28 resultados para Procedimientos quirúrgicos del sistema digestivo
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
URL del congreso: http://congresoinnovatics.org/content/presentaciones-innovatics-2013-0
The search of new health management formulas focused to give wide services is one of the priorities of our present health policies. Those formulas examine the optimization of the links between the main actors involved in public health, ie, users, professionals, local socio-political and corporate agents. This paper is aimed to introduce the Social Network Analysis as a method for analyzing, measuring and interpreting those connections. The knowledge of people's relationships (what is called social networks) in the field of public health is becoming increasingly important at an international level. In fact, countries such as UK, Netherlands, Italy, Australia and U.S. are looking formulas to apply this knowledge to their health departments. With this work we show the utility of the ARS on topics related to sustainability of the health system, particularly those related with health habits and social support, topics included in the 2020 health strategies that underline the importance of the collaborative aspects in networks.
Capítulo incluido en parte III del Congreso: Indicadores cuantitativos y cualitativos para el análisis de la colaboración científica
G17+1 está integrado por: Elena Primo (Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud), Verónica Juan (BV Andalucía), Montserrat Salas (BV Aragón), Mercedes Corrales y Raquel Lavandera (BV Asturias), Virgili Paéz (BV Baleares), Beatriz Duque (BV Canarias), Fanny Ribes (BV Cantabria), Marisa Alonso (BV Castilla-La Mancha), Pilar Díaz Ruiz (BV Castilla y León), Pilar Roqué (BV Cataluña), Francisco Javier Moreno (BV Extremadura), Teresa Mejuto (BV Galicia), Mayra García Berges y José Manuel Estrada (BV Madrid), Enrique Aguinaga y Juan Antonio Sánchez Sánchez (BV Murcia), Idoia Gaminde (BV Navarra) y Ricardo Aróstegui y Mª Asunción García Martín (BV País Vasco).
Presentado en la mesa redonda "Innovar en gestión de información: plataformas tecnológicas para creación de contenidos compartidos" de las XIII Jornadas Bibliotecarias de Andalucía (Granada, 5 y 6 Noviembre 2015).