting the welfare of the obese person in the above-described drawings. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact on the quality of life of obese people before and after bariatric surgery be tapped using the technique of laparoscopic gastrectomy (GVL) in a follow short, medium and long term. METHOD: The study population are all people with morbid obesity and are candidates for surgery, presenting at Torrecárdenas Bariatric Surgery Hospital (Almería). The design is a descriptive, longitudinal study, prospective. RESULTS: After evaluation of the obese patients a year, two years and five years after surgery, there has been decrease in weight, therefore decrease in BMI and the degree of obesity, improvement or disappearance of comorbidities and increased CV variables. DISCUSSION: The GVL gets reduce excess weight and therefore BMI and the degree of obesity, as well as the number of obesity-associated diseases, thus increasing the CV.
Introduction.The new demands of a fast changing world necessitate expanding the traditional concepts of nursing, extending the classical aspects to cover new areas. Purpose. Based on their professional duties, the nursing team in the pharmacy of a second level hospital aimed to establish a theoretical and situational framework for nurses working in the central services. Material and Methods. Application of the nursing process to nursing work in an area with no direct contact with patients. Results and Discussion. The application of the NANDA diagnoses to professional practice enabled the establishment of a nursing diagnosis with the implementation of measures designed to overcome a stressful situation with a risk of becoming unmotivated. Main Conclusion. The capacity to adapt the nursing profession to undertake new roles in the field of healthcare and the power of nursing own methodological resources permit the indirect care of “faceless” patients to be complemented with the inclusion of nurses from other services as clients, forming the focus of care, who can thus be helped with their daily care work.
The study provides a systematic review that explores the current literature on olfactory capacity in abnormal eating behavior. The objective is to present a basis for discussion on whether research in olfaction in eating disorders may offer additional insight with regard to the complex etiopathology of eating disorders (ED) and abnormal eating behaviors. Electronic databases (Medline, PsycINFO, PubMed, Science Direct, and Web of Science) were searched using the components in relation to olfaction and combining them with the components related to abnormal eating behavior. Out of 1352 articles, titles were first excluded by title (n = 64) and then by abstract and fulltext resulting in a final selection of 14 articles (820 patients and 385 control participants) for this review. The highest number of existing literature on olfaction in ED were carried out with AN patients (78.6%) followed by BN patients (35.7%) and obese individuals (14.3%). Most studies were only conducted on females. The general findings support that olfaction is altered in AN and in obesity and indicates toward there being little to no difference in olfactory capacity between BN patients and the general population. Due to the limited number of studies and heterogeneity this review stresses on the importance of more research on olfaction and abnormal eating behavior.
Introduction: Our goal was to know the web contents and examine the technical information pest control services available to users through their webpages. Method: A total of 70 webpages from biocides services in the province of Málaga (Spain) were analyzed. We used 15 evaluation indicators grouped into 5 parameters relating to data of the service provider; information’s reliability and services; accuracy of content and writing style; technical resources and interaction with the users. As test instruments were used sectoral legislation, official records of products and deliveries, standards and technical guides. Results: Companies showed a remarkable degree of awareness with the implementation and use of new technologies. Aspects negative that they can have an impact on the confidence of users, relating to the reliability of the information and deficiencies associated with the description of the services portfolio and credentials of the companies were identified. The integration and use of collaborative platforms 2.0 was poorly developed and squandered. Discussion: It is possible to improve the trust of users intervening in those aspects that affect the reliability of the information provided on the web.
BACKGROUND Skin patch test is the gold standard method in diagnosing contact allergy. Although used for more than 100 years, the patch test procedure is performed with variability around the world. A number of factors can influence the test results, namely the quality of reagents used, the timing of the application, the patch test series (allergens/haptens) that have been used for testing, the appropriate interpretation of the skin reactions or the evaluation of the patient's benefit. METHODS We performed an Internet -based survey with 38 questions covering the educational background of respondents, patch test methods and interpretation. The questionnaire was distributed among all representatives of national member societies of the World Allergy Organization (WAO), and the WAO Junior Members Group. RESULTS One hundred sixty-nine completed surveys were received from 47 countries. The majority of participants had more than 5 years of clinical practice (61 %) and routinely carried out patch tests (70 %). Both allergists and dermatologists were responsible for carrying out the patch tests. We could observe the use of many different guidelines regardless the geographical distribution. The use of home-made preparations was indicated by 47 % of participants and 73 % of the respondents performed 2 or 3 readings. Most of the responders indicated having patients with adverse reactions, including erythroderma (12 %); however, only 30 % of members completed a consent form before conducting the patch test. DISCUSSION The heterogeneity of patch test practices may be influenced by the level of awareness of clinical guidelines, different training backgrounds, accessibility to various types of devices, the patch test series (allergens/haptens) used for testing, type of clinical practice (public or private practice, clinical or research-based institution), infrastructure availability, financial/commercial implications and regulations among others. CONCLUSION There is a lack of a worldwide homogeneity of patch test procedures, and this raises concerns about the need for standardization and harmonization of this important diagnostic procedure.
INTRODUCTION Metastatic tumors account for 1.4-2.5% of thyroid malignancies. About 25-30% of patients with clear cell renal carcinoma (CCRC) have distant metastasis at the time of diagnosis, being the thyroid gland a rare localization [5%]. PRESENTATION OF THE CASE A 62-year woman who underwent a cervical ultrasonography and a PAAF biopsy reporting atypical follicular proliferation with a few intranuclear vacuoles "suggestive" of thyroid papillary cancer in the context of a multinodular goiter was reported. A total thyroidectomy was performed and the histology of a clear cell renal carcinoma (CCRC) was described in four nodules of the thyroid gland. A CT scan was performed and a renal giant right tumor was found. The patient underwent an eventful radical right nephrectomy and the diagnosis of CCRC was confirmed. DISCUSSION Thyroid metastasis (TM) from CCRC are usually apparent in a metachronic context during the follow-up of a treated primary (even many years after) but may sometimes be present at the same time than the primary renal tumor. Our case is exceptional because the TM was the first evidence of the CCRC, which was subsequently diagnosed and treated. CONCLUSION The possibility of finding of an incidental metastatic tumor in the thyroid gland from a previous unknown and non-diganosed primary (as CCRC in our case was) is rare and account only for less than 1% of malignancies. Nonetheless, the thyroid gland is a frequent site of metastasis and the presence of "de novo" thyroid nodules in oncologic patients must be always considered and studied.